美女 汽艇 香车
Babes. A boat. A car.
你知道每个月在曼哈顿 租个停车位要多少钱吗
Do you know how much it costs to park a car in Manhattan every month?
比我房♥租还贵 – 我说 这也不奇怪
More than my rent. – I mean, it’s only fair.
His car is a bit bigger than your apartment.
So my apartment is small. It’s dark.
热得要命 并且在高犯罪率区 我还不如回去跟我爸妈住得了
It’s hot. It’s in a high-crime area. Beats living with Mom and Dad.
好了 够了 我只要熬到能买♥♥的起一处像样的住所就行了
All right. Enough. It’s just until I can afford something decent.
Something without wall-to-wall cockroaches.
我现在所能想的就是制定好人生计划 努力地工作
All I have to do is just keep setting my goals and working hard…
我能做到的 – 别天真啦
I’ll be fine. – You are so naive.
抱歉 – 不好意思
I’m sorry. – Excuse me.
Go ahead. Oh, God.
I hope your aunt feels better.
什么 – 我是说
What? – I said…
她说 “我希望你的姨妈早日康复”
She said, “I hope your aunt feels better.”
我的姨妈 你是说生病的那个 对对 她其实挺健康
My aunt? The sick aunt. Yes, she is fine.
They thought it was…
你到底要不要进来啊 年轻人
Either get on the elevator or get off.
I’ll be back.
And I lose again.
我中了 我要去约会啦
I won. I have a date.
你在耍我吧 – 没有
You are kidding. – No.
我和格温 周四晚上8点 共进晚餐
Gwen and I, Thursday night, 8:00 p.m., dinner.
好样的 – 调侃得有点老土 不过确实奏效
Fabulous. – It was the clumsy approach. It worked.
You are going to want to borrow my apartment.
不 你能这么想我很高兴
No, but thank you. That’s sweet.
但我不能那么做 谢了
But I can’t do that to you. Thank you.
要是被她发现你还和父母住一起 那一定会很丢脸的
If she finds out you live with your folks, you will embarrass yourself.
我知道 但是 我真的不能借你的公♥寓♥
Yeah, I know, but I can’t do that to you.
你是怕那些蟑螂 是吗
It is the cockroaches, isn’t it?
那个 – 开着灯的时候它们就不会出来的
Well… – They scatter when the lights go on.
帕克先生 卢麦克斯先生现在可以见你们了
Mr. Parker, Mr. Lomax will see you now.
I feel lucky.
不 我只要那辆马萨拉蒂 如果你把它喷成漆黑的话
No, I only want the Maserati if it comes in that jet black.
听着 如果你不愿那样做
Look, if you can’t do it for me…
I’ll just have to take my business to another dealer.
那就给它上漆啊 你做事怎么这么纠结
So paint it! I mean how hard can this whole thing be?
恩 对
好的 瞧 这不就行了
All right. See, that’s better.
我说过跟我做生意 绝对不会复杂地
See how easy it is to do business with me?
不用交换了 只用现金
No trade. Strictly cash.
好的 就这样
All right. Good.
先生们 你们有什么要给我看的
Gentlemen, what have you got for me?
或许您是知道的 卢麦克斯先生
As you may or may not know, Mr. Lomax…
拉利和我 已经工作了
Larry and I have been, I mean, working.
他要去哪 – 我怎么知道
Where is he going? – I don’t know.
What are we supposed to do?
我敢打赌这船会动 天哪 看啊
Bet that thing moves, huh? Jesus.
把它放回去 – 多漂亮的一艘船啊
Put that back. – It’s a beautiful boat.
You gentlemen were saying…
哦 是的
Yes, well.
As you might have heard…
拉利和我在新的电脑系统上 重新编制公♥司♥的会计报表
Larry and I have been reprogramming the accounts on the new computer system.
恩 坐吧 – 谢谢
Right. – Thanks.
先生 那真是个重大工作任务啊
Sir, it’s a very big job.
非常巨大 我们一直都很努力地工作
A big job. We have been working hard.
A very big job.
我们已经花了很长时间在这上面了 周末也在干
I’ve been at it for quite some time. Weekends also.
对 周末也是 然后 – 拿出来给他看看吧
Weekends, late, and… – Why don’t you show him?
好的 拉利
Thank you.
We’ve got something you should know about.
都在这了吗 – 是的 请看第28页和第41页
Got them both there? – Yes. Page 28 and 41.
You sure these figures are accurate?
是的 – 相当肯定
Yes. – Positive.
是的 卢麦克斯先生
Yes, sir, Mr. Lomax.
Call me Bernie.
我父亲才叫卢麦克斯先生呢 不是吗
I mean my father is Mr. Lomax, right?
那好吧 伯尼
Okay, Bernie.
是的 白纸黑字都写得清清楚楚呢 – 我们花了不少功夫整理出来的呢 伯
Yes, it’s all there in black and white. – We both worked on this one, Bern.
都拿过来吧 – 好的 伯尼
Papers. – Right here, Bernie.
如果年纪大了意味着某些功能要衰退 那我情愿是视力
If anything has to go, I am glad it’s my vision…
而不是”势”力 你明白我说什么吗
and not the old joystick, you know what I mean?
那是电脑打印机的墨水 先生
That’s computer ink, sir.
噢 不对 你们弄错了 看这里
Oh, no, you are wrong. Look.
这里之所以有这么多支票 是因为这下面有不止一份索赔书
There are multiple checks issued because there were several policies written.
You didn’t take into consideration that it’s normal…
especially when using a fluctuating COL index to combine…
看这里 还有一份长♥期♥包装物合同和一份终身保险呢
look here, a package containing short-term and straight life policies…
in an overall insurance portfolio.
Now you are wasting my time.
那部分是理查德负责的 先生
Richard worked on that part, sir.
你说的没错 伯尼
That is true, Bernie.
但是如果你仔细看看后面那一页 看看那些数据
But if you were to look at the back page, where the policy indexes are…
you’ll notice that the remaining policies…
都是在投保人死亡之后订立的 伯尼
are dated after the policy holder died, Bernie.
You are right.
你说的非常正确 先生们 你们做得很好
You are absolutely right. Gentlemen, this is good work.
Very, very good work.
谢谢夸奖 伯尼
Thank you, Bernie.
我并不想这么说 但是 伯尼 看样子有人想榨取公♥司♥财产
I hate to say this, but it appears as if somebody is trying…
to defraud the company. Perhaps we should check back records.
Somebody tried to smoke it past the wrong guy.
No smoking.
先生们 你们在我公♥司♥工作多久了
Gentlemen, how long have you two been working here?
一年零七个月又一周 – 我不是很确定
Nineteen months and a week. – I am not really sure.
比他长些 我想 – 比我长 我可来得比你早
A little longer, I think. – Longer? I was here before you.
不 理查德 是我领着你熟悉业务的
No, Richard. I trained you.
我一月份就来了 你五月底才进的公♥司♥
I came here in January, you came the end of May.
I trained you.
不管怎么样 我想说的是 一个美好的未来
What I am saying is that I think there is a big future here…
for a couple of bright fellows like yourselves.
Thank you.
不过我在想 一会儿和你们一起处理一下这些数据
But I’d like to go over these numbers with you…
just to make sure that you’ve gotten everything.
The only trouble is if someone is trying to…
像你们说的 “吃了雄心豹子胆”
like you said “smoke it past the wrong guy”…
I’d like to just keep it confidential.
我是说没有必要闹得满城风雨 对吗
I mean there is no sense sending up a bunch of red flags.
No, absolutely not.
要是您愿意 那我们马上就可以动手
If you would like, we’ll work late.
是的 我是说我们周末也可以工作 – 对 周末对我们来说没问题
Yes, I mean we’ll work weekends. – Weekends are very good for me.
周末 听起来不错
Weekends. Good idea.
让我们有足够时间呆在一起 又不受干扰
Give us plenty of time together, no distractions.
It is Labor Day.
I got an idea.
你们俩到我的海边别♥墅♥来 怎么样
How would you two like to come to my house at the beach?
我 – 我们
Me? – Us?
对 汉普顿岛
Yeah. Hampton Island.
你们去过吗 那 你们一定会爱上那儿的
Ever been there? Well, you will love it.
当我们停下来放松时 就会有无穷无尽的娱乐活动
When we’re not working, there are distractions.
那儿有美女 泳池 汽艇 各种名人
There are women, swimming, boating, famous people.
超赞 – 太好了
Love to! – Okay.
那好 就这么定了
Good! It’s settled.
