Fuck you!
Let’s go! Get the fuck out!
你告诉那个 他被起诉了的家伙他被起诉了
You tell the, fucking, guy he’s sued. He’s getting sued.
没有一个 妈的 DJ要玩他的狗屎 我知道镇上的每一个DJ
Not one, fucking, DJ gonna play his shit. I know every, fucking, DJ in this town.
Fuck all you losers!
你闻起来像他的 该死的 古龙水!
You smell like his, fucking, cologne!
我们什么都没做 霍华德!
We didn’t do anything, Howard!
是的 对 对!
Yeah, right, right!
You blew a huge, fucking, sale for me!
你在卖♥♥什么 你的 该死的 热抢的?
What were you selling, your, fucking, hot snatch?
把我的整个 该死的 生活都搞砸了
Blowing my whole, fucking, life away for this skank over here.
哦 哇 好吧现在我是个 该死的 斯坎克?
Oh, wow, okay. Now I’m a, fucking, skank?
-是 你 你妈吗? -听着 霍华德
-Were, the fuck, are you, you fuck? -Listen, Howard.
你知道吗 你遇到我的时候
You knew what, the fuck, it was when you met me.
没错 是的没错
That’s right, yeah. That’s right.
That’s why I wish I never, fucking, met you. Right here.
-哦 哇 那太好霍华德了 霍华德 -滚出我的 该死的 走!
-Oh wow, that’s great Howard, Howard. -Get out of my, fucking, way!
Go fuck the Weeknd.
-我们没干 什么都做! – 我!
-We didn’t, fucking, do anything! -Fuck off me!
走 走没事的 去 晚安 再见 快走 走开!
Go, go. It’s fine. Go. Good night. Bye. Get, the fuck, away!
-霍华德 -走!
-Howard. -Go!
霍华德 滚出去 那该死的 车!
Howard. Get out of, the fucking, car!
滚开 滚开!
Get, the fuck, out of the way!
你打算怎么办 霍华德?你打算怎么办 大硬汉?
What are you gonna do, Howard? What are you gonna do, big tough guy?
-我没和他做什么? -滚出去!滚出去!
-I didn’t, fucking, do anything with him? -Get, the fuck, out of here!
快走 走开!去干那个家伙!
Get, the fuck, away! Go fuck the guy!
操你 霍华德!明天见
Fuck you, Howard! I’ll see you tomorrow.
明天见 霍华德!
I’ll see you tomorrow, Howard!
我们走吧 去!操♥你♥妈♥!
Let’s go. Go! Fuck you!
什么 你在开玩笑吗?
What, the fuck, are you looking at?
Nothing much.
哦 好笑愚蠢的婊♥子♥
Oh, funny. Stupid bitch.
这就是为什么你排队 该死的 冷
That’s why you’re in line in the, fucking, cold.
Stupid bitch.
-不 不 不听着 安妮 -霍华德 霍华德
-No, no, no. Listen, Anne. -Howard, Howard.
I’m looking at it. I’m looking at the opal.
-你错过了重点 -我正在看 好吗?
-You are missing the point. -I’m looking at it right now, okay?
It’s gorgeous.
不应该是你看它 是我
It is not you who should be looking at it, it’s me.
Turn that down.
让我向你解释一下 拉特纳先生
Let me explain something to you, Mr. Ratner.
你的蛋白石是75个项目之一 我必须监督这次拍卖♥♥
Your opal is one of the 75 items I have to oversee for this auction.
所有这些 但您的已经清洗 编目和评估
All of them but yours have been cleaned, cataloged and appraised.
听着 我正在做我自己的评估 好吗?
Listen, I’m doing some appraisals of my own, okay?
然后 我今天要把它带给你
And then I’m gonna bring it to you today.
I am on the precipice of pulling it.
-我向你发誓 好吗? -一天结束 否则我们就完了
-I swear to you, please, okay? -End of the day or we’re done.
我现在接到一个电♥话♥ 所以我得走了
I’m getting a call right now, so I have to go.
这是霍华德·拉特纳嗨 珍妮特 非常感谢
This is Howard Ratner. Hi, Janet, thank you so much
-这么快就给我回电♥话♥了 -是的 没问题
-for calling me back so quickly. -Yeah, no problem.
That message you left was actually very disturbing.
不 我不是故意担心你的
No, I didn’t mean to worry you.
好吧 你介意告诉我这是怎么回事吗?
Okay, would you mind telling me what this is about?
I saw online that your boss represents Kevin Garnett?
-我得暂时搁置你 -好吧 当然 我会坚持的
-I’m gonna have to put you on hold for one moment. -Okay, sure, I’ll hang on.
-霍华德 朱莉娅在1号♥线 -没有不 告诉她不我不在这里
-Howard, Julia’s on line 1. -No. No, tell her no. I’m not here.
Fuck it!
Where are you?
Why aren’t you answering your phone?
我问你一个问题 你在哪里?
I asked you a question, where are you?
我住在凯特的家里 你还觉得呢?
I stayed at Kat’s house, where else do you think?
我不能 妈的 跟你一起回家
I couldn’t, fucking, go home with you acting that way.
不 那是…
No, that’s…
让我猜猜 你今天不来上班?
So, let me guess, you’re not coming to work today?
I would like to.
只要你喜欢 就来上班一定很好
That must be nice to come to work whenever you feel like it.
-霍华德 -那好吗 还好吗?
-Howard. -Is that good, is that good?
也许 那你应该打个盹吗?
Maybe, you should take a nap then?
-我们不能… -小睡一下 休息一下…
-Can’t we just… -Take a nap, get your rest…
你需要保持吸引力 对吗?
you need to remain attractive, right?
Answer me.
我只是想坐下来和你谈谈 霍华德
I just wanna sit down and talk to you, Howard.
-好吧 -我现在不想这么做
-Okay. -I don’t wanna do this right now.
-我不想玩 -我只需要工作 好吗?
-I don’t wanna play. -And I just need to work, okay?
我需要工作 以确保你的作弊是照顾
I need to work to make sure that your cheating ass is taking care of.
-…第2行的人员 -再见!
-… personnel on line 2. -Goodbye!
This is Howard Ratner.
My assistant told me that you called? How are you doing?
我不会骗你的 我会好起来的
I’m not gonna lie to you, I could be better.
很抱歉听到这个消息 我能为你做什么?
Sorry to hear that, so what can I do for you?
I’ve been having a situation with one of your higher profile players.
And I’m moments away right now from making things very ugly for you.
-好吧 你能等一下吗? -不 我没有坚持下去
-Okay, can you hang on for a second? -No, I’m not hanging on.
I happen to be a litigious individual,
and I’m a second away from hanging up right now
-打电♥话♥给我的律师和警♥察♥… -哇 哇 哇
-and calling my lawyer and the police… -Whoa, whoah, whoah.
-你知道我不知道你在说什么 -霍华德 KG和德美的在一起
-You realize I have no idea what you’re talking about. -Howard, KG is here with Demany.
你越来越热非常快 你开始听起来像一个混♥蛋♥ 所以
You’re getting very hot very fast and you’re starting to sound like an asshole so
-也许你想退后… -没关系
-maybe you wanna back off… -Nevermind.
凯文 嘿
Kevin, hey.
Buzz the men in.
-把他们叫大叫 -我是我是 霍华德
-Buzz them. -I am. I am, Howard.
That’s the fucking door.
请到另一个蜂鸣器 快点
Got to the other buzzer, please. Hurry up.
我马上就来 继续
I’ll be right there. Go ahead.
-那不工作 -上帝!
-That’s not working. -Goddamnit!
-挂断 对不起 -打开这狗屎 伙计
-Hang up, sorry. -Open this shit, man.
-对不起 -我们没时间了
-I’m sorry. -We don’t have time for this shit.
-有时候… -我不在乎
-Magnets sometimes… -I don’t give a fuck about that.
-你带了宝石? -我是幽闭恐惧症
-You brought the gem? -I’m claustrophobic.
-哦 是的 我这里有宝石 -好吧 好吧 很好 就在那儿
-Oh, yeah, I got the gem right here. -Okay, all right, good, there it is.
We’ll go upstairs and wait.
你不能离开 因为那个被锁住了
You can’t leave, because that one is locked over.
拿个 妈的 在那边锤子
Get a, fucking, hammer over there.
罗曼 他需要锤子他需要锤子
Roman, he needs the hammer. He needs the hammer.
Let me get a hammer.
事实上 我不知道这怎么工作的 但是…
I, actually, don’t know how this will work, but…
-把锤子给我 -我上去 我来了
-Give me the hammer. -I’m on it, I’m coming.
它通常工作 这将工作 给我这个
It usually works. This will work. Give me this.
准备好嗡嗡作响 好吗?
And get ready to buzz, okay?
-哦 我的上帝 黑鬼! -对不起 嗡嗡声 嗡嗡声
-Oh my God, nigga! -I’m sorry, buzz, buzz.
-那狗屎比婊♥子♥大 -你在开玩笑吗?
-That shit is louder than bitch. -Are you fucking kidding me?
Gotta hit it from the side.
-完美无瑕在这里 -摆脱这个混♥蛋♥
-Flawless is here. -Get rid of this motherfucker.
-告诉他要有感觉 -哦 我的上帝 完美无瑕在这里?
-Tell him to vibe. -Oh my God, Flawless is here?
都死 该死的 完美无瑕的!罗马!
Defy, the fucking, Flawless! Roman!
-罗马!来啊 -哦 狗屎!
-Roman! Come on here. -Oh, shit!
好吧 听着 我们有个连接问题
All right, listen, we’re having a, fucking, connection issue.
给我一些 妈的 金属剃须和工具 妈的 包 好吗?
Just get me some, fucking, metal shavings and the tool, fucking, kit, all right?
我会拿到这个…我向你保证 这将工作
I’m going to get this… I promise you this will work.
快点 罗曼!谢谢
Hurry the fuck up, Roman! Thank you.
嘿 霍华德我是来买♥♥蛋白石的今天对我来说是一个游戏日!
Hey, Howard. I’m here to buy the opal. This is a game day for me!
-我知道 我知道是的 -到底怎么回事?
-I know, I know it is. -What the fuck is going on?
-我这个袋子里有175万 -175?
-I got 175 thousand in this bag. -175?
I told you that thing’s worth over a million dollars, that’s…
霍华德 来吧 伙计!你到底在干什么?
Howard, come on, man! What the fuck are you doing?
… Court-side seats.
我住在纽约 我不知道那对我有什么帮助 KG?
