[1] 王禹偁:宋代早期的文人,官职做到翰林学士。他的这首《清明》和杜牧的不同。杜牧诗中有杏花,有酒家;他过清明却无花无酒。宋朝翰林学士,少时读书没有灯火,要向邻家乞讨,才能照明读书。这首小诗反映了古代知识分子好学上进,艰苦奋斗的精神。这种精神也是中国传统文化的一部分。
[2] 兴味:兴致趣味。
[3] 萧然:萧条凄凉的样子,指生活贫困。
[4] 新火:清明的前一天为寒食,古时有禁火的风俗。清明过后重新生火,故称新火。
[5] 晓窗:清晨的窗前。
The Mourning Day
Wang Yucheng
With nor flowers nor wine I passed the Mourning Day,
As drear as a friar begging all the way.
I asked my neighbor for new-made fire last night,
Lighting my lamp at dawn, I may read by its light.
《清明》是北宋诗人王禹偁创作的一首七言绝句。此诗描写了诗人在商州过清明节的情景,表达了诗人以读书为乐的情怀。 此诗前二句开门见山,指出清明不是清贫寒士的佳节;后二句是励志劝学,发愤读书。全篇语言朴实,议论明快,叙述简洁,风格质朴,用笔传神,选题独具一格。
Qingming” is a seven-line poem written by Wang Yucheng, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty. The poem depicts the poet’s spending the Qingming Festival in Shangzhou, and expresses the poet’s sentiment of studying for pleasure. The first two lines of the poem open the door, pointing out that Qingming is not a festival for poor and poor people; the second two lines are to inspire and urge students to study. The language is simple, the discussion is clear and concise, the narration is simple, the style is simple, the writing is evocative, and the choice of topic is unique.