“Though he had come to like the idea of the rough ground,
“he couldn’t bring himself to live there.
现在他在地面和冰面之间徘徊 哪里都不是他的归宿
“So now he was marooned between Earth and ice, at home in neither.
“And this was the cause of all his grief.”
♪ 莫扎特《A小调回旋曲》K.511 ♪
色动力学 量子之王 万岁
Hail Chromodynamics, Lord of Quantum.
这里是“夸克 粲数和奇异数”的报道
This is Quark, Charm and Strangeness reporting.
Concerning the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein deceased.
The solution to the riddle of life in space and time
lies outside space and time.
但是你我都知道 谜是不存在的
But as you know and I know, there are no riddles.
如果问题终究还是能够提出 那么解答也就是可能的
If a question can be put at all, it can also be answered.
♪ 赛萨尔·弗兰克《A大调小提琴钢琴奏鸣曲》♪