Strict, friendly
Speaking, writing, smiling
Class on, class off
Three years
简评:在学生眼里三年高中眨眼就会过去,老师时而严厉时而慈祥,上课的印象最深的莫过于“Class Begins”和“Class is over”。 再读一遍,作为老师不禁感叹,人生能有几个three years, 送走一届学生,又迎来新生,接下来的三年会不会成为Ctrl+C和Contl+V呢?
Slowly he came from the path
Slowly he gave her the cloth
Slowly she fell in love with that man
Slowly she was accustomed to waiting on the distructed land.
Happily they agreed on the date
Happily she expected the coming day
Happily she married him
Happily she wished to have a good time.
Sadly he changed his heart
Sadly he never smiled to her
Sadly the man could escape
Sadly she couldn’t escape
Finally it was like a rose growing on the fertilizer
Finally she reallized
Finally the love was like a chain
Finally she would never love again
简评:没想到小宋同学竟然能写出四个stanza, 每段不同的开头,凸显了每一节的主题,陷入爱河是缓慢的,步入婚姻是幸福的,变心是令人伤心的,结局是让人领悟深刻的。每个小结的押韵也做的非常好。
Wind blows all night小楼一夜东风劲
Old memories make you cry 故园催人泪下不自禁
Willows still stand there 东窗梧桐依旧立
Sorrow and despair 已然无神意
Ask what’s your feeling 问君此去几多情
Friends sad about your leaving 父老折柳饯吾行
A poem for you
It snows in the sky
A boy is waiting for you at night
Birds fly
people sigh
he wants to say hi
for his love is so bright
but you just turn away
never let him say goodbye
When you look up at the starring sky
Stay there and don’t move your eye
Under the moonlight
The shadow of flowers is high
Don’t be shy
You’re the hero of the sight
I’ll stay by your side,
Forever if you like
简评:又是一首爱情诗,这次是女孩向男孩表白。不过,starring sky 和 moonlight能同时出现吗?LOL瑕不掩瑜。
Slowly the queen finds her losing pie
Slowly the carpenterworm transformed into a butterfly
Slowly Alice retrieves her momory
Slowly the Hatter protects his family
Slowly the girl arrives in the wonderland
Slowly the woman is equal to the man.