pursued his passion nonetheless…
…once more returning to the sight of his glorious vision.
And he just kept coming back…
…really to the point of overkill, if you want my opinion.
伙伴 她在哪里
Ah, man. Where is she?
我没有告诉你吗 她搬到南方去了
Oh, didn’t I tell you? She moved South.
南方 什么时候
South? When?
Four or five days ago.
How long have you known this?
大约四五天 抓到了
About four or five days. Gotcha!
But Juniper and her family were headed
South as part of the great migration…
…夏天就要结束 食物供应短缺
…for the summer was coming to an end and food was in short supply.
尤其是供应链短缺 对我来说 是非常非常严重的
Especially the bug supply, which is very, very important to me.
但更重要的是 派奇 想跟随裘妮波…
More than anything, Patchi wanted to follow Juniper…
…and his impatience was beginning to show.
鸟儿去南方 那些绿色的东西也要去南方
The birds are going South. Those green things are going South.
When do we get to go South?
当你父亲说”时候到了” 我们才能去
It’ll be time to go when your father says it’s time.
It’s time.
迁徙时间到了 派奇
Move ’em out, Patchi.
你不用 告诉我两次
You don’t have to tell me twice.
迁徙时间到了 派奇
Move ’em out, Patchi.
对了 我们开始吧 我的第一次迁徙
Right, here we go. My first migration.
吃我的灰尘(你不是我的对手) 派奇
Eat my dust, Patchi.
It’s not a race.
来吧 伙伴们 不要害羞
Come on, guys, don’t be shy.
我们都去 同一个地方
We’re all going to the same place.
嗨 亚历克斯 鸟类不用南飞吗
Hey, Alex, don’t most birds fly South?
这就是所谓的共生 哥们
It’s called symbiosis, buddy.
我得到了交通工具 你可以防治病虫害
I get transportation and you get pest control.
重点是 你是四条腿的自助餐桌
Seriously, you’re a buffet on four legs.
兽群散乱南迁 横跨阿♥拉♥斯加腹地
And the herd lumbered South across the Alaskan hinterland…
你是什么意思 散乱
Whoa, what do you mean, lumbered?
好吧 你不正是在闲逛
Well, you weren’t exactly gallivanting.
对 我们厚鼻龙 不会四处流浪
Yeah, we’re Pachyrhinosaurs. We don’t gallivant.
不 你当然不会 但我要提醒你
No, you do not, but I have to warn you,
每一个好故事 有一个可怕的一部分
every good story has a scary part
为这即将来的事 做准备
and that’s coming up, so get ready.
我准备好了 我挺过来了(可怕故事)
Oh, I’m ready. I lived through it.
已是傍晚 云朵聚集在东部
It was late afternoon and the clouds were gathering in the east.
好吧 好吧 我告诉你这意味着什么
Okay, okay, let me tell it.
I have the flair.
乌云 聚集在东部
The clouds gathered in the east.
预示着 危险临近
Soon, a portent of approaching danger
floated in upon the changing winds…
…预示着 风暴即将来临
…a harbinger in the form of a glorious winged creature.
危险 危险 大家注意 警告 警告
Danger, danger, everyone! Warning, warning!
你听到了吗 爸爸 危险
Did you hear that, Dad? Danger.
Of course he heard.
我说的 是吧
What’d I say, huh?
父亲下令 兽群进入森林
My father ordered the herd into the forest
找住所 避风暴
to find shelter from the storm.
天气恶化 我年轻的朋友派奇的生活…
The weather worsened, and my friend Patchi’s young life…
…was about to change in a flash.
I’m scared.
我不害怕 除了你还有谁害怕
I’m not scared. You’re the only one who’s scared.
好吧 还有那个家伙
Well, you and maybe that guy. Wusses.
干燥的夏季 森林成了火♥药♥库…
The dry summer months had turned the forest into a tinderbox…
…爆♥炸♥起火 一触即发
…ready to explode into flames.
我知道你们人类 认为你们发现了火…
I know you humans like to think you discovered fire…
…但是请相信我 火
…but trust me, it’s been around
since the time of the dinosaurs.
派奇的父亲 嗅到危险临近
Patchi’s father smelled trouble.
很快 他向大家发出警报
Quickly, he called to the others.
没有时间 磨磨蹭蹭
This was no time to dilly-dally.
爸爸 这是怎么回事
Dad, what’s going on?
-亚历克斯 这是什么 -是火
-What is it, Alex’? -It’s fire!
什么是火 它是肉食性吗
What’s fire? Does it eat meat?!
它是杂食性 什么都吃 快跑
It eats everything. Run!
加油 移♥动♥你的小肉腿
Go on! Move your meaty little legs!
布德斯特和他的家人 急忙跑向开阔地
Bulldust and his family hurried toward open ground.
But there was just one problem:
一个恐龙的不幸 是另一种恐龙的盛宴
For one dinosaur’s misfortune is another dinosaur’s feast.
您好 朋友还是敌人
Hi there! Friend or foe?
敌人 敌人 绝对是的
Foe, foe, definitely foe!
等一下 伙伴们
Wait up, guys!
斯考勒 我不喜欢大迁徙 我想回家
Scowler, I don’t like migration! I wanna go home!
派奇 试着像爸爸一样 勇敢
Patchi, try and be brave like Dad.
我们现在做什么 我们该怎么办
What do we do now? What do we do?!
不要担心 爸爸永远不会抛弃我
Don’t worry, Dad would never abandon me.
你的意思是我们 对吧
You mean us, right?
对啦 我们
Right, us.
救命 爸爸
Help, Dad!
爸爸 快过来
Dad, over here!
这是一个好主意 爸爸
That was a good idea, Dad.
我本来打算做同样的事情 撞倒那棵树
I was gonna do the same thing, bust through that tree.
Hey, where’s Mom?
Separated from the others…
…派奇的妈妈并没有意识到 她正朝着一个陷阱冲去
…Patchi’s mom didn’t realize that she was heading into a trap.
She did what she could to protect her
…小家伙们 但危险已然降临
little ones, but the danger only mounted.
寡不敌众 她呼喊布德斯特过来帮忙
Severely outnumbered, she called for Bulldust to come and help.
We should go with him.
派奇 爸爸命令我们在这里等着
Patchi, Dad said to wait here!
我不在乎 爸爸
I don’t care. Dad!
让我来吧 我更大声 爸爸
Let me do it. I’m louder. Dad!
等一下 斯考勒 我想我看到他了
Wait a minute, Scowler, I think I see him!
He’s coming back!
That’s definitely…not him.
伙计 兄弟 跑 跑 跑
Oh, boy, oh, boy, run, run, run!
我们应该分开跑 他只会吃掉我们其中一个
We should split up. He’ll only eat one of us.
跑得慢的 对不对
The slower one, right?
想一想 我们还是应该团结在一起
On second thought, we better stick together!
这里 躲在这些树下
Over here, under those logs!
我想我们甩掉了他 烟雾能掩盖我们的气味
I think we lost him. The smoke is disguising our scent.
真的吗 你觉得呢
Really? You think?
他的舌头碰到我了 差点就被吃掉了
His tongue touched me! I was literally on the tip of his tongue!
I knew he’d come back for me!
找我们 你的意思是 我们
For us! You mean, us!
对啦 我是说我们
Right, I said us.
爸爸 踩他的屁♥股♥
Get him, Dad! Stomp his butt!
是啊 打倒他 爸爸
Yeah, get him, Dad!
Do you think he’ll win?
What are you talking about?!
Dad always wins.
每一次 对不对 我的意思是 他会胜利的
Always. Right? I mean, he’s got to.
但是这一次 布德斯特 伟大的厚鼻龙…
But this time, Bulldust, the great Pachyrhinosaur…
…the most feared and respected of his tribe…
…had met his match.
就在那一天 高贵的血液流了出去…
On that day, noble blood was spilled…
…while noble blood looked on.
It’s gonna be okay.
他会好起来的 他会好起来的
It’s gonna be okay, it’s gonna be okay.
Anyone out there?
Can anyone hear us?
