我是一个训练有素的演员, 现在却几乎成了一个乞丐
I’m a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum!
看看我们! 文明社会的成员的权利 竟然被剥夺了!
I mean, look at us! Nothing that reasonable members of society demand as their rights!
没有电冰箱, 没有电视,没有电♥话♥
No fridges, no televisions, no phones!
最重要的是, 我准备要叫一份外卖♥♥
Much more of this, I’m gonna apply for Meals On Wheels.
-你的香烟广♥告♥怎么了? -那也是我想知道的事情
– What happened to your cigar commercial? – That’s what I want to know.
我的经纪人发生什么事情了? 那个混♥蛋♥一定是死了
What happened to my agent? Bastard must have died.
September. Bad patch.
垃圾,我在职业介绍所 很久没有看过吉尔古德
Rubbish. I haven’t seen Gielgud down the Labor Exchange.
Why doesn’t he retire?
Oh, look at this little bastard!
“男孩获得 意大利获秀导演的赏识”
“Boy lands plum role for top Italian director. ”
他当然得到那份工作了, 可能每天有十英镑, 我知道那钱的用处
‘Course he does. Probably on a tenner a day, and I know what for.
每个乳♥房♥♥两英镑是便士, 然后他的屁♥股♥是五英镑
Two pound ten a tit, and a fiver for his arse.
-你有没有去过控制室? -你在说什么?
– Have you been at the controls? – What are you talking about?
温度调节器! 你对它们做了什么?
The thermostats! What have you done to them?
-我们有碰过它们 -那为什么我的头冷得发麻了?
– I haven’t touched them. – Then why has my head gone numb?
I must have some booze.
I demand to have some booze!
-如果我是你, 我就不会喝那东西 -为什么不喝?
– I wouldn’t drink that if I was you. – Why not?
Because I don’t advise it.
就算是酒鬼都不会喝那东西, 它比甲基化酒精更糟糕
Even the wankers on the site wouldn’t drink that. That’s worse than meths.
乱说, 这是比甲基化酒精更高级的酒
Nonsense. This is a far superior drink to meths.
酒鬼不喝, 是因为他们买♥♥不起
Wankers don’t drink it because they can’t afford it.
Have we got any more?
骗子! 在你工具箱里面的是什么东西?
Liar! What’s in your toolbox?
不,我们什么都没有, 坐下
No, we have nothing. Sit down.
骗子! 你有防冻剂
Liar! You’ve got antifreeze.
You bloody fool. You should never mix your drinks!
好的,计划是这样子, 我们会进去然后喝个痛快
All right, this is the plan. We’ll get in there and get wrecked.
然后我们吃猪肉馅饼, 然后吃两片曲米帕明 (抗狂躁抑郁症药)
Then we’ll eat a pork pie. Then we’ll drop a couple of Surmontil 50s each.
那就是说我们会一直到 星期二早上才会醒来
Means we’ll miss out Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning.
-那恶,心的味道是什么? -我鞋子上的香水
– What’s that appalling smell? – Perfume on my boots.
I had to scrub them with essence of petunia.
两大杯松子酒, 两品脱的苹果酒, 苹果酒里面加些冰
Two large gins, two pints of cider, ice in the cider.
如果我父亲是个有钱人, 我会跟他要钱
If my father was loaded, I’d ask him for some money.
如果你父亲是我父亲, 你就不可能拿到钱
If your father was my father, you wouldn’t get it.
-给你们,年轻人 -干杯
– Here you are, lads. – Chin-chin.
那么那个人怎样? 我忘记他的名字了
What about what’s-his-name?
-什么? -为什么你不给他打个电♥话♥?
– What about him? – Why don’t you give him a call?
-打电♥话♥给他干什么? -问问他房♥子的事情
– What for? – Ask him about his house.
你要我打电♥话♥给那个人, 然后问他房♥子的事情?
You want me to call what’s-his-name and ask him about his house?
-为什么不可以? -好的,他的电♥话♥号♥码是几号♥?
– Why not? – All right. What’s his number?
I have no idea. I’ve never met him.
Well, neither have I. Who the fuck are you talking about?
你的亲戚, 在乡村里面有房♥子的
Your relative with the house in the country.
-蒙蒂?蒙蒂叔叔? -没错,就是那个
– Monty? Uncle Monty? – Same. That’s the one.
把汽车修理好, 我们在乡下住一个礼拜
Get the Jag fixed up, spend a week in the country.
好的,给我六便士, 然后我会打电♥话♥给他
All right. Give us a tanner, and I’ll give him a bell.
给你,拿多一点 我要去小便
Here. Get a couple more. I’m going for a slash.
I could hardly piss straight with fear.
A man with three-quarters of an inch of brain had taken a dislike to me.
我做了什么事情让他生气? 我不是故意惹这样的人生气
What have I done to offend him? I don’t consciously offend big men like this.
And this one has a definite imbalance of hormone in him.
你要更有男子气概, 不然你会生活在困难之中
Get any more masculine than him, you’d have to live up a tree.
“我喜欢男子的屁♥股♥” 谁喜欢男子的屁♥股♥?
“I fuck arses. ” Who fucks arses?
可能外面那家伙 就喜欢男子的屁♥股♥
Maybe he fucks arses.
Maybe he’s written this in some moment of drunken sincerity?
I’m in considerable danger in here.
I must get out of here at once.
Perfumed ponce!
如果你知道蒙蒂邀请 我们去喝酒, 你一定会很高兴
You’ll be pleased to hear Monty’s invited us for drinks.
Balls to Monty. We’re getting out.
感谢蒙蒂? 我已经花了一个小时 讨好这个同性恋
Balls to Monty? I already spent an hour flattering the bugger.
那边有个人不喜欢香水, 不要看
There’s a man over there doesn’t like the perfume. A big one. Don’t look.
我们身处险境, 我们必须要想办法离开这里
We’re in danger. We’ve got to get out.
-你在说什么? -有人说我是娘娘腔
– What are you talking about? – I’ve been called a ponce.
What fucker said that?
I called him a ponce,
and now I’m calling you one.
Would you like a drink?
What’s your name? McFuck?
I have a heart condition. I have a heart condition.
If you hit me, it’s murder.
I’ll murder the pair of yous!
My wife is having a baby.
听好,我不知道我的… 朋友干了什么让你生气
Listen, I don’t know what my… acquaintance did to upset you,
but it’s nothing to do with me.
I suggest you both go outside…
and discuss it sensibly in the street.
Out of my way!
吃了安♥非♥他♥命♥ 就像坐上了大西洋航♥班♥…
Speed is like a dozen transatlantic flights…
without ever getting off the plane.
时间改变了, 失去一些东西,得到一些东西
Time change. You lose. You gain.
没有差别, 只要你继续吃这些药
Makes no difference, so long as you keep taking the pills.
但是迟早, 你都要摆脱它们
But sooner or later, you gotta get out…
because it’s crashing,
然后突然间, 那些冻结的时间…
and all at once those frozen hours…
melt through the nervous system…
and seep out the pores.
Bastards! Just to suck…
低级的便宜香烟, 那个混♥蛋♥不会看到我
some miserable cheap cigar, and the bastards won’t see me.
Why are we having lunch in here?
这是正餐, 而且丹尼也在这里
It’s dinner, and Danny’s here.
丹尼? 你怎么让他进来的?
Danny? How did he get in?
今天早上我让他进来的, 他丢了一个木屐
I let him in this morning. He lost one of his clogs.
是因为外面太冷了, 所以他才进来的
He’s come in because of this perpetual cold.
噢,我希望烟草的销♥售♥额 会直线下降
Oh, I hope tobacco sales plummet.
我拿了你的干腊肠, 给你,我不要了
I’ve got your saveloy. Here. I don’t want it.
那就把它塞进肥皂盒里面, 留着以后吃
Then stick it in a soap tray and save it for later.
不要对我发脾气! 我们都在同一条船上!
Don’t vent spleen on me! I’m in the same boat!
不要说了! 你不是跟我们在同一条船上
Stop saying that! You’re not in the same boat.
我唯一知道的事情就是我们 在同一间混♥蛋♥浴室里面!
The only thing you’re in that I have been in is this fucking bath!
丹尼在这里, 只会利用他的朋友
Danny’s here. Headhunter to his friends.
他会利用所有的人, 所以他没有任何朋友
Headhunter to everybody. He doesn’t have any friends.
The only people he converses with…
就是他的客人 有时候是警♥察♥
are his clients and occasionally the police.
The purveyor of rare herbs and prescribed chemicals is back.
Will we never be set free?
– Danny. – You’re looking very beautiful, man.
Have you been away?
St. Peter preached the epistles to the apostles looking like that.
Have you got any food?
Mmm. As a matter of fact, I got a saveloy.
How much is it?
You can have it for nothing.
-你好像穿着西装 -这跟你有什么关系?
– I see you’re wearing a suit. – What’s it got to do with you?
不用紧张,伙计, 我只是随便打量一下
No need to get uptight, man. I was merely making an observation.
两个礼拜之前我刚好在帮 运送毒品的家伙 找一套合适的西装
I happened to be looking for a suit for the Coalman two weeks ago.
但出于某些原因, 我真的不方便跟你们讨论…
For reasons I can’t really discuss with you…
他要去牙买♥♥加走私 一些毒品回来
the Coalman had to go to Jamaica.
然后从希斯罗机场 回来的时候被逮捕了
Got busted coming back through Heathrow.
Had a weight under his fez.
我们觉得他有一件西装 或许会好点
We worked out, it would be very handy karma for him to get hold of a suit.
但是那个家伙 是一个不怕冷的黑鬼
But he’s a very low-temperature spade, the Coalman.
在法庭上只穿着一件长袍, 还有一个大喇叭
Goes into court in his caftan and a bell.
