

[verb] pull with a jerk
[动词] 猛拉


看到 yank 一词时很容易联想起许多与之结尾相同的单词,除了常见的 bank, rank, tank, thank, blank 外,还有前不久小站(微信公众号:田间小站)在熟词僻义栏目中推过的 plank 。

具体来说, yank 源自苏格兰语,1822年进入英语后即用来表示“猛拉、使劲拉、猛拽”,常作非正式用语使用,主要指突然使用很大的力气猛力拖拽,既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词使用,比如:

  • 他绊到了电线,一下子把插头拽了出来。然后他站起来走了,没有注意到他所造成的附带损害。
    He tripped over the cord and yanked the plug out. Then he got up and walked away, oblivious of the collateral damage he had caused.

用作名词时, yank 相应表示“突然的猛拉、使劲的一拉”,比如:

  • 门外有一块铜牌,上面用拉丁字母列着各位牙科医生的名字。他使劲一拉门想把它打开。
    There was a brass plaque outside the door listing the various dentists’ names rendered in the Latin alphabet. He gave the door a yank to open it.

值得注意的是,大写首字母的名词 Yank 在英式英语中是贬义词 Yankee (美国佬、美国人)的缩写词,比如:

  • 这地方全是美国佬。
    The place was full of Yanks.


Someone yanked Harry up by the hair, dragged him a short way, pushed him down into a sitting position, then started binding him back-to-back with other people.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第七本《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)。


  • But the electoral successes of Donald Trump and the campaign to yank Britain out of the European Union (EU) have shaken the dismal science.
  • Comets are icy leftovers from the anarchic birth of the solar system that occasionally are yanked by the forces of gravity toward the sun.


  1. Yank the cord – 拉动绳子
  2. Yank the handle – 拉动把手
  3. Yank out the weeds – 拔草
  4. Yank a tooth – 拔牙
  5. Yank the door open – 猛拉门开
  6. Yank the leash – 拉动绳索
  7. Yank the rope – 猛拉绳子
  8. Yank a plant from the ground – 猛拔植物
  9. Yank the plug – 拔掉插头
  10. Yank the steering wheel – 猛拉方向盘
  11. Yank the rug – 猛拉地毯
  12. Yank the chain – 猛拉链条
  13. Yank the shirt collar – 猛拉衣领
  14. Yank a stuck drawer – 猛拉卡住的抽屉
  15. Yank a hair out – 猛拔一根头发
  16. Yank the bandage off – 猛扯绷带
  17. Yank the curtain aside – 猛拉开窗帘
  18. Yank the hose – 猛拉软管
  19. Yank the trigger – 猛扳扳机
  20. Yank the handbrake – 猛拉手刹
  21. Yank a book from the shelf – 猛拽书架上的书
  22. Yank the chain saw – 猛拉链锯
  23. Yank the backpack off – 猛扯背包
  24. Yank a wrench – 猛拉扳手
  25. Yank the handlebars – 猛拉把手
  26. Yank a stuck zipper – 猛拉卡住的拉链
  27. Yank the bedsheet – 猛拉床单
  28. Yank the drawer open – 猛拉抽屉开
  29. Yank the suitcase handle – 猛拉手提箱把手
  30. Yank the handbrake – 猛拉手刹
  31. Yank the starter cord – 猛拉启动绳
  32. Yank the fishing line – 猛拉钓鱼线
  33. Yank a knot loose – 猛拽解开结
  34. Yank the tape measure – 猛拉卷尺
  35. Yank the gearshift – 猛拉换挡杆
  36. Yank the power cord – 猛拉电源线
  37. Yank a stubborn nail – 猛拔顽固的钉子
  38. Yank the headphone cable – 猛拉耳机线
  39. Yank a stuck zipper – 猛拉卡住的拉链
  40. Yank the lever – 猛拉杆


jerk: a quick, sharp, sudden movement
tug: a hard or sudden pull
twitch: cause to move in a specified direction by giving a sharp pull

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
