我说 我总是觉得坐火车旅行 肯定比做飞机要安全
You know, I always thought trains were so much safer than planes.
恩 事实上 是一架飞机
Well, actually, a plane…
fell on the train.
理查德 – 格温
Richard. – Gwen.
There’s a man in his underwear in your kitchen.
他是 他和我
He’s… He’s with me.
他是我的管家 只不过
He’s my butler. But…
你还有管家 – 是的 不用搭理他
You have a butler? – Yeah. Don’t get him started.
如果我们不说话 他马上就会回房♥间的
He’ll just go away if you just be quiet.
抱歉 我不知道你有客人
Sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.
晚上好 女士
Good evening, young lady.
没关系 门罗
That’s all right, Monroe.
我是说 请把我的海蓝色衬衫拿出来好吗 我明天早上要穿
Yes, will you, please, just go lay out my navy blue suit for the morning?
我把你扔出去怎么样 – 好主意
How about if I lay you out? – Very well.
你怎么容许你的管家那样跟你说话 – 那是因为 恩 他还是个兽医
You let your butler talk to you like that? – Well, he is a vet.
He has got a steel plate in his head.
格温 那不是你想的那样的
Gwen, it’s not what you think.
晚安 理查德
Goodbye, Richard.
I’ll grab the bow line.
嘿 斯基特 你好啊 – 你好 卢麦克斯先生
Hey, Skeet. How are you doing? – Hey, Mr. Lomax.
拿着吧 我的朋友 给自己买♥♥个妞
Here you go, my friend. Buy yourself a girlfriend.
Where have you been, Candy?
嘿 伯尼 来喝一杯吧 – 待会再说吧
Hey, Bernie. How about a drink? – A little bit later.
喂 伯尼 鸡尾旗已经插好了 – 一会儿再说
Yo, Bernie. The cocktail flag is up. – A little bit later.
美酒配佳人 这就是我的生活 我爱这种生活
Booze and women. That is my lifestyle and I love it!
And I!
乔治 好啊 – 很高兴见到你 卢麦克斯先生
George, how are you? – Nice to see you, Mr. Lomax.
你在这做什么 我上个星期就炒了你了
What are you doing here? I fired you last week.
我只是想要回我的工钱 – 混♥蛋♥
I just want my $90, okay? – Bullshit!
你喝光了我的酒 占用了我的马桶 却什么屁事也不做
You drank my liquor and the toilets still don’t work.
I don’t want to see you.
Get out of here!
你要再敢回来 我就报♥警♥
You come back again, I am going to call the cops!
You son of a bitch.
对不起 我觉得它还需要喷点B12 – 无所谓
I am sorry. I think she needs a little B-12. – Whatever.
你好我是伯尼 听到后请留言 我晚点再打过来
This is Bernie. Leave a message, I’ll get right back to you.
再见 卢麦克斯先生 – 拜
Goodbye, Mr. Lomax. – Bye.
嘿 卢麦克斯 我是包利 我刚到岛上来
Hey, Lomax. It’s Paulie. I just got to the island.
You are early.
Those schmucks are not coming until the 6:00 ferry…
而且我还要写字据 – 好的好的
and I still have to plant the note. – Yeah.
So where is your house?
在高处 沙丘的最高点
It’s on the point, top of the dune.
听着 包利 你得保证不用当着我的面杀他们
Look, Paulie, don’t kill them while I am around.
伯尼 当心 我们在讲电♥话♥
Bernie, we are on a phone here.
没错 抱歉 我很抱歉
Right. You are right. Okay, I am sorry.
我只是想保证自己有在纽约市区的不在场证明 你明白吗
The point is, I just want to be back in New York with an alibi, okay?
没问题 你不用担心
Yeah. Don’t worry about it.
哦 天哪
Oh, God!
理查德 船要开了 快点
Rich. It is leaving. Come on!
我早说了 出了火车站我们该乘一辆的士
I told you we should’ve taken a taxi from the station.
半小时后还有一艘船呢 – 可我们会错过晚会的
There’s another boat in a half hour. – We’ll miss the parties.
我们能赶上的 借过
We got it. Excuse me.
抱歉 – 我们来了
Sorry. – Coming through.
你疯了吗 你要干嘛 我们说什么也不能跳上这艘船
Don’t be ridiculous! What are you doing? We are not jumping on this boat!
你听我说 – 我来了
Do you hear me? – Here we go!
给我听着 拉利 我们不能跳
Listen to me, Larry, we are not jumping on this boat!
上帝啊 我的胳膊 – 我们做到了
Jesus Christ! My elbow! – Piece of cake!
谢了 朋友
Thanks, pal.
拉利 这船根本没走 它只是在靠岸
This ferry isn’t leaving. It’s docking.
这么说 我们来早了 – 你这个呆子
Okay. We’re early. – You schmuck.
你叫什么名字 – 你叫什么名字
What is your name? – What is your name?
拉利 – 嗨 拉利 我叫蜜雪儿
Larry. – Hi, Larry. I am Michelle.
来吧 开心点 理查德 我们就快到了
Come on! Lighten up there, Rich! We are on our way!
我真郁闷 我昨晚丢脸丢到家了
I am so depressed. I made a fool out of myself last night.
Of course you did.
我该呆在家里 – 你胡说什么呢
I should’ve stayed home. – What are you talking about?
我们正向事业高峰进发 这是个千载难逢的好机会
We’ve been summoned to the mountain top. This is good for your career.
相信我 过了这个周末 我保证你就不会再去想那个
You know, by the time this weekend is over, I promise you won’t even remember…
她叫啥来着 来喝一杯吧 快来
what’s-her-name’s name. I’ll get you a drink. Come on.
那个 待会儿再见
Look, I’ll see you later.
再见 年轻人 很高兴和你聊天
Goodbye, young man. Nice talking to you.
太棒了 太棒了
That is good. This is very good.
你什么时候进来的 – 吓着你了
I did not hear you come in. – I know.
I am real good at that.
我不是告诉过你那俩小子还没到吗 – 对 你说了
I told you the guys aren’t here yet, didn’t I? – You did.
那 – 这儿很惬意啊
Good. – Quite a shack you have here.
It’s home.
Can I have a cigarette?
What was…
很爽吧 啊 伯尼
Quite a ride, huh, Bern?
Glorious day out, or what?
Where’s Bernie?
我这有写 沙丘最高点上唯一的房♥子
I got it right here. It says it’s the last house on the point, top of the dune.
不好意思 神父先生 您能告诉我们沙丘的最高点在哪吗
Pardon me, Monsignor, sir, could you tell me where the top of the dune is?
真♥主♥保佑你 孩子 – 谢谢 神父
Bless you, my son. – Thank you, Father.
我们自己去找吧 好的
Look, we’ll find it. Okay.
你看 这只不过是个小岛嘛 – 能有多难
You know, it’s an island, right? – How hard can it be?
抱歉 请问这是去
Excuse me. Is this the way to…
喂 这是伯尼·卢麦克斯的房♥子吗 – 是的
Yo, is this Bernie Lomax’s house? – Sure is.
天哪 看这多气派
Holy shit. Look at this.
来吧 理查德
Come on, Rich.
哦 太美了
Oh, beautiful.
哦 天哪 他居然有游泳池
Oh, my God. He has got a pool.
他居然有个海边游泳池 水是温的
He has got a goddamn pool at the beach. It’s heated.
棒呆了 这
I love this man.
太激动人心了 看这边美丽的风景
This is inspiring. Look at this view.
我要进去躺躺了 – 当然 让我们玩转这个岛吧
I am getting laid. – Sure beats Coney Island.
什么 我们就这样闯进去吗
What? Should we just walk in?
难道要我们整个周末都站在这外面吗 来吧 我们是客人
No, we’ll stand out here all weekend. Come on, we are houseguests.
嗨 伯尼 我们来了
Hello! Bernie, we are here.
I am home.
认了吧 你该庆幸你来了 – 好吧 我认了
Admit it. You are glad you came. – Okay, I admit it.
我们有三天时间呆在这 – 哦 哇塞 这太棒了
We got three days of this ahead of us. – Oh, yeah. This is something.
这么棒的地方 该值多少钱 160万 170万 还不包括家具
I mean a place like this must go for what, a $1.6 million, $1.7 million. Unfurnished.
上帝啊 那是利希滕斯坦[美国艺术家]的画作 – 什么 哪呢
Good God! That’s a Lichtenstein! – What? Where?
不是钢琴 是油画 那是真迹
Not the piano. The painting. It’s an original.
Of course it is.
只要你努力地工作 这一切都会是你的
All of this could be yours, if you set your goals and work hard.
我老爹就很努力工作 到头来得到的只是更多的工作
My old man worked hard. All they did was give him more work.
嘿 伯尼在不在
Hey, is Bernie around?
你好 没 我们还没看见他 我们刚到
Hello. No, haven’t seen him. But we just got here.
我们整个周末都会在这 我们是这房♥子的客人
We’re going to be here all weekend. We are houseguests.
告诉他唐妮来过 借他的船去冲浪
Tell him Tawny borrowed his boat to go skiing.
嗨 唐妮 我叫”和泥”
Hi, Tawny. I am horny.
嗨 别忘了告诉他 好吗 – 好的
Hi. Look, don’t forget to tell Bernie, okay? – Okay.
唐妮 你知不知道伯尼会去哪了呢
Tawny, you wouldn’t happen to know where Bernie is, would you?
He’s probably making the rounds.
岛上每户人家都爱开派对 不过我们还是最爱伯尼的派对 拜拜
Everybody parties from house to house, but they always end up here. Bye!
你之前还说不想来呢 – 我已经承认了 我错了好吧
And you didn’t want to come. – I admit it, I was wrong.
哦 天啊
Oh, my God.
Nothing but champagne and caviar. Pierre Jouet.
This guy is my idol.