-结账吗? -恩
-All right? -All right.
哦 听着 我不是取笑或者什么 但是16岁?
Oh, look, I don’t mean to tease or nothing, but 16?
他不是你的小男孩了 我亲爱的
Your little boy’s gone, me darling.
他是个男人了 不好意思
He’s a man now. Excuse.
-你在干什么? -没什么
-What are you doing? -Nothing.
I’m waiting.
-等什么? -没什么
-For what? -Nothing.
恩 好啊 你可以在家等你的没什么 走
Yeah, well, you can wait for nothing at home! Come on.
I’ve got a surprise for you.
什么? 工作一天就罢♥工♥吗? 真是大惊喜
What? Quit work after just one day? Brilliant surprise.
不是 错过了你的生日我觉得很不好
No, I felt bad about missing your birthday.
Which one?
I got you a little present.
-哦 是吗? -恩 在你的房♥间里
-Oh, yeah? -Yeah, it’s in your room.
不是你 你待在这儿 那是你的
Uh, not you. Here y’are, that’s yours there.
Come in!
I won’t bite.
Who’s that?
一个朋友 她给迪恩准备了份礼物
She’s a friend. She’s got Dean’s present for him.
哦 是吗?
Oh, yeah?
Your dad said it’s your birthday.
It was.
哦 你猜怎么着?
Well, guess what?
It Still is!
-他们在干什么? -没什么
-What are they doing? -Nothing.
穿上你的外套 我们出去走走
Get your coat, we’re going for a walk.
哦 不 我想知道他们在干什么
Oh, no! I wanna know what they’re doing!
这正是 我们为什么要出去走走
Exactly, that’s why we’re going for a walk.
拿上你的外套 带上你的甜甜圈
Grab your coat, bring your doughnut.
让她出去 我要她现在就出去
Get her out! I want her out now!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What’s the problem?
Are you mad or something? You brought a brass back
to have sex with me in me own mum’s bed!
Well, they were all out of Action Man!
I want her out.
你好 迪恩 我来的不是时候吗?
Hello, Dean. Is this a bad time?
很好 海沃德先生 我希望我的厨房♥也这么干净
That’s very good, Mr Hayward. Wow, I wish my kitchen was that clean.
是啊…呃 这是浴室
Yeah… Er, it’s the bathroom.
Yeah, I can see that.
吉米的房♥间 稍稍整理过了
Yeah, Jimmy’s room. Had a little tidy up in there.
-厕所看起来不错 海沃德先生 -恩 是啊
-The toilet’s looking nice, Mr Hayward. -Yeah, yeah.
厕所 对 叫我比尔就好
Toilet. Yeah. Call me Bill.
不 约翰会非常高兴的
Yeah, no, er, John will be really pleased.
很好 恩 代我向他问好 好吧?
Oh, good, yeah. Well, send him my regards, won’t ya?
Yeah. Um, can I…?
-那是迪恩的卧室 -我知道 我能看一眼吗?
-That’s… That’s Dean’s bedroom. -Yeah, I know. Can I take a look?
我不介意 但是他 他可能会感觉有点不舒服
Well, I don’t mind, but he, he might be a bit uncomfortable with it.
You know what teenage boys are like.
对 好吧 我…我下次再看吧
Right, well, I’ll… I’ll save that for next time.
来跟海伦说再见 她要走了
Come and say bye to Helen. She’s off now.
我非常高兴 比尔 很大的改善
I’m really pleased, Bill. Big improvement.
很好 随时光临
Well, good. Well, pop by any time.
-你们刚才在争论什么? -争论?
-Um, what were you arguing about? -Arguing?
对 我到的时候很吵 为了什么?
Yeah, when I arrived. Those raised voices? What was it about?
那个 是 迪恩不喜欢他的生日礼物
Oh, that, yeah. Dean didn’t really like his birthday present.
-糟糕 是什么? -一辆旧自行车
-Oh, no. What was that? -An old bike.
-切开它 皮尔 -看那硬块 能通过吗?
-Crack it open then, Pill. -See that lump. Has that gone through?
啊 是的
Ahh, yeah!
-我已经能闻见了 就是那味道 -恩
-I can smell that already. Proper. -Yeah.
Making me need a pony!
-那儿 就是那种光泽 看 -那儿 看那儿
-There, that’s a proper shine. Look. -There, look at that.
-是你吗 罗克西? -是
-Is that you, Rox? -Yeah.
-来一发的时间到了 -我买♥♥了小苏打
-About fucking time. -I got the baking soda.
天啊 那多少钱?
Jesus, how much is that?
这个 是我的天使 一块砖头
This, my angel, is one brick.
Share the taste!
这是我的抵押物 亲爱的
This is my mortgage, darlin’!
你不会问一个银行经理 是否他有不想要的钱的
You wouldn’t ask a bank manager if he had any money he didn’t want.
别站那儿干瞪着了 宝贝
Don’t stand there gawping, babe!
拿平底锅来 我们好好烹饪下
Put a pan on, let’s cook this shit up!
太对了 伙计
Too right, mate!
This one’s bubbling.
Dirty birch.
-干的不错 伙计 -给你
-Lovely, mate. -There you go.
-还好吧? -谢谢 谢了 一切顺利
-All right? -Ta, ta. All the best.
That’s a nice little piece.
下午好 海沃德先生
Good afternoon, Mr Hayward.
For fuck’s sake.
-待在这儿 听见没? -喂 博斯韦尔 过来
-Stay here, yeah? -Oi, Boswell. Come ‘ere.
-你在干嘛? -什么也没干啊 老兄
-What are you doing? -I ain’t doing nuffin’, bruv.
-拦我♥干♥嘛? -睡前消遣时间 是不?
-What did you stop me for? -Past your bedtime, innit?
-你的伙伴是谁? -没谁 伙计 一个傻瓜而已
-Who’s your mate? -He’s no one, mate. It’s just a mug, innit.
How’s about I take you down the station, search the pair of ya?
What would I find?
什么也找不到 伙计 你从我们身上什么也得不到
You won’t find nothing, mate. We ain’t got nothing on us.
我还不知道你 博斯韦尔
I know what you’re like, Boswell.
你一出来 准在打什么坏主意 是不是啊?
If you’re out, you’re up to no good, ain’t ya?
Not necessarily.
What can you tell me about some trainers?
-什么运动鞋? -这得问你
-What trainers? -You tell me.
I don’t know fuck all about any trainers.
-你不知道? -不知道啊 伙计 别胡闹了
-Don’t ya? -Nah, mate. Stop pissing about.
What did you really pull me over for?
你毁了我该有的一个美好夜晚 明白我意思?
Stop me having a nice evening, know what I mean?
-你为什么不回家呢? -你为什么不滚回警♥察♥局呢?
-Why don’t you go home, hey? -Why don’t you piss off back to the nick?
You need to watch your mouth.
-你欠我的 -我很抱歉
-You owe me! -I’m sorry.
-对不起 -闭嘴
-I’m sorry. -Shut up!
T 求你了
T! Please!
行了 放开他 T
Come on, leave him alone, T.
T 我没…
T, I didn’t…
-T -你想跑回你老爹身边去?
-T! -You gonna run to your dad?
谢谢了 伙计
Thanks, mate.
你刚真的伤着那小男孩了 你知道的 T
You really hurl that lad before, you know, T.
恩 搞的一团糟
Yeah, it’s a jungle out there.
他只是个小甜心 你不该那么对他
He’s a little sweetie, you shouldn’t have him like that.
哦 不是吧 我应该给他写好小纸条什么的吗
Oh, no, I should’ve wrote him a little letter or something.
哦 别扯了 他多大?10岁 11岁?
Oh, come off it, how old is he? What 10, 11?
I don’t give a shit how old he is!
他为我工作 我们尽力去赚钱 像真正的生意
He works for me. We’re trying to make money, like a business.
你是真不懂你的处境吗 小妞?
You’re not really grasping this whole sort of situation are you, girl?
How it works and that?
You don’t just give out loads of gear and loads of money
然后让他们跑到山里去 然后说”哦 没关系啊?”
and let them run off into the hills, and go, “Oh, well, never mind, eh?”
不管怎样 你为什么要让一个10岁的小孩儿做这个?
Well, why are you working with a 10-year-old anyway?
让我们想想 也许因为老比尔捞不着它们
Erm, let’s think. Maybe ’cause the Old Bill can’t nick ’em!
-我不想听了 -这事跟我半毛钱关系没有 T
-I don’t wanna listen to it off ya! -It’s got nothing to do with me, T.
我在说那个孩子 你能别烦我吗?
I’m talking about the kid. Will you leave me alone?
-你在教他贩毒 -滚开
-Your coaching him in brass! -Fuck off!
Don’t tell me to fuck off!
-你去哪儿? -不去哪儿
-‘Ere, where you going? -Nowhere.
-我能一起去吗? -不 回家
-Can I go? -No, go home.
-让我去吧 -不 吉姆 就我一人 我认真的
-Oh, go on! -No, Jim, do one, seriously.
迪恩 求你了
Dean, please.
伙计 我要去斯特福家 待会见 好吗?
Mate, I’m going to Steph’s. I’ll see you later though, yeah?
进去 外面冷
Go inside, it’s cold.
恭喜了 伙计 替我向皮特问好
Cheers, mate. Say hello to Pete for me, yeah?
我会的 过几周见 恩
Will do. See you in a couple of weeks, hun.
Should I have booked?
