
vocation 英 [vəʊˈkeɪʃn] 美 [voʊˈkeɪʃn]




[noun] a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation
[名词] 一种适合某一特定事业或职业的强烈感觉


Vocation 是一个与熟词 vacation 十分形似的单词,在前不久推送的 好书推荐 | 一本让你暑假弯道超车的单词书 一文中,小站就一不小心将 vacation 错拼成了 vocation 。

Vocation 一词源自拉丁语 vocare (呼叫),15世纪初经古法语 vocacion (召唤、献祭;使命、天职)进入英语后也是用来表示“圣召、神召”或“使命、天职”,现在主要用来表示认为某种工作或生活方式特别适合自己的“使命感、信心”,以及从事某项职业或活动的“意愿、才能、素质”,常用搭配 vocation for sth ,比如:

  • 尽管看见血会使她心里感到有点不舒服,但她却是一位具有强烈使命感的医生。
    Though seeing blood makes her feel a bit peculiar inside, she is a doctor with a strong sense of vocation.
  • 她是教书的材料。她教起书来驾轻就熟,知道如何帮助学生渡过学习瓶颈期。
    She has a vocation for teaching. She has taken to teaching like a duck to water and knows how to help students break their learning plateaus.

等到了16世纪50年代后, vocation 开始衍生指“工作、职业”或“生活方式”,同样也是强调认为特别适合自己,尤其是认为特别有价值、值得投入所有的时间和精力或需要极大的奉献精神,比如:

  • 研制超级杂交水稻不仅仅是一项工作,而且还是一种职业。
    Developing super hybrid rice is not just a job─it’s a vocation.
  • 你干错行了,你本该当演员。你具有演员典型的可塑性强的特征。
    You missed your vocation─you should have been an actor. You have an actor’s typically malleable features.

值得注意的是,与 vocation 不仅形近而且容易混淆的 avocation 常作为一个正式用语表示“业余爱好”,与 vocation 恰恰相反。


Joseph remained to hector over tenants and labourers; and because it was his vocation to be where he had plenty of wickedness to reprove.

出自英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)的小说《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)。


vocation [vəʊ’keɪʃən] n. 职业;天职;天命;神召
vocation 职业 ←词中词→ avocation 业余爱好
eg. Her vocation coincides with her avocation.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  • There are many dedicated stockpickers who take this social role seriously and see it as a vocation.
  • But people on the road to inner light do not find their vocations by asking, what do I want from life?


关于 “vocation“(职业、使命)的一些短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Personal vocation: 个人职业
  2. Career vocation: 职业生涯
  3. Sense of vocation: 使命感
  4. Finding one’s vocation: 发现自己的职业
  5. vocation and passion: 职业与激情
  6. Pursue one’s vocation: 追求自己的职业
  7. vocational training: 职业培训
  8. vocation choice: 职业选择
  9. vocation guidance: 职业指导
  10. vocation development: 职业发展
  11. vocational skills: 职业技能
  12. vocation assessment: 职业评估
  13. vocation transition: 职业转变
  14. vocation exploration: 职业探索
  15. vocation satisfaction: 职业满意度
  16. vocation opportunities: 职业机会
  17. vocation change: 职业变更
  18. vocation goals: 职业目标
  19. vocation counseling: 职业咨询
  20. vocation path: 职业道路
  21. vocation fulfillment: 职业成就感
  22. vocation planning: 职业规划
  23. vocation transition: 职业转型
  24. vocation advancement: 职业晋升
  25. vocation identity: 职业身份
  26. vocation satisfaction: 职业满意度
  27. vocation commitment: 职业承诺
  28. vocation change: 职业变更
  29. vocation exploration: 职业探索
  30. vocation specialization: 职业专长
  31. vocation ladder: 职业阶梯
  32. vocation education: 职业教育
  33. vocation orientation: 职业定位
  34. vocation decision: 职业决策
  35. vocation purpose: 职业目的
  36. vocation skills: 职业技能
  37. vocation path: 职业道路
  38. vocation training: 职业培训
  39. vocation passion: 职业热情
  40. vocation satisfaction: 职业满意度
  41. vocation fulfillment: 职业成就感
  42. vocation goals: 职业目标
  43. vocation change: 职业变更
  44. vocation opportunities: 职业机会
  45. vocation transition: 职业转变
  46. vocation counseling: 职业咨询
  47. vocation advancement: 职业晋升
  48. vocation identity: 职业身份
  49. vocation commitment: 职业承诺
  50. vocation growth: 职业成长


niche: a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment
profession: a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification
career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
