KG 帮我个忙 别靠那个 拜托
KG, do me a favor, don’t lean on that, please.
哦 我的上帝 好
Oh my God. Okay.
Buzz him in! Buzz him in now!
哦 我的上帝!这是…
Oh my God! Is this…?
This is it!
-嘿 -怎么了?
-Hey. -What’s up?
-好吧 看看这个 -我从菲什托尼公♥司♥拿到一个包裹
-Okay, look at this. -I got a package from Fishtonic.
-你要这个吗? -把它带进来把它带进来
-Where you want this? -Bring it in. Bring it in.
去我的办公室KG 你敢离开 好吗?
Go to my office. KG, don’t you dare leave, okay?
这个包里的东西会打击你的头脑 KG
What’s in this package is gonna blow your mind, KG.
-很重吗? -是的
-Is it heavy? -Yes.
Yes! Yes!
哦 我的上帝!
Oh my God!
Fuck yeah!
-给你 -给我那个
-For you. -Give me that.
伙计 我不能再这么做了 兄弟!
Man, I can’t do this anymore, bro!
What happened?
你在街上的流水 他们袭击了我 伙计
Your street goons in there, they attacked me, man.
What did you say to piss them off?
听着 加内特的船员们进来了 他们四处看看
Listen, Garnett’s crew came in here, they took a look around.
他们看到这些家伙 他们喜欢 “是的 谁在这里工作 谁不工作?
They see these guys, they like, “Yo, who works here and who doesn’t?”.
Who doesn’t -get out. I said these guys don’t work here.
太蠢了 你不应该那样说
That was stupid, you shouldn’t have said that.
这些家伙抓住我 他们把我拖过衣领
These guys grabbed me, they dragged me over the collar.
They ripped my shirt.
-好吧 看 这里穿上这件衬衫 -他们让我看起来像个傻瓜
-Okay, look, here. Take this shirt. -They made me look like a fool over here.
这是一件Gucci衬衫 500美元 是全新的
It’s a Gucci shirt, it’s $500, it’s brand-new.
Are you fucking serious right now?
-标签仍然打开 -不是衬衫的问题
-The tag is still on. -It ain’t about the shirt.
你知道我在说什么 我给了你8年的生命
You know what I’m saying, I gave you 8 years of my life.
Look how you treat me, man. I…
我把一切都投入到这个行业 我救了你的一千次
I put everything into this business, I saved your ass a thousand times.
I can’t take this place anymore, man. I can’t deal with your problems every other day.
听着 这个街区有很多人愿意和我做生意
Listen, there are a lot of people on this block that would love to do business with me.
当你看到我在那里 和他们一起工作 你不会喜欢它 伙计 你会嫉妒的
When you gonna see me out there, working with them, you not gonna like it, man, you gonna be jealous.
你不会喜欢的 霍华德
You not gonna like it, Howard.
Howard? Hello?
I’m standing here, man.
除了你之外 还有很多人可以和你做生意 霍华德
There are a lot of people I could be doing business with other than you, Howard.
你崩溃了 你看起来就像个傻瓜
You’re falling apart, you’re looking like a fool out here
on the diamond district.
看完 妈的 鱼?
Looking through, fucking, fish?
来吧 伙计 我给了你8年的生命 你甚至不能和我说话
Come on, man, I gave you 8 years of my life, and you can’t even fucking talk to me
and look me in the eyes?
Man to fucking man?
妈的 我要暨
Holy shit, I’m gonna cum.
操你 伙计我做完这个烂摊子了
Fuck you, man. I’m finished with this shithole.
-霍华德 尤西走了 走了好 -我很好
-Howard, Yussi is gone, gone for good. -That’s fine with me.
Let me get that phone.
克 你得过来 好吗?
KG, you gotta come here, all right?
-我得给你看点东西 -我得马上走
-I gotta show you something. -I gotta leave soon, man.
-我知道你必须离开 听我说 -我得离开这里
-I know you have to leave, listen to me. -I gotta get out of here.
好吧 我看电视 就像一年前一样 好吗?
Okay, so I’m watching TV, like a year ago, all right?
我在看那些 该死的 历史频道的节目 试图学习狗屎
I’m watching one of those, fucking, history channel shows, trying to learn shit.
And I stumbled… You ever hear about African Jews?
-非洲犹太人? -是的 不 好吧 不
-African Jews? -Yeah, no, all right, no.
-尼加希望每个人都是犹太人 -检查出来检查出来
-Nigga wants everyone to be a Jew. -Checks this out. Checks this out.
All right?
这些是黑人犹太人 好吗?他们被困在埃塞俄比亚的中部
So, these are black Jews, all right? They’re stranded in the middle of Ethiopia.
-太深了 -受困?
-It’s deep shit. -Stranded?
是的 看 他们一无所有 他们没有车 也没有狗屎
Yeah, look, they got nothing. They don’t got cars, they don’t got shit.
我在看这个 我就像 -什么该死的
And I’m watching this, and I’m like -what the fuck
are these guys wearing? Look.
它在那边的塔上 到处都是 对吧?
It’s on the tower over there, it’s everywhere, right?
What the fuck?
这些 该死的 伙计们得到珍贵的黑色蛋白石?
Where are these, fucking, guys get precious black opals?
-就是这个 -是黑色蛋白石?
-That’s what that is. -It’s black opal?
我做我的研究 这些家伙住在韦奥矿附近
I do my research, these guys live near the Weio mines,
主要是红色蛋白石 不值得
which, primarily, red opals, which aren’t worth shit.
-好吗? -哦 好吧
-Okay? -Oh, okay.
但这些 我可以得到你的手这些东西 你明白吗?
But these, I can get your hands on these things, you understand?
-真的吗? -那么 看
-Really? -So, look.
我对自己说 我怎样才能找到这些家伙?
I said to myself, how do I get ahold of these guys?
我设法追踪到这些家伙 并从他们那里买♥♥了一个
And I managed to track these guys down and buy one from them.
-天哪 那是什么? -那是什么?
-Holy shit, what is that? -What is that?
That’s what it is. That’s the rock.
That’s the rock. That’s the stone I got from them.
How the fuck did you get this shit, man?
It took me, fucking, 17 months to get this thing.
-天哪 -看看这个
-Holy shit. -Just look at this.
Hang on for a second. Go through my loupe.
-小心点 那是我最好的放大镜 -让我看看
-Be careful, that’s my best loupe. -Let me see this, man.
I want you to look…
-你真的喜欢那个混♥蛋♥ -看看这个
-You really into that motherfucker. -Look at this.
那是历史 明白吗?
That’s history, right there, you understand?
How many carats is this?
什么 四 五千克拉?一克拉3000美元 我不知道
What, four, five thousand carats? 3000 dollars for a carat, I don’t know.
-什么? -我不是在胡扯你
-What? -I’m not fucking bullshitting you.
为什么它有这么多的颜色 伙计 这是什么?
Why does it have so many colors in it, man, what is this?
这就是事情 他们说 你可以看到整个宇宙在蛋白石
That’s the thing, they say you can see the whole universe in opal.
That’s how fucking old they are.
-天哪 -我一直在告诉你
-Holy shit. -I’ve been telling you.
-这就是为什么我想让你看到它 -我得要一个
-That’s why I wanted you to see it. -I gotta have one.
你知道 这太疯狂了
You know, it’s crazy, man.
从石头到石头加内特是一块石头 你知道的
That’s, fucking, from stone to stone. Garnet’s a stone, you know that.
That’s a million dollar opal you are holding.
直接来自埃塞俄比亚犹太部落 我是说这是老学校 中土狗屎
Straight from the Ethiopian Jewish tribe. I mean this is old school, middle earth shit.
你有一颗 妈妈 恐龙宝石
You got a, motherfuckin’, dinosaur gem.
没错 恐龙在盯着这东西
That’s right. The dinosaurs were fuckin’ staring at this thing.
It’s 110 million years old, at least. It’s deep shit.
KG 你没事吧?
KG, are you okay?
-你没事吧? -你会没事吧?
-Are you all right? -You gonna be all right?
Told you not to lean.
Give him a fucking towel or something.
你听到我 我说”告诉他们不要倾斜”
You heard me, I said “tell them not to lean”.
Are you all right?
不过 这是一个迹象 那是个信♥号♥♥
That’s a sign though. That’s a sign.
这是一个迹象 我需要这个就是这个
That’s a sign for that. I need this. That what it is.
一定要确保我的黑鬼好 兄弟
Gotta make sure my nigga good, bro.
该死的玻璃 我告诉你你的体重很重
Fucking glass, I’m telling you. It’s a lot of weight you put on.
That’s the sign. I need this. I need this gem.
听着 那不卖♥♥ 我不能 我不能卖♥♥给你
Listen, that’s not for sale, I can’t. I can’t sell it to you.
-你说不卖♥♥是什么意思? -我做不到
-What do you mean it’s not for sale? -I can’t do it.
哥达曼 每次拍卖♥♥都定 我不能
Goddamn, it’s set per auction. I can’t…
如果当时我不能给我 你为什么要给我看点什么?
Why the fuck would you show me something, if I couldn’t have it then?
你为什么要把这个拿出来 你知道吗?
Why the fuck would you bring this out, you know?
对不起 我很兴奋 很高兴与您分享
Sorry, I was excited. Excited to share with you.
那让我拿着它过夜吧 让我穿它参加今晚的比赛 对吗?
Let me hold it for the night then. Let me wear it to the game tonight, right?
会很酷的 我要去比赛 尼加 我会从你手中拿来的
Would be cool, I’m going to the game, nigga, I’ll grab it from you,
then meet you at Adley’s tomorrow morning, first thing.
酷 就像那样
Cool, just like that.
-霍华德 来吧 -有一天晚上 霍华德
-Howard, come on. -It’s one night, Howard.
-我不能 -有一天晚上
-I can’t. -It’s one night.
-他很好 -他们会把它从拍卖♥♥中拉出来
-He’s good for it. -They’ll pull it from the auction.
你不明白 这块石头 我真的和这个联♥系♥
You don’t understand. This stone, I’m really connecting with this.
I feel like I’m gonna have 40 or 50 on this, man.
You understand that?
明白我在说什么吗 霍华德?狗屎在跟他说话 你知道的
You see what I’m fucking talking about, Howard? That shit is speaking to him, you know.
I’m gonna destroy Philly tonight with this.
