Give me the, fucking, keys to your car, man!
What are you gonna do? Have them steal my Mercedes?
看什么 你干了 你 妈的 咬我
Look what, the fuck, you did, you, fucking, bit me.
阿诺 跟我说
Arno. Fucking talk to me.
别听他的 阿诺 这不是游戏
Don’t listen to him, Arno, that’s not a game.
-阿诺 -别说我的 该死的 名字!
-Arno. -Don’t say my, fucking, name!
I have every intention of paying you back.
I’m broke right now.
You’re broke? What’s that one?
看那个 你记得吗?看它!
Look at that, do you remember that? Look at it!
那是钱 不是我的
That is money, that’s not mine.
That I sent to you because I wanted to calm you down.
我们知道一个事实 你用那笔钱下注
We know for a fact, that you placed a bet with that money.
-我从没拿那笔钱下注 -是的 你做到了
-I never placed a bet with that money. -Yes, you did.
-不 我没有 -不 我问你一件事
-No, I didn’t. -No, let me ask you something.
I heard that Beni and Eddie are going to Timberlake.
你知道我还听到了什么吗?我听说你重新浮出水面 该死的 游泳池
And you know what else I heard? I heard you’ve resurfaced your, fucking, swimming pool.
You know how that makes me feel?
-我从没再浮出水面过 -你认为你的生命比我更重要?
-I’ve never resurfaced anything. -You think your life is more important than mine?
-我不知道是谁说的 -把钥匙给我 闭嘴!
-I don’t know who said that. -Give me the keys and shut the fuck up!
把钥匙给我 该死的 汽车!
Give me the keys to your, fucking, car!
我给你 妈的 钥匙 好吧
I’ll give you, fucking, keys, fine.
好吧 听着我愿意 我做了
All right, listen. I do. I did.
我承认 我…
I admit it, I…
I made a bet. And guess what?
事情是这样的 我打中了
Here’s the thing. I hit.
我打赌很大 好吗?
I hit the bet big, okay?
You think I’m stupid?
你以为我很蠢 霍华德你和你的整个 该死的 家人
You think I’m stupid, Howard. You and your whole, fucking, family.
我现在就给书打电♥话♥ 你接电♥话♥ 他会告诉你
I’ll call the book right now, you’ll get on the phone, and he’ll tell you.
我看见你的书友了 你说的是加里?
I saw your bookie, you are talking about Gary?
You spoke to Gary? About what?
About you. About how you’re taking my money. All of the time and placing bets.
You know what that does to me?
You know how offensive it is to me?
What? You stopped the bet?
你觉得呢 混♥蛋♥?
What do you think, asshole?
-你停止下注了? -闭嘴!
-You stopped the bet? -Shut the fuck up!
恭喜你 阿诺 你 你 搞砸了 我们自己在六百个…
Congratulations, Arno, you, fucked, ourselves out of six hundred…
Take his clothes off.
What’s this?
把你的 该死的 衬衫!
Give me your, fucking, shirt!
This worth more than my, fucking, car.
霍华德 是你自己做的
Howard, you did this to yourself.
Take his fucking shoes.
I will get you the money.
我会给你钱 我…
I’ll get the money for you. I got the…
… rip me off to this next fucking week…
把我的眼镜给我我需要我的 该死的 眼镜
Give me my glasses. I need my, fucking, glasses.
Shut the fuck up!
马上上拉来吧 我们走
Pull up right here. Come on, let’s go.
在每个地方 你会的 妈妈 知道我想要钱
At each place you’ll be, motherfucker. Know that I want the money.
阿尔诺拿到钱了我不是 妈的 在这儿
Arno gets the money. I’m not, fucking, around here.
You hear me?
Get him out of the car!
快点 快点 我们走吧 我们走吧
Come on, come on. Let’s go. Let’s go.
Get in the fucking car.
好了 好了
All right, all right.
听我说 阿诺!
Listen to me, Arno!
-阿诺! -上车!
-Arno! -Get in the car!
-拿蛋白石 -别担心
-Take the opal. -Don’t worry about that.
别担心 上车
Don’t worry about it. Get in the car.
不 我想要内衣
No, I want the underwear.
No, no!
过来这里 过来这里 给我你的内♥裤♥
Come here. Come here. Give me your, fucking, underwear.
You cocksucker.
让他 该死的 腐烂在那里
Let him, fucking, rot in there.
操你 阿诺!你吸吮母鸡!
Fuck you, Arno! You cocksucking motherfucker!
Are you fucking…

Pick up that phone.
加油 加油
Come on. Come on.
霍华德 你在哪里?马塞尔即将上台
Howard, where are you? Marcel is about to go on stage.
-迪娜! -你想要什么?
-Dinah! -What do you want?
我把钥匙锁在汽车后备箱里 你能不能…
I locked my keys in the trunk of the car. Can you please…
Can you come to the parking lot and open it for me?
Fucking shit! Fuck.
没关系 谢谢 好?
It’s okay. Thank you. Okay?
对不起 我马上回里面见你 现在一切都好
Sorry. I’ll meet you right back inside. It’s all good now.
Let me get dressed.
穿着这么薄的纸布 你在森林里可能找什么?
What could you possibly be looking for in the forest, dressed in such thin paper rags?
My wicked stepmother has condemned me to die,
lest I fill this basket with roses before the coming of the dawn.
此外 我们的小屋是我们的魔法花♥园♥
Besides our cottage is our magic garden.
It protects the roses from the snow.
现在就去 把篮子装满你心里的花篮
Go now and fill your basket to your heart’s content.
-爸爸 这干什么? -看着你 妈的 姐姐的玩
-Dad, what the fuck? -Just watch you, fucking, sister’s play.
Thank you!
We must bestow a gift upon her!
我知道!每次她说话 金币都会从她的嘴里溢出来
I know! Every time she speaks, gold coins shall spill forth from her mouth.
This will be our gift!
Quick! He approaches now.
这是丹尼的一部分 他要出来了
This is Danny’s part, he’s coming out.
Hark! Who goes there?
He did so good.
Fuck me. Jesus Christ.
-你好 -嘿 你捡到了吗?
-Hello. -Hey, you picked up?
当我阻止你接电♥话♥ 当你知道是我 你不知道吗?
When I block the caller you pick up, when you know it’s me you don’t?
What is that all about?
不 我知道是你 霍华德 这就是为什么我拿起
Nah, I knew it was you, Howard that’s why I picked up.
嘿 我的 该死的 宝石呢?
Hey, where’s my, fucking, gem?
嘿 你需要冷静下来你的行为没有发生任何事
Hey, you need to calm down. Nothing’s happening with you acting like this.
听着 混♥蛋♥
Listen motherfucker.
我想要我的财产 你明白吗?
I want my, fucking, property, you understand me?
嘿 小心你的嘴 好吗?
Hey, watch your mouth, all right?
You’re not dealing with some broke ass niggas.
你 妈的 把我送上回家的巴士你觉得这很有趣吗?
You, fucking, put me on that bus ride home. You think that was funny?
什么 妈的 是怎么样的?妈的 公共汽车真恶心!
What, the fuck, was that all about? That, fucking, bus was disgusting!
What explaining you want me to do?
我和你一起去更衣室 用你傻傻的屁♥眼♥让我看起来真的 该死的 怀疑
I’d go with you to locker-room, with your silly ass it makes me look really, fucking, suspect.
-我的宝石呢?在哪儿? -我想帮你 别搞砸了
-Where’s my gem? Where is it? -I’m trying to help you, not fuck everything up.
耶稣 我现在就把它说在了
Jesus. I have it on me, right now.
You have it on you?
是的 我即将回到城里
Yes, I’m about to be back in the city.
好吧 你今晚要来吗?
Okay, you’re going to this, fucking, Weeknd thing tonight?
我并没有计划 但我可以
I wasn’t planning on it, but I could.
可以吗?不 不是你可以的 你会的!你会在那儿见我的
You could? No it’s not you could. You will! You’ll meet me there.
味道不错 那是什么?烤鸡?
Smells good, what it is? Barbecue chicken?
所以 我想谈谈主干场景
So, I wanted to talk about the trunk scenario.
从字面上说 这是最尴尬的事情 就像…
It was, literally, the most awkward thing, like…
Where are you going?
I’m heading into the city.
Late night event.
-金达去… -是蛋糕?
-Kinda go… -It’s the cake?
直到2 3 你永远不会知道了 所以 我明天就筋疲力尽了
Until 2, 3, you never know anymore. So, I’ll be exhausted tomorrow.
是的 好的 当然
Yeah, okay, sure.
Good night.
不管怎样 我稍后会结束谈话 但从字面上看 这太尴尬了 就像…
Anyway, I’ll finish the conversation later, but it was, literally, so awkward, like…
