
[verb] take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force
[动词] 非法或以武力夺取(权力地位或重要地位)


Usurp 一词源自拉丁语 usurpare (利用,抓住……以供使用),14世纪初经古法语 usurper (错误地占用)进入英语后主要用来表示“篡夺、用武力夺取”王位、权力、地位等,常作正式用语使用,强调非法或不正当地夺取和占用他人依据法律、习俗或自然权利所拥有的职位、地位、职能、权力等,比如:

  • 篡权
    usurp the power
  • 篡夺王位
    usurp the throne

在这个概念下, usurp 还可以用来引申指“侵占、非法使用”财产、物资、名义等,以及“错误取代”角色、作用等,比如:

  • 侵占财产
    usurp the property
  • 盗用……的名义
    usurp the name of
  • 有些做父母的急于取代教师的作用。
    Some parents are anxious about usurping the role of the teacher.


Her day was divided between us; no amusement usurped a minute: she neglected her meals, her studies, and her play; and she was the fondest nurse that ever watched.
出自英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)的长篇小说《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights)。


  • Snooty ale connoisseurs mock Budweiser’s usurped title of “King of Beers”.
  • Republicans usurped this responsibility, and that decision was not only unjust but also undemocratic.


usurp (yoo SURP) If you usurp someone’s place (or power), you seize it unlawfully, you push them out.

  • Modern day Christians disagree among themselves on whether the apostle Paul’s statement that women ought not to usurp the authority of men should be taken literally today.
  • Prince Hamlet knew his uncle had usurped his father’s throne but heart-break at the situation came sooner than the chance to speak up.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
篡夺(yoo SURP)如果你篡夺了某人的位置(或权力),你就非法夺取了它,你就把他们赶了出去。

  • 现代基督徒在使徒保罗关于女性不应篡夺男性权威的说法今天是否应该被字面理解的问题上存在分歧
  • 哈姆雷特王子知道他的叔叔篡夺了他父亲的王位,但对这种情况的心碎来得比开口说话的机会还快



篡夺权力(Usurping Power):

  1. Usurp the throne – 篡夺王位
  2. Seize power – 夺取权力
  3. Take over the government – 掌控政府
  4. Overthrow the regime – 推翻政权
  5. Usurp control – 窃取控制权
  6. Illegitimately assume authority – 非法地执掌权威
  7. Usurp the position of leadership – 篡夺领导地位
  8. Usurp the rights and privileges – 窃取权益和特权
  9. Subvert the established order – 颠覆既定秩序
  10. Usurp the role of the rightful ruler – 篡夺合法统治者的角色

篡夺财产(Usurping Property):

  1. Usurp someone’s land – 篡夺某人的土地
  2. Seize someone’s assets – 没收某人的资产
  3. Take over someone’s business – 接管某人的生意
  4. Usurp control of a company – 窃取对公司的控制权
  5. Usurp someone’s inheritance – 窃取某人的遗产
  6. Illegally acquire property – 非法获取财产
  7. Usurp the rights to a patent – 窃取专利权
  8. Usurp someone’s intellectual property – 盗用某人的知识产权
  9. Usurp ownership of a trademark – 窃取商标所有权
  10. Usurp the control of financial assets – 窃取财务资产的控制权

篡夺地位(Usurping Position):

  1. Usurp someone’s authority – 篡夺某人的权威
  2. Usurp the role of a leader – 窃取领导者的角色
  3. Usurp the position of a supervisor – 篡夺主管的职位
  4. Seize control of a committee – 掌控委员会
  5. Usurp the rank of a military officer – 窃取军官的军衔
  6. Illegitimately assume the role of a teacher – 非法地扮演教师的角色
  7. Usurp the status of an elder – 窃取长者的地位
  8. Usurp the authority of a judge – 篡夺法官的权威
  9. Usurp the power of a union leader – 窃取工会领导人的权力
  10. Usurp the position of a spokesperson – 篡夺发言人的职位


appropriate: take (something) for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission
expropriate: (of the state or an authority) take (property) from its owner for public use or benefit
wrest: forcibly pull (something) from a person’s grasp

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
