但你什么意思? 我又没权知道
But what do you mean? I’m not allowed to know.
为什么? 安全问题
Why not? Security.
您看 大臣 既然首相不在 党务由您负责
Since in the PM’s absence you are deputising on party matters,
请看这个 财政大臣的安全档案
I can show you the file on the Chancellor of the Exchequer?
理论上讲 不该给您看 但是…
Technically, I can’t show you any of it, but, er…
基于目前局势 我感到您必须有所了解
under the circumstances, I can show you relevant items.
Here’s a summary of the reports from the security services.
Special Branch…
There we are.
对了 他司机的供述
Interview with his driver.
And the PM’s confidential memo.
当然都严格保密 当然
Strictest secrecy, of course. Of course.
Dirty old…!
You wouldn’t have thought he had the time,
a workaholic like Eric.
I’ve found that people who are highly active in one area
tend to be equally active in all the others.
You wouldn’t think he went in for…
似乎时下的说法是”平行慢跑” 大臣
I understand the current expression is horizontal jogging
这些事都有年头了吧 证据也不确凿
All this was some time ago and it doesn’t seem very conclusive.
对对 所以首相让他当财长
That’s why the PM thought it all right for him to be Chancellor.
But the Yugoslavian one and the two South Africans,
not to mention the shady lady from Argentina…
有人觉得她只是个幌子 幌子?怎么讲?
And it’s thought she’s just a cover anyway. Cover? What for?
Good heavens!
If all these ladies were just covers
what on earth were his real requirements?
我还真没法说 哦
I really can’t tell you. Ooh!
So it was thought that Foreign Office might be too delicate.
那可不是 如果他当上首相
I can see that! Then, if he were PM…
安♥全♥部♥门也会落到他手中 后果不堪设想
Head of security services as well. It’s unthinkable.
You’re saying it’s got to be Duncan.
我正要提这个 这是他的档案
I was coming to that. This is his file.
Special Branch again.
Then we have the Fraud Squad…
Inland Revenue…
秘密核算报告 英格兰银行汇票副本
Bank of England foreign exchange division…
How much do you want?
All this was technically legal at the time, wasn’t it?
对 理论上也许合法 但他就不能再当财长
Yes but it ruled him out of consideration for the Treasury.
这些都哪来的 军情五处?
How did they get all this Ml5?
这个 只能说已经卷入够深了
let’s just say it’s all been gone into quite enough.
Like the shady lady!
这也太劲爆了吧 问我♥干♥吗 我又没看
Isn’t it all astounding? I don’t know. I haven’t seen it
汉弗莱 不要以为我笨… 哦 大臣 说哪里话
Don’t think me foolish. Oh, Minister, perish the thought
对不起 杰弗里来干什么? 不能冒这个险
Geoffrey. Why are you here? We dare not allow these scandals.
丑闻抖出去 党派和国家都脸上无光
If they are, it would embarrass the country and the party
if either of them became head of government.
我们可不想被人光着屁♥股♥抓住 就像埃里克
We can’t be caught with our trousers down. Like Eric!
I see.
确实 事态很严重
Yes, this is serious.
非常严重 非常严重
Very serious. Very serious.
要是他俩之一上台会怎样? 那就严重了
What happens if one them became PM? Something very serious
非常严重 确实
Very serious. I see.
严重的后果 严重的后果
Serious repercussions… Serious repercussions…
…of the utmost seriousness.
对 还真是严重
Yes, that is serious.
实际上 我敢说严重到不能再严重
I would say that it could hardly be more serious.
好吧 至少我们都同意 确实挺严重
Well, I think we’re all agreed, then, this is serious.
What happens now?
党内得提出新候选人 要快
The party needs to agree on another candidate, quick.
组织秘书想问您有没有人选 作为党主席
The Chief Whip wondered if you had any ideas As Party Chairman
Well, it’s rather difficult.
你们要找一个出类拔萃的人 做首相的料
You’re looking for a potential Prime Minister.
他得可靠 对
Someone who’s sound. Yes.
对 健全
Yes. Normal.
有凝聚力 对
Solvent. Yes.
And acceptable to both wings of the party.
并且要懂得采纳意见 大臣
And someone who understands how to take advice
对 这个…
Yes. Well…
天呐 得推荐谁呢?
Gosh! Who can I suggest?
您自己想不想干? 我?
Have you thought of doing the job yourself? Me?!
怎么不行? 您不愿意当首相?
Why not? Wouldn’t you want to be Prime Minister?
当然愿意 不过…责任重大啊
I’d love to be, but… It’s a very big job
我不一定当得起 首相呀
I’m not sure I could. Prime Minister!
Perhaps He feels he’s not Prime Ministerial calibre.
绝对没那回事 汉弗莱
There isn’t any doubt about that, Humphrey
不不 我也不那么想 不过您在犹豫
No, not in my mind. But you seem hesitant.
做人要谦虚嘛 但我自信我能胜任
Modesty forbids. But I have no doubt I can do the job.
谦虚之至 大臣 还剩一个问题
Modestly put. There’s only one fly in the ointment.
You’re a bit of an outsider
Can you organise some public success in the next few days?
有点麻烦 我正陷在欧洲香肠堆里呢
A tall order. I’m up to my neck in the Euro sausage!
不能发动宣传 让大家知道我有意参选吗?
Won’t it be enough to let people know I want the job?
恰恰相反 最好让大家知道你绝无此意
Quite the reverse! Better to let people know you DON’T want it.
这就够了? 对 只要您跟谁都这么说
Would that be enough? If you tell everybody that, yes.
宣传我来做 您只说您完全没这个野心
Leave it to me. Say you have no ambitions in that direction.
好吧 可如果有人问”你不愿负责任吗?”
Supposing somebody says, “Do you refuse to stand?”
你知道 媒体会下套 大臣 我无权多嘴 不过
the media try to trap you. It’s not my place, but
一贯的回答是 “尽管一个人不谋其位”
previously answer was “While one does not seek the office
“one has pledged oneself to the service of one’s country,
“若是众望所归 唯有上台才最能造福国家”
“and if friends persuade one that was the best way to serve
“one might have to accept the responsibility
whatever one’s own private wishes might be.”
“舍弃私心…” 好吧 我记住了
“…private wishes might be.” Yes, I think I’ve got that.
So, it’s a three-way election, then.
若能团结一致 那是最好 公众喜欢团结
it should be an unopposed. Unity sits well with the public.
党内也会欢迎 埃里克和邓肯不会
The party will welcome that. Eric and Duncan won’t!
Eric and Duncan must be persuaded to withdraw.
哦 你要找他们谈谈
Oh. You mean you’ll have a word with them
我谈不了 我没看过档案
I can’t. I haven’t seen the files.
你呢 汉弗莱? 不行 大臣 这是党内事务
Humphrey, then. No, it’s an internal party matter.
我插手不合适 那么 谁…
It would be most improper. Well, who…
You don’t mean…?
我不行 没有别人行
I can’t! No one else can.
You want me to tell one of my colleagues
他们一个是诈骗犯 一个是变♥态♥狂
he’s a swindler and the other he’s a pervert!
不必挑明 大臣 就说您不相信他们有错
Say you don’t believe they’ve done anything wrong.
Just let them know you know something.
They’ll tell me to mind my own business!
Then you say, as Chairman, it’s your duty
to see the information reaches those who need to know.
党内执政者 主要捐助人
The Party Executive, major contributors,
元老 财团 皇室之类的
elder statesmen, patrons, the Palace, perhaps.
说清楚 他们别无选择 只能退出
Tell them they have no alternative but to pull out
and support someone who will protect them.
You want me to protect them?
他们的私事不影响国♥家♥安♥全♥ 别人就无权干涉
It’s nobody else’s business as long as security’s not involved.
我可做不来 您没选择 您都知道了
I don’t have the stomach. You have no choice. you know.
别人不知道我知道 就当没这回事
Nobody else knows. Let’s just forget all about it!
您真有魄力 魄力?为什么?
That would be very courageous. Courageous? Why?
如果将来出了事 爆出来您掩盖了内情
If later emerged you had the information and suppressed it
你要泄漏出去? 你徇私舞弊
You mean you’d leak it? Covering up for your chums…
“为救好友自毁前程 善莫大焉”(新约)
Greater love hath no man than should lay down his career.
汉弗莱 你威胁我
Humphrey, you’re threatening me!
不 大臣 我在帮助您
No, Minister, I’m helping you.
你看 吉姆 首相还得有一项素质
You see there’s one other quality Prime Ministers need.