
valediction (val uh DIK shun) A rather formal statement of farewell is called a valediction. Some schools still select a valedictorian, the student with the highest grades in the class who gets the official right to make a “goodbye speech” at graduation exercises.

  • General Douglas MacArthur’s valedictory speech to Congress in April 1951 is remembered chiefly for his moving quotation from an old barracks ballad: “Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.”
  • John Keats, knowing of his imminent death from tuberculosis, attempts, with sadness, to write, from Rome, a valediction to a friend in England, “I can scarcely bid you goodbye even in a letter. I always made an awkward bow.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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告别(val uh DIK shun)一种相当正式的告别声明被称为告别。一些学校仍然会选择一名告别演讲人,即班上成绩最高的学生,他有权在毕业典礼上发表“告别演讲”。

  • 1951年4月,道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军在国会发表的告别演讲,主要是因为他引用了一首古老的军营民谣中感人的一句话:“老兵永远不会死,他们只会逐渐消失。”
  • 约翰·济慈知道自己即将死于肺结核,悲伤地试图在罗马给英国的一位朋友写一封告别信,“我几乎无法在信中向你道别。我总是尴尬地鞠躬。”




  1. Farewell valediction – 告别辞
  2. Formal valediction – 正式告别辞
  3. Valediction speech – 告别演讲
  4. Heartfelt valediction – 真挚的告别辞
  5. Personal valediction – 个人告别辞
  6. Official valediction – 官方告别辞
  7. Written valediction – 书面告别辞
  8. Sentimental valediction – 情感丰富的告别辞
  9. Public valediction – 公开告别辞
  10. Emotional valediction – 情绪激动的告别辞

告别用语(Expressions of Farewell):

  1. Sincere valediction – 真诚的告别
  2. Warm valediction – 温暖的告别
  3. Heartwarming valediction – 感人的告别
  4. Fond valediction – 深情的告别
  5. Respectful valediction – 尊重的告别
  6. Affectionate valediction – 深情的告别
  7. Bittersweet valediction – 苦乐参半的告别
  8. Polite valediction – 礼貌的告别
  9. Grateful valediction – 感激的告别
  10. Gentle valediction – 温和的告别

告别词汇(Vocabulary for Farewell):

  1. Goodbye – 再见
  2. Farewell – 告别
  3. Adieu – 再会
  4. Parting words – 告别的话语
  5. Take care – 保重
  6. Best wishes – 祝一切顺利
  7. Until we meet again – 直到再次见面
  8. Wishing you well – 祝你好运
  9. Stay in touch – 保持联系
  10. Godspeed – 祝你平安
