
verbiage (VER bee ij) This noun comes from the Old French verbier, which means “to chatter.” And it means just that—wordy, often preten-tious, excessive language. It generally has negative connotations and is frequently misused in the expression “excessive verbiage,” which is itself verbiage!

  • There was so much verbiage in the eulogy delivered at Mr. Stilton’s funeral that the mourners began to fidget instead of remembering his good qualities.
  • Anyone could see that behind all the verbiage, the candidate’s speech was full of lies and false promises.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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verbiage(VER bee ij)这个名词来自古法语verbiar,意思是“闲聊”。它的意思是冗长、做作、过度的语言。它通常具有负面含义,并且经常被误用在“过度措辞”这一表达中,这本身就是措辞!

  • 在斯蒂尔顿先生的葬礼上发表的悼词中有太多的措辞,以至于哀悼者开始坐立不安,而不是想起他的优秀品质
  • 任何人都可以看到,在所有的措辞背后,候选人的演讲充满了谎言和虚假的承诺。




  1. excessive verbiage: 过多的言辞
  2. meaningless verbiage: 毫无意义的言辞
  3. bureaucratic verbiage: 官僚主义的言辞
  4. verbose verbiage: 冗长的言辞
  5. flowery verbiage: 华丽的言辞
  6. technical verbiage: 专业术语
  7. legal verbiage: 法律措辞
  8. convoluted verbiage: 冗长复杂的言辞
  9. promotional verbiage: 宣传用语
  10. dense verbiage: 密集的言辞
  11. concise verbiage: 简明扼要的言辞
  12. excessive use of verbiage: 过度使用言辞
  13. clear away the verbiage: 清除冗词
  14. eliminate unnecessary verbiage: 消除不必要的言辞
  15. cut through the verbiage: 穿透冗词
  16. sift through the verbiage: 筛选冗词
  17. edit out the verbiage: 删除冗词
  18. avoid excessive verbiage: 避免过多的言辞
  19. minimize verbiage: 最小化冗词
  20. concise and precise verbiage: 简明准确的言辞
  21. excessive marketing verbiage: 过度的营销措辞
  22. cut down on verbiage: 减少冗词
  23. verbose and unnecessary verbiage: 冗长而不必要的言辞
  24. clarity amid the verbiage: 在冗词中保持清晰
  25. remove the verbiage: 去除冗词
  26. eliminate verbiage for clarity: 为了清晰起见而消除冗词
  27. avoid vague verbiage: 避免模糊的言辞
  28. excessive corporate verbiage: 过度的公司措辞
  29. streamline the verbiage: 简化言辞
  30. concise and meaningful verbiage: 简明而有意义的言辞
  31. verbose and redundant verbiage: 冗长而多余的言辞
  32. simplify the verbiage: 简化言辞
  33. excessive political verbiage: 过度的政治措辞
  34. eliminate excessive verbiage: 消除过度的言辞
  35. precise and effective verbiage: 准确而有效的言辞
  36. remove unnecessary verbiage: 删除不必要的言辞
  37. excessive sales verbiage: 过度的销售措辞
  38. concise and impactful verbiage: 简明有力的言辞
  39. avoid repetitive verbiage: 避免重复的言辞
  40. straightforward verbiage: 直截了当的言辞
  41. excessive advertising verbiage: 过度的广告措辞
  42. cut through the marketing verbiage: 穿透营销措辞
  43. concise and persuasive verbiage: 简明有力的言辞
  44. eliminate excessive marketing verbiage: 消除过度的营销措辞
  45. avoid excessive technical verbiage: 避免过度的技术措辞
  46. excessive jargon and verbiage: 过度的行话和措辞
  47. concise and engaging verbiage: 简明有趣的言辞
  48. excessive academic verbiage: 过度的学术措辞
  49. trim down the verbiage: 精简措辞
  50. clear and concise verbiage: 清晰简明的言辞
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
