Can Big Jack come out to play?
小杰克真的必须走了 小凯丝就是如此孤独
Little Jack really has to get going. – Little Katie’s been so lonely…
不 不 不
No. No. No.
杰克 您怎么了
Jack. What is it?
有些事情我必须告诉您 有另外一个人和我
There’s something I have to tell you. There’s someone else and I…
There’s someone else?
另外一个 我必须立刻去见的人 大案子
Someone else that I have to be meeting right now. Big deal going.
Can’t be in two places at the same time.
晚点告诉您 再见
Talk to you later. Bye.
Here we are.
好 我必须跑了 对不起 再见
OK, I’ve gotta run. Sorry. Bye.
泰丝 您忘记了您的…笔记本
Tess, you forgot your…notebook.
杰 克
见面杰克 2点45分
下午2点 特拉斯克公♥司♥
博林格林 4号♥
That little slut.
Goddamn little bitch secretary.
嗨 我和特拉斯克先生有个约会
Hi. I have a meeting with Mr Trask.
好 可以给我您的名字吗 泰丝麦吉尔
Your name, please? – Tess McGill.
好了 房♥间在楼梯的尽头
All right. It’s at the top of the stairs.
Miss McGill.
下午好 我来帮您拿大衣
Good afternoon. Let me take your coat.
谢谢 请这边走
Thank you. – This way, please.
Thank you.
嗨 嗨 一切都好吗
Hi. – Hi. Is everything OK?
对 对 至今您是佩蒂麦诗公♥司♥ 唯一参加的人 这到底是怎么回事
Yeah, yeah. You’re the only one from Petty here so far. What’s going on?
这次我是独奏曲 好吧
Flying solo on this. – Good.
Old Armbrister and Trask are over there.
我们等着看他们的烟囱 冒出什么颜色的烟
We’re waiting to see what colour smoke comes out of the chimney.
我问您 如果我的一个同事 有一个需要帮助的主意
Tell me something. If a colleague of mine had a strategy they needed help with,
如果我请您帮忙 您会关注他吗 是的 当然了
would you look at it if I asked you to? – Yeah, sure.
没有道德规范上的问题 比如怕被指控剽窃
No ethics problem? You know, open to accusations about stealing?
我一直都很注意 永远不会有人指控我剽窃
I look at stuff all the time. Nobody’s ever accused me of stealing.
What’s it about?
我也不知道 我很紧张 我快站不住了
I don’t know. I’m so nervous, I can’t stand still.
You’ll be fine.
I love you.
I love you too.
There was a story on the news last night
讲述模拟人生 一个小孩子的智慧
showing life imitating an old children’s riddle.
一辆卡车被卡在 荷兰隧♥道♥的入口处 因为超出了标高
A truck got stuck at the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. Too high for the clearance.
专家们用了几个小时 想办法把车弄进去 但是无济于事
For hours, the experts tried to find some way to unwedge the vehicle, but to no avail.
最后 一辆路过汽车里的 一个10岁大的女孩
Finally, a 10-year-old girl in a passing car
建议说 只需要慢慢地 放出卡车轮胎里的气
suggested simply letting the air out of the truck’s tyres,
就可以降低卡车的高度 他们最终那样做了
thus lowering it to the clearance level, which they did.
然后 卡车顺利通过
And it worked.
好了 在我们进军广电业的策略里的 被放出的那一点点气
Well, by letting some of the air out of our strategy to expand into broadcasting,
就是麦吉尔小姐和崔纳先生 在特拉斯克给我们看到的
Miss McGill and Mr Trainer have effectively shown all of us here at Trask
the light at the end of our tunnel.
先生们 噢 女士们
Gentlemen and ladies.
我已经决定 将新城广播网 出♥售♥给特拉斯克先生
I’ve decided to sell Mr Trask the Metro Radio System
价格是6850万 现金或有价证卷
for $68.5 million in cash and securities.
当然了 在目前 这只是一个原则上的协议
Now, of course, this is an agreement in principle.
至于 在这个时代 这个原则是什么构成的
As to what constitutes principles in this day and age,
I’m gonna leave that up to you barracudas to squabble over.
我可以确定 他们一定希望听到这些
I’m certain they’ll want to hear this.
小姐 这是一个闭门会议 您不能
Miss, this is a closed meeting and you can’t…
感谢上帝 我终于赶到了
Thank God I’m here.
这到底是怎么回事 您们都被欺骗了
What the hell is going on? – You’re being tricked.
凯瑟琳 什么 杰克 请相信我并且坐下
Katharine, what… – Jack, just trust me and sit down.
我是凯瑟琳帕克 佩蒂麦诗公♥司♥ 兼并和收♥购♥部的合作伙伴
I’m Katharine Parker. I’m an associate partner in Mergers and Acquisitions at Petty Marsh.
And this woman is my secretary.
她不是 噢 不是 那您问她呀
She’s not. – Oh, no? Ask her.
您不会是她的秘书 我可以解释 杰克
You’re not her secretary. – I can explain, Jack.
哦 天啊 您真的是她的秘书
Oh, Jesus. You are her secretary.
While I was laid up with broken bones,
她在我办公桌的备忘录上面 找到了特拉斯克 广电收♥购♥案的大纲
she rifled through my desk, found my memo outlining a Trask radio acquisition
and has been passing it off as her idea.
那本来就是我的主意 是她偷了我的主意 我发誓
It was my idea. She stole it from me, I swear.
善良的上帝呀 泰丝 您还不停止吗
Good God, Tess. Don’t you know when to stop?
But you’re lying.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you all so much.
还好我发现的及时 还能控制♥造♥成的损失
The upside is that I have found out in time to control the damage.
We have containment and we have a deal on the table.
请给我整套文件资料 我们继续开会
I say pass me a set of papers and let’s get on with it.
Who’s running this thing?
Just a second, please.
我知道您不相信我了 但是
I know you don’t believe me, but…
反正也没关系了 实在对不起
It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.
对不起 实在对不起了
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
好 先生们
Well, gentlemen.
运动员可以更换 但是比赛还是一样的进行
The players may have changed, but the game is the same.
比赛的名字是 让我完成它
The name of the game is “Let’s make a deal”.
在大纲的第22页上面 来看转让的条款
If you turn to page 22 in your prospectus, I’ll take you through the terms of transferral.
好啊 他们终于结婚了
Well, they did it.
对 他们真的做到了
Yeah. They sure did.
You really look great.
您怎么样 好 很好
How are you? – Good, good.
生意不错 米克 看见我了吗
Business is great and… – Mick, did you see me?
I caught it one-handed.
噢 嗨 嗨 朵琳
Hi. – Hey, Doreen.
我的船三周后运到 朵琳帮我处理
And my boat’s booked through three weeks from now. Doreen’s workin’ the lines for me.
那样很好 真的
That’s great. Really.
那您在快车道上的生活 怎么样
So how’s life in the fast lane?
噢 当然是很快
Well, it’s fast.
是真正的快速 繁忙和
It’s real fast and busy and…
很高兴见到您 米克 我想我还是最好先走了
It’s good to see you, Mick. I guess I’d better get.
对 我也很高兴见到您
Yeah, it’s good to see you too.
馨告诉了我们您的事情 真是枪打出头鸟 泰丝 真是可惜了
Cyn told us about what happened. It really bites the big one, Tess. Really.
我们举♥行♥了一个小型的募捐 谢谢大家
We took up a little collection. – Thanks.
不是很多 只是在您需要的时候 刚好够您出去喝上一晚
It’s not much. Just enough to go out and get toasted some night when you really need it.
千万不要说不需要 我们是真心的
Don’t say no. We really wanted to.
And no paying the Con Ed with it.
好吧 谢谢
OK. Thanks.
So what are you gonna do now, huh?
您知道 我可以打打高尔夫 装♥修♥一下乡间的别♥墅♥
You know… Play some golf, redecorate the country house.
其实我也不知道 一切从头开始 找一份工作 找一个住的地方
I don’t know. Start all over. Find ajob, a place to live.
然后好好的清醒过来 对所有的事 都不要太认真
And just wise up and not take the whole thing so seriously.
I’ll be OK.
再见 再见 亲爱的
Bye. – Bye, sweetie.
谢谢 我们会想念您
Thank you. – Miss you.
祝您好运 再见 泰丝
Good luck. – Bye, Tess.
不要工作得太累 再见 泰丝
Don’t work too hard. – Bye, Tess.
我试着到处找您 请让我一个人待一会
I’ve been trying to find you. – Just leave me alone.
只有一件事 您和我在一起 也是您计划的一部分吗
Just one thing. Was you and me just part of the scheme too?

如果我告诉您 我只是某个秘书 您是不可能会见我的
If I’d told you I was just some secretary, you never would’ve taken the meeting.
Think about it.
也许您只会灌我喝几杯酒 然后试着把我 装进您的口袋里就完了
Maybe you’d have fed me a few drinks and tried to get me into the sack. End of story.
那不是真的 您确定吗
That’s not true. – Are you sure about that?
您能不能诚实的告诉我那会有什么不一样的结果吗 到底是谁愚弄谁
Can you honestly tell me it wouldn’t have made a difference? Who’s fooling who here?
这是些什么 您偷的其他文件
What’s this? More stolen files?
