因为你的棚子可以俯瞰 他们的房♥子, 不是吗?
Cos your shed overlooks their house, doesn’t it?
I’m gonna need some bran.
I’ll take that as a yes.
Sorry for your troubles.
我是认真的 她是一位好女士, 你的母亲
I mean it. She was a good lady, your mother.
How have you been getting on?
哦, 我一直感觉很伟大, 谢谢
Oh, I’ve been feeling grand, thank you.
你呢? – 我有点心事重重
How about you? – I’m a wee bit preoccupied.
是的我看到他们在吹嘘我 在议会
Yes. I see they trumpet me in Parliament.
嗯, 有各种各样的意见
Well, there’s a range of opinions.
你在哪里学会读书的? – 一位当地的牧师教我的
Where did you learn to read? – A local priest taught me.
至少他说他是一名牧师 最后要我私奔去摩洛哥
At least he said he was a priest. Asked me to elope to Morocco in the end.
他是一位优秀的文学导师 你自己呢?
He was a fine tutor of letters. How about yourself?
我曾经帮助我的父亲 从很小的时候就开始写标志
I used to help my father with the signwriting from a very early age.
我为格里姆森乳制品公♥司♥做了所有的事情 当我只有八岁的时候
I did all the ones for Glimson’s Dairy when I was only eight.
哦, 你能归还我的馅饼盘吗 下周开庭前?
Oh, would you return my patty pans before the trial next week?
以防万一我看不到你 之后很长一段时间塔
Just in case I don’t see you for a long while afterwards. Ta.
Fucking mardy old bitch!
本质是什么 他们的谈话?
What is the nature of their conversation?
谈话的本质是… – 生气了?
Nature of the conversation is… – Angry?
敌对 – 伊迪丝现在在哪里?
Hostile. – Where is Edith now?
伊迪丝正在上路 – 沿着这条路往哪个方向走?
Edith’s heading up the road. – Heading up the road in which direction?
西北偏北 – 西北偏北
North-by-northwest. – North-by-northwest.
她失踪了 9点26分半即将到来
She has disappeared around the corner at 9:26 and a half.
This way round…
哦, 好吧 – 弗朗西斯·希尔先生
Oh, alright. – Mr Francis Hill.
52, 苏塞克斯露台那是… – 标记那里
52, Sussex Terrace. That is… – Mark there.
温莎街 62 号♥… – 就到这里了
62, Windsor Street… – That’s all the way here.
那是在城外, 真的吗? – 她一路走到温莎街 62 号♥了吗?
That’s out of town, really, innit? – Did she go all the way to 62, Windsor St.
把那只鸡放下 来吧, 那么, 让我们早点开始吧
Put that chicken down. Come on, then, let’s get an early start.
现在, 我的女儿们, 你们要乖
Now, my girls, you be good.
“亲爱的格拉迪斯感谢上帝 你♥爸♥爸被枪杀了你这个臭婊♥子♥
“Dear Gladys. Thank God your dad got shot. You smelly bitch.
“你以为你很聪明, 但你♥他♥妈♥的不是”
“You think you’re so clever, but you’re fucking not.”
对了, 回去工作吧
Right, back to work.
“你这个混♥蛋♥麻疹 你们很快就会发现自己在被告席上
‘”You rank, foxy-arse measle. You’ll soon find yourselves in the dock.’
“The lot of you bloody fucking buggers.”
林登大道也是如此 – 哦, 什么, 林登大道上有两个? 不?
Linden Drive as well. – Oh, what, two in Linden Drive? No?
“You foxy-arse, beetle-headed slut.”
“You piss country whore.”
”“对老混♥蛋♥米切尔斯来说 你们这些皮肤精灵般的乡村妓♥女♥
‘”To the old bastard Mitchells. You elf-skinned country whores.’
“你属于山洞” “你们这些狡猾的兔子混♥蛋♥”
“You belong in a cave.” “You foxy-arse rabbit-fuckers.”
“你这个发霉的老馅饼” “你属于地狱”
“You mouldy old tart.” “You belong in hell.”
我们能知道她去的时间吗… – 我已经掌握了所有的时间安排
Do we get the timings on how she goes… – I’ve got all the timings.
“你们这些肮脏的混♥蛋♥” 唔…
“You dirty fucking sods.” Hmm…
We’ve got her!
Let’s get the postie.
不, 是给她在沃辛的阿姨
No. To her aunty in Worthing.
说她很抱歉她生病了 还纠正了她“diabetes”的拼写
Saying she’s very sorry she’s ill. Also correcting her spelling of “diabetes”.
Thank you.
哦! 很不礼貌
Oh! That’s rude.
We’re out of time.
“明天就开庭审判 罗斯要倒下了
‘Trial’s tomorrow. Rose is gonna go down.’
是的, 我们要一份, 谢谢
Aye, we’ll have one of them, please.
享受 – 谢谢
Enjoy. – Thank you.
谢谢 – 谢谢
Thank you. – Thank you.
是不是不错? – 嗯嗯
Is it nice? – Mm-hmm.
请不要做任何事, 罗斯
Please don’t do anything, Rose.
如果比赛无效, 我们分享积分, 我的连胜已经破灭了
If the game’s voided, we share the points, and my winning streak’s in tatters.
I’m civil.
只是从未收到我的邀请 到了惠斯特, 是吗?
Just never got my invite to the whist, did I?
I don’t even know who the fuck she is.
Would you like a game, then?
你的手, 女士们
Your hands, ladies.
What was it?
罗斯, 你已经找到了克里斯蒂安 女子惠斯特无邀请赛,
Rose, you’ve turned up to Christian Women’s Whist without invitation,
携带酒, 我可能会补充 爱尔兰的普遍态度
carrying liquor, and I might add with a general attitude of Ireland.
Isn’t that terrible?
这不是太可恶了吗 我他妈的太邪恶了?
Isn’t that just so damnably fucking wicked of me?
每个人都会知道… 我知道的
Everyone is going to know… what I know.
I’ll pray for you.
I’ll see you in court!
Step back!
命令! – 退后!
Order! – Step back!
请坐 麦克莱斯顿法官
Please be seated for Judge Maccleston.
古丁小姐, 我想你知道你为什么在这里
Miss Gooding, you know why you’re here, I suppose.
Is it the letters, by any chance?
你会看一下吗 在这份人员名单中,
Will you take a look at this list of people,
并选出任何名字 你不知道吗?
and pick out any names that you don’t know?
我认识他们所有人, 不管怎样
I know all of them, one way or another.
你知道吗 这是所有人的名单
Did you know that that is the list of all the people
谁收到过毒笔信? – 我想到了, 是的
who’ve been sent poison-pen letters? – It occurred to me, yes.
这难道不是一个非凡的巧合吗 你认识他们所有人吗?
Isn’t it an extraordinary coincidence that you know them all?
看起来是这样, 是的 – 谢谢你, m’lud
It would appear that way, yes. – Thank you, m’lud.
你是一位母亲 给亲爱的女儿南希
You’re a mother to a darling daughter Nancy.
亲爱的? 一些时间
Darling? Some of the time.
嗯…你的丈夫献出了生命 为了这个处于战争中的国家?
Erm… and your husband gave his life for this nation in the war?
嗯, 他不是唯一一个 – 这一定是难以想象的困难
Well, he wasn’t the only one. – That must’ve been unimaginably hard.
是的, 是的但你继续前行, 无论如何, 她是值得的
It was, yes. But you keep going, and she’s worth it, just about, anyway.
我想你一定会想念你的女儿 如果你进了监狱
I suppose you’d miss your daughter, if you went to jail.
So much.
那你为什么要寄这么多信 这么容易就能追溯到你?
So why would you send so many letters that are so easily traceable back to you?
I wouldn’t. That’d be insanity.
毕竟你是众所周知的 因为有点直接
After all, you’re known for being somewhat direct.
我为什么要寄信, 我什么时候可以说出来?
Why would I send a letter, when I can just say it?
谢谢你, 姆鲁德
Thank you, m’lud.
感谢您加入我们, 天鹅小姐,
Thank you for joining us, Miss Swan,
在必须填补的时刻 带着悲伤和沮丧
at a time that must be filled with grief and dismay.
你妈妈是财务主管 是基♥督♥徒妻子的, 不是吗?
Your mother was the treasurer of the Christian Wives, wasn’t she?
是的, 我们都是CW的卑微仆人 在我们的家庭中, 靠着神的恩典
Yes, we’re all humble servants to the CW in our family, by the grace of God.
你能读一下这个吗 天鹅小姐?
Can you please read this out, Miss Swan?
不? 好吧
No? Alright.
I’ll do it.
“你♥他♥妈♥的老蒸包 湿漉漉的粪便!
“You fucking old steaming bag of wet leaking shit!
“你♥他♥妈♥的屁♥股♥更大了 比月亮,
“Your fucking arse is bigger than the moon,
“你的猫想要 也他妈的燃烧得很好,
“and your cat wants a good fucking burning, too,
“我想, 你这个愚蠢的大臭虫! ”
“I reckon, you stupid big stinker!”
“你这个肮脏的老标题者的萝卜…” – 命令!
“You mangy old titler’s turnip…” – Order!
法庭内肃静! – 谢谢你, 姆鲁德
Silence in the court! – Thank you, m’lud.
“You salty old sod.”
这让你感觉如何, 天鹅小姐?
How does this make you feel, Miss Swan?
我不知道 不好, 一点都不好
I don’t know. Not good, not good at all.
这是你的笔迹吗, 斯旺小姐?
Is this your handwriting, Miss Swan?
It is.
你能否证实 那是你通常写的“G”吗?
And can you confirm that that is the ‘G’ you normally write with?
I think so.
没有多少人这样写“Gs”, 他们吗?
Not many people write ‘Gs’ like that, do they?
我想不会我喜欢努力 在我所有的努力中
I suppose not. I like to make an effort in all my endeavours.
你能检查一下“G”吗 在展览 4-C 中吗?
And can you examine the ‘G’ in exhibit 4-C here?
Is that the same?