He can fucking shoot… -I don’t care, Howard.
霍华德 去和你儿子说晚安
Howard, go say goodnight to your son.
好吧 我马上就来
Okay, I’ll be right there.
I’ll be right there.
Let me just get to the time-out.
这 该死的 愤怒是荒谬的
This, fucking, wrath is ridiculous.
-现在! -好吧 对不起
-Now! -All right, I’m sorry.
朗多用9号♥投篮时钟 现在才到3分钟就走了
Rondo with 9 on the shot clock, only now to 3 minutes to go.
加内特在投篮中拿下4分 加内特 复古游戏一 当然
Garnett put it up with 4 on the shoot. Garnett, vintage game one, for sure.
15 points on 7 for 8 from the field.
Oh, no!
哦 给我一个该死的休息时间
Oh, give me a fucking break.
Fuck you Callahan! You cocksucker.
-嘿 嘿 对吧? -加内特现在要杀了它
-Hey, hey, right? -Garnett’s killing it right now.
我知道 贝尼在睡觉放下它
I know, Beni’s sleeping. Keep it down.
对不起 我太被炒作了
I’m sorry. I’m so hyped.
NBA总是最后2分钟 该死的 让我们冷静下来
NBA is always the last 2, fucking, minutes, so let’s calm down.
Hit that KG!
-爸爸 我打赌要钱 -砰!
-Dad, I bet money. -Boom!
Jason bet me 25 bucks for the first half.
翻倍 上半场 另外五十块钱!
Doubled that up the last half, for another fifty bucks!
你父亲赌了很多钱 儿子
Your father bet a lot of money on this, son.
Really? How much?
-你不想知道 -不过 还是很吧?
-You don’t wanna know. -A lot though, right?
把那狗屎放进洞里!没错 来吧 你可以再扣篮了!
Put that shit in the fucking hole! That’s right, come on, you can dunk again!
太神奇了 太神奇了
Amazing, this is amazing.
He’s down. He’s asleep.
你把它翻转到ESPN 只需一秒钟
You flip it to ESPN, just for one second.
这是一场巨大的比赛 这就是为什么他在那里如此疯狂
This is a huge game, That’s why he’s going so crazy up there.
我很想现在就把楼下的孩子们扭起来 然后把它弄过来
I’m tempted to wrangle the kids downstairs right now and get it over with.
You really wanna do that? I don’t know how sensitive that is.
You’re calling me insensitive?
I thought we both agreed that we wait till after Passover.
接下来 你会说你想等到夏天之后
Next you’ll be saying you wanna wait until after the summer.
I’m not opposed to waiting till after summer.
这是商业性的 你不能把游戏开上两分钟吗?
It’s commercial, can’t you just put the game on for two, fucking, minutes?
Till my car gets here?
Let’s not chop the body. No words to describe that.
41?我不知道这些家伙多大了 但你无法分辨出他们的年龄
41? I don’t know how old these guys are, but you can’t tell by their age.
This is crazy.
这是KG从外面打中了球 他星期六就36岁了
Here is KG hitting the shot from outside. He’ll be 36 on Saturday.
他把凯尔特人打上了一个世纪大关 101比76!
And he puts the Celtics over the century mark, 101 to 76!
哦 是的!
Oh, yes!
天啊 是的!
Oh, God. Yes!
哦 妈的!
Oh, fuck!
哦 我的上帝!
Oh my God!
-嘿 改变计划 -怎么了?
-Hey, change of plans. -What’s up?
走出口 第49街和第三大道 史密斯和沃伦斯基
Take the exit, 49th street and 3rd avenue, Smith and Wollensky.
-一切都好吗? -我只是…你叫什么名字?
-Everything okay? -I just… What’s your name?
我只是打得很大 很大 哦 我的上帝!
I just hit very big, very big. Oh my God!
KG 哈文的乐趣…
KG havin’ fun…
-嘿 怎么了? -宝贝 你在哪里?
-Hey, what’s up? -Baby, where are you at?
我现在就回去 在电梯里怎么了?
I’m just going back right now, in the elevator. Why, what’s up?
我被抱了 我正在回来的路上
I got held up, I’m just on my way back now.
Dinah was on the tear tonight.
糟透了 你有多远?
That sucks, how far away are you?
我在隧♥道♥里 刚进去
I’m in the tunnel, just getting in there.
-好吧 你很亲近 -是的
-Okay, so you’re very close. -Yes.
等一下 我得走了我得走了
Hold on, I gotta go. I gotta go.
Wait, wait.
-嘿 -什么?
-Hey. -What?
我等不及要见你了 我的心情令人难以置信
I can’t wait to see you. I’m in an incredible mood.
好吧 我还有一条线 我还有一条线
Okay, I got another line, I got another line.
-戈塔走 再见 -好吧
-Gotta go, bye. -Okay.
当我们说话时 是的 我仍要建立赌注
As we speak, yeah, and I still have to set up the stakes.
I still have to get ready.
因为他的宝石来了 你不听我的吗?我一整天都在谈论这件事
Because his gem came, do you not listen to me? I’ve been talking about it all day.
我要 还记得绿色吗?我有照片?
I’m gonna… Remember the green? The photo I have?
我知道 我知道 我知道…
Yeah, I know, I know…
I’m gonna cum!
我帮不上忙 我不能
I can’t help it. I can’t…
哦 我的上帝!
Oh my God!
Why the fuck did you do that?
你看你看起来真可爱 你看起来真漂亮
You see how fucking sweet you look, you look so gorgeous.
我只是打那么 该死的 大
I just hit so, fucking, big.
-我打得这么大 -多大?
-I hit so big. -How big?
Feel how wet I am.
I’m almost there.
What? You told me that already.
是的 我撞上了疯狂的交通
Yeah, I hit the mad traffic.
What are you talking… 9 o’clock we were supposed to be there.
-真是9点43分 -看 整个城市都堵了
-It’s fucking 9:43 -Look, the whole city is clogged up.
I can’t do anything about it.
不是每个人都在”多时间” 伙计 我们走!
Not everybody’s on “Demany-time”, man, let’s move!
好吧 你可以告诉安妮我们在这里
Okay, you can tell Anne we’re here.
对不起 等一下你好
I’m sorry, hold on one second. Hi.
安妮·德博 霍华德·拉特纳和他的搭档
Anne Debaugh, Howard Ratner and his partner.
We’re all ready to go.
好吧 当你的伴侣到这儿时 我会让她知道你在这里
Okay, when your partner gets here I will let her know that you’re here.
-谢谢 -如果你想的话 你可以坐在那边
-Thanks. -You can sit over there if you’d like.
你好 霍华德 我现在就拉起来 出来
Hello, Howard, I’m pulling up right now, come out.
-我说我在里面 -我这里没有停车场
-I said I’m inside. -I’m not going find a parking here.
-把车停两下 -不 我没有得到任何该死的票…
-Double-park the car. -No, I’m not getting no fucking ticket…
-做吧 -为了你或没有其他人
-Do it. -For you or nobody else.
-什么… -见我 我们跟你谈谈
-What the…? -Meet me, we’ll talk to you.
Are you fucking kidding me?
不 我不是在开玩笑 我拉起来 来吧
No, I’m not fucking kidding you, I’m pulling up, come on.
-马上就回来 -好吧
-Will be right back. -Okay.

霍华德 霍华德!
Howard, Howard!
老天 你怎么找到我的?
Jesus, how did you find me?
-你的办公室告诉我你在哪里 -你在跟踪我?
-Your office told me where you are. -You’re following me?
-是的 我们今天需要钱 -我的办公室永远不会告诉你
-Yeah, we need the money today. -My office would never tell you that.
-这是最后一根稻草 -滚出去
-This is the last straw. -Get out of here.
You haven’t been returning my phone calls or texts. You can’t take ten minutes to…
什么 你带着你的 该死的 沉重的你?
What, you’re bringing your, fucking, heavy with you?
-是的你拿到我的钱了? -你要钱吗?
-Yeah. You got my money? -You want money?
-是的 你欠我33万 -我没有钱
-Yeah, you owe me 32 grand. -I’ve got no, fucking, money.
很好 很好看 那是3万
Fine, fine. Look, that’s 30 grand.
Fucking sell that for 15 Gs.
15 Gs 在哪里?我要在哪里卖♥♥这个?
15 Gs, where? Where I’m gonna sell this?
去温佩大道 第55和第5大道 去那里 放在你的口袋里 该死的
Go to Wempe’s, 55th and 5th avenue. Go there, put that in your, fucking, pocket.
嘿 嘿 在哪儿?
Hey, hey. Where is it at?
Where’s the gem?
You give me the gem. I’ll run it up to Siz.
-进去 我要跟你谈谈 -我对手表一无所知
-Get in, I need to talk to you. -I don’t know anything about the watch.
嘿 滚出去我不想要手表
Hey, get the fuck out of here. I don’t want a watch.
你刚给我 因为你欠我的钱
You just gave it to me, for the money you owe me.
-闭嘴 -这是一半的钱
-Shut the fuck up, -This is half the money.
I’m not, fucking, buying watches right now.
-把搞砸了 -拿屎
-Back the fuck up. -Take shit.
-别碰我的屎 -走开 伙计
-Don’t touch my shit. -Walk the fuck away, man.
来吧 把蛋白石给我
Come on, give me the opal.
-进去 尼加 只是想和你谈谈 -他们在等我们!
-Get in, nigga, just want to talk to you. -They are waiting on us!
-进去 我们谈谈 伙计 -我该干什么? 该死的 车?
-Get in, we’ll talk, man. -What do I getting in, fucking, car for?
Jesus Christ!
带着那个离开这里 妈的 富加齐!
