It’s a spiritual man.
婊♥子♥屁♥股♥黑鬼 这个 该死的 事情让我觉得我可以飞
Bitch ass nigga, this, fucking, thing makes me feel like I can fly.
那么 你要@MeAndHowie标签?
So, you are going to @MeAndHowie tag?
-是的是的 我抓到你了 -30该死的照片 我想要喜欢
-Yes. Yes, I got you. -30 fucking pics, I want likes.
-让我打一枪 -那是个好主意
-Let me get a fucking shot. -That’s a good idea, man.
过来 你坚持住?看看这狗屎
Come here, so you’re holding up? Look at this shit.
-砰的一声 -砰的一声
-Boom. -Boom.
I can’t just… Give me something as collateral.
-我要戒指 -霍华德 冷静点
-I want the ring. -Howard, calm the fuck down.
-作为抵押品 我需要确保他把它带回来 -不 不 他有钱
-As collateral, I need to make sure he’s bringing it back. -No, no, he’s good money, man.
-我知道他是 我想确定… -这是一笔交易那是个交易
-I know he is, I want to make sure… -That’s a deal. That’s a deal.
-我给你 -谢谢
-I’ll give you that. -Thanks.
我会把它留在这里 就在我的尼克斯’73旁边
And I’m gonna keep it right here, right next to my Knicks ’73.
-经典 -经典 我喜欢
-Classic. -Classic, I like that.
-我很感激 -我抓到你了
-I appreciate it. -I got you.
-听着 你见我了! -我会遇见你快乐的 是的
-Listen, you meet me! -I’ll meet your happy ass, yes.
You will, fucking, bring that stone to me, 9 in the morning.
嘿 嘿 听我说没有到处乱逛
Hey, hey, listen to me. No dicking around.
你出现 你听到我说话了吗?
You show up, you hear me?
再见 妈咪好吧 我们推出吧
I’ll see you there, motherfucker. All right, let’s roll out.
Buzz ‘em out.
I got his earrings.
耳环等等 把他们带到他身上来
The earrings. Wait, bring them out to him.
留着他们 留着他们去商场 我抓住他们
Keep them, keep them to the mall, I’ll grab them.
黑人犹太人授权 黑鬼!
Black Jew empower, nigga!
搞什么 谁来清理这个 妈的 妈的?
What the fuck… Who’s gonna clean this, fucking, shit?
Eddie boy! What are you doing?
你想要什么 爸爸?
What do you want, Dad?
看看我有什么 看 你会喜欢这个的
Look what I got, look, you gonna love this.
这儿 那是什么?你能让我一个人呆着吗?
Here, what’s that right there? Would you leave me alone?
-这是什么? -是凯文·加内特的戒指
-What is this? -It’s Kevin Garnett’s ring.
冠军戒指 NBA 2008年 我知道你会发疯的
Championship ring. NBA, 2008, I knew you’d freak out.
好吧 我爱你 我的孩子
All right, I love you, my boy.
罗伯托 来上班了
Roberto, came to work.
-布朗斯坦 -嘿 霍华德
-Bronstein. -Hey, Howard.
嘿 打破你的托盘在哪儿?在哪儿?
Hey, break out your tray. Where is it? Where is it?
我会和你握手 但我知道它在哪里
I’d shake your hand, but I know where it’s been.
看这个 那是凯文·加内特的2008年冠军戒指
Look at this, that’s Kevin Garnett’s 2008 championship ring.
-冠军戒指? -冠军戒指 2008年
-Championship ring? -Championship ring, 2008.
好吧 你想典当还是想卖♥♥掉它?
All right, you wanna pawn it or you wanna sell it?
I wanna pawn it.
-让我快速看看 -对 好吧
-Let me take a quick look at it. -Right, okay.
I don’t know what you are looking for.
-检查钻石 -那是他的手指
-Check the diamond. -That was just on his fucking finger.
这是单切 你知道 豪伊 这是单切 它甚至不是一个完整的削减
It’s single cut, you know, Howie. It’s single cut, it’s not even a full cut.
好吧 你跟联盟谈谈切这个狗屎的方式
Okay, you talk to the fucking League about the way the cut this shit.
-它们价值更低 -看看这个 好吗?
-They worth less. -Take a look at this, all right?
好吧 这是他的戒指 我明白
All right, it’s his ring, I understand.
是他的Instagram 现在爆♥炸♥了?
It’s from his Instagram, it’s, fucking, blowing up right now?
我听到了 好吧那么 你需要什么呢?
I hear you, all right. So, what do you need for it?
I figured, that thing’s worth 80 grand?
把它借给我 就到它了 把它借给我 我星期五回来
Just loan it to me, that’s it. Just loan it to me, I’ll be back Friday.
第一 我们都知道这里有什么
Number one -we both know what’s in here.
我们都知道 价值主要是纪念品的原因
We both know that the value is mostly cause of memorabilia.
-但它是纪念品 -是的
-But it is a memorabilia piece. -Yes.
-所以这就是为什么你能卖♥♥掉它 -那我告诉你吧
-So that’s why you’d be able to sell it. -So I’ll tell you what.
Give me 50 Gs. Just float it for me.
我给你两万五千美元 但我要在戒指上加8% 的维维
I’m gonna give you 25 thousand dollars, but I want an 8 % vig on the ring.
8 %?妈的 我给你一个盛大的 你脱下一个宏伟的顶部
8 %? Fucking, how about I give you a grand, you take a grand off the top.
I’m gonna come back Friday for it.
You know last time you left something here for 6 months.
因此 我们希望确保预先
So we wanna make sure upfront.
上次不是我的错 我们搞砸了
Last time wasn’t my fault, we fucking went over that.
我明白 让我们快点
I understand, let’s make it quick.
21000美元 7%的维维 我想让你知道
21 thousand dollars, 7 % vig. And I want you to know.
比如说 你星期五回来 如果你不周五回来 那是我的戒指
Say, you’ll be back Friday, if you’re not back Friday, it’s my ring.
如果我不把它带回星期五 我就死定了 所以…
If I don’t bring it back Friday, I’m a dead man, so…
-好吧 我们成交了? -好吧 交易
-All right, so we have a deal? -All right, deal.
-马泽尔 -马泽尔
-Mazel. -Mazel.
-你能去支点拿钱吗? -给他钱 我们给你钱
-Can you go to the stake and get me the money? -Get him the money, we’ll get you the money.
嘿 好佩萨奇这真是太棒了
Hey, good Pesach. This is great.
70th and 1st? The fuck is he doing there?
Just walking.
现在他停下来了 他慢下来了
Now he’s stopping, he’s slowing down.
He’s doing something. He’s playing with his phone or something.
He’s playing with something. I can’t make it out.
-我看不见他 他的背给我 -他驼背过来了你看不见
-I can’t see him, his back is to me. -He’s hunched over. You can’t see.
我不知道 我们什么也看不见
I don’t know. We can’t see anything.
我们开始吧 看 我们开始吧 他又要走了
Here we go, see. Here we go, he’s going again.
-等等 我刚收到他的短♥信♥ -他在说什么?
-Wait, I just got a text from him. -What’s he saying?
-这是一张钱的照片 -这该死的混♥蛋♥
-It’s a picture of money. -This fucking prick.
-上面写着”阿诺… -他有钱
-It says, “Arno… -He’s got fucking money.
I got your money right here”.
-他要变成某个地方了 -一家餐馆 尼诺的
-He’s turning into somewhere. -A restaurant, Nino’s.
嘿 帅哥 他在哪里?
Hey, handsome, where is he at?
He’s in the back.
嘿 你要让我在后面打个皮条吗?
Hey, you gonna make me palls in the back?
-加里 加里 -…你的鸡蛋没有胡萝卜在西塔泽尔
-Gary, Gary. -… you have your eggs no carrots in the Citazel.
-听我说 -你想要什么?
-Listen to me. -What do you want?
-我已经打赌了 -我知道 我得改变它
-I already made your bet. -I know, I gotta change it.
I got 21 thousand dollars. You add it onto the nineteen.
40 thousand dollars.
-把整个赌注都去? -把整个都铲掉
-Scrap the whole bet? -Scrap the whole.
我想做一个六向的比喻 凯尔特人六人队的比赛 阵容是什么?
I wanna make a six-way parlay. Celtics Sixers game, what’s the line-up?
-还是加一个 -加一个 好吧
-Still plus one. -Plus one, okay.
所以 我希望凯尔特人覆盖 我想要凯尔特人队的半场
So, I want the Celtics to cover. I want the Celtics halftime.
我想要加内特的得分和篮板 加内特的拦网射门
I want Garnett’s points and rebounds. Garnett’s block shots.
凯尔特人开局小费 你拿闪电下注?
Celtics opening tip, you take lightening bets?
是的 但你不想在轻松下注中扮演任何一部分 来吧
Yeah, but you don’t want any part in lightening bets, come on.
一千美元一点 好吗?拿着这个
A thousand dollars a point, okay? Take this.
-这是我的礼物 -这是什么?
-And this is the gift from me. -What’s this?
只是为了容忍♥我这段时间 好吗?
Just for tolerating me for all this time, okay?
不 我已经有劳力士了 我不需要你的手表
No, I already have a Rolex, I don’t need your watch.
不管怎样 它可能是从卡车上掉下来来的 但是听着 你知道些什么?
It probably fell off a truck anyway. But listen, what do you know?
加内特这个 加内特 你知道些什么?
Garnett this, Garnett that, what do you know?
-我不知道 我只知道 -我告诉你我所知道的
-I don’t know, I just know. -I’ll tell you what I know.
这是最愚蠢的 该死的 打赌我听说过
It’s the dumbest, fucking, bet I’ve ever heard of.
I disagree.
我不同意 加里
I disagree, Gary.
Let him shoot.

妈的 那5 妈的 踏进…
Fucking, those 5, fucking, steps into the…
Jesus Christ! That’s it.
点击 KG 就是这样 就是这样
Tap to the KG. That’s it. That’s it.
Back him down.
Fuck you! Yes! That’s it!
就是这样 那是我的人!
That’s it. That’s my man!
走吧 上去 上去他
Let’s go, get up on him. Get up on him.
妈的 把他搞砸了 该死的!
Fucking, get the fuck up on him, goddamn it!
霍华德 你在干什么?你在做什么?霍华德?
Howard, what are you doing? What are you doing? Howard?
-贝尼在等你 -好吧 我上来
-Beni is waiting for you -Okay, I’m coming up.
It’s 25 minutes past his bedtime. Go.
Did he brush his teeth yet?
Brush his teeth?! I sent you 7 texts in the dark.
霍华德 这是第一季度
Howard, it’s the first quarter.
那家伙今天早些时候在我的店里看看他 柔和的触感
That guy was in my shop earlier today. Look at him. Soft touch.
他可以开枪… -我不在乎 霍华德
