He’s not scoring tonight. I want the Sixers to cover.
Plus 1.
-积分是… -让我们在这里完成投♥注♥
-The points are… -Let’s finish the bets here.
嘿 一次一件事!
Hey, one thing at a time!
-我是说 来吧! -抓住这些点
-I mean, come on! -Hang on to these points.
Demany. Demany.
KG said he’s gonna be here in a bit.
如果他在我之前到商店 你就把他关在那儿
If he gets to the store before I do, you just fucking keep him there.
Okay? You promise me?
Kevin Garnett is coming to my, fucking, show room right now.
Right now!
我们热每一个权利 该死的 在这里!
We hot every right to, fucking, be here!
-滚出去! -干掉你!
-Get the fuck out! -Fuck you!
哇 哇 哇!
Whoah, whoah, whoah!
Get out! Get the fuck out!
-什么? -你这个男人!
-What? -Fuck you man!
You just got involved with something you shouldn’t got involved in.
What the fuck is going on out here?
It’s on you. You asshole!
-你看到这个了吗? -我不认识这些家伙!
-You see this? -I don’t know these fucking guys!
You’re dead fucker. You’re dead!
You think I’m playing games?
现在滚开你的笑声 混♥蛋♥
Get your laughs off now, asshole.
I didn’t do nothing!
When I’m shoveling the dirt over your fucking head,
到那时 我们看看它是多么有趣!
we’ll see how funny it is then!
我有客户在办公室 霍华德 这太疯狂了!
I have clients in the office, Howard. This is crazy!
Turn around and walk away!
我们很好我们很好 好吗?
We’re good. We’re good, all right?
大卫 回去吧一切都很好
David, go back inside. Everything’s fine.
Turn around and walk away!
That’s my shop.
Everybody back in it.
你好 开门
Hello, open the door.
好吧 上帝啊…你和KG在一起吗?
Okay, Jesus fucking… Are you with KG?
好吧 你得关上那扇门是KG 嗯?
Okay, you gotta shut that door. It’s KG, huh?
Is that closed?
-那是我的男人! -他们只是…
-That’s my man! -It’s insane they just…
Howard! Howard!
What the fuck is going on, man?
They tried to fuck Yussi up.
It’s all set.
看看他 妈的 衬衫!看看他的衬衫
Look at his, fucking, shirt! Look at his shirt.

听着 嘿 谢谢你的保安 顺便说一下
Listen, hey, thanks for the security, by the way.
Send those bitches back to Paramus or Bay Ridge.
Would you take that and charge it up for me?
我得到的只是 该死的 尤西保护我
All I got is, fucking, Yussi to protect me.
Let us talk.
-怎么了 兄弟? -怎么了?
-What’s going on, bro? -What’s up?
是玛丽亚 该死的 时间在时钟上吗?
Did a Maria, fucking, time on the clock?
来吧 不是时间在时钟上
Come on, not time on the clock.
-我喜欢耳环 -像这些?
-I like the earrings. -Like these?
-那些看起来很棒 -进来检查…
-Those look great. -Just come in to check on…
-你上次清理它们的时候是哪一次? -你在说什么?
-What was the last time you cleaned them? -What are you talking about?
-让我给你擦一下 -他能很快地把它们清理干净
-Let me clean these for you. -He can clean them really quick.
Let me throw them in the ultrasonic for you, for free.
-这要花我多少钱? -免费
-What this gonna cost me? -For free.
免费 真的吗?确定
For free, for real? Sure.
I wouldn’t think you are that big on Roxon.
That’s ’cause you’re big guy.

Who would win in a fight: Ben Wallace or Tony Allen?
-哦 狗屎 看看那狗屎 -那是什么?
-Oh, shit, take a look at that shit. -What is that?
那是什么 格雷姆林?
What is that, Gremlin?
You got an iced-out Gremlin?
This tardy motherfucker right here is little fucking animal,
or some kind of fucking… Some toy and some shit…
And it’ll just bling the bitch out!
他过去常和黑格什合作制♥作♥早期音乐录影带 这些视频都是狗屎
He used to work with niggas on early music videos, all that shit.
He’s, like, the first nigga to start all that.
-你是认真的吗? -我开始这狗屎
-Are you serious? -I started this shit.
-给他看眼睛 -我开始…
-Show him the fucking eyes. -I started…
好吧 所以我做了这个所以 它乱搞你!
All right. So I did this. So it fucks with you!
-你真搞砸了! -你是认真的吗?
-So it fucks with you! -Are you serious?
你喜欢这样吗?在那里 它在那里
You like that? There it is, there it is.
这吓跑了人们 看啊
That scares the shit out of people. Look at that.
老了 但很吸毒
Old, but It’s dope.
听 这狗屎是大人
Listen. This shit was slammin’.
What the link on that? Let me see the chain on that.
那是18 但我可以给你40分
That’s an 18. But I can get you a 40.
KG 医生知道你在吗?
KG, Doc know you’re here by the way?
不 他不知道 让我们保持这种方式
No, he doesn’t. And let’s keep it that way.
这是游戏之夜 你应该伸展
It’s game night, you should be stretching out.
他是什么 你的教练?
What is he, your coach?
不 他只是个疯狂的犹太人
Nah, he’s just a crazy ass Jew.
Throw these in the ultrasonic.
是的 老板 只要其他的事情都做完了
Yes, boss, as soon as the other stuff is done.
不 现在!
No. Now!
KG 我不会靠这个的
KG, I wouldn’t lean on that.
Yo, Kevin was just telling me he’s looking for some watches.
Are you looking for watches? Let’s go to a little wall of watches right there.
-我们在说什么?美♥联♥社♥? -我在想…
-What are we talking? AP? -I was thinking about…
不过 我在想普雷西
I was thinking about Presi though.
One you got that crazy ass deal for?
我想要16岁疯狂的 但是 不?
I want for 16. Crazy one though, no?
是的 …太疯狂了
Yeah, the… It’s insane.
看看这个 就在那儿
Look at this, there it is.
这是一个大男人的小手表 我不知道
That’s a small watch for a big man, I don’t know.
You got papers for this?
-不 我没有盒子和文件 -当然 我有文件
-No, I don’t have box and papers. -Of course, I have fucking papers for that.
I don’t have either one. What are you talking about?
-你卖♥♥给我这狗屎 笨蛋 -我不记得了
-You sold me this shit, dummy. -I don’t remember that.
尼加斯叫黑鬼出来 伙计
Niggas calling niggas out for this, man.
-当然 如果你没有盒子和爸爸… -你帮我找一个黑鬼…
-Of course, if you don’t have a box and pap… -You find me one nigga…
一个黑鬼 他们叫出来了一块KMH手表?
One nigga with a KMH watch they called out?
-我会等的 -这是一个有争议的问题
-I will wait. -It’s a moot point.
德尼 因为我没有这些 好吗?
Demany, because I don’t have these, all right?
So how about we move onto the diamonds here?
You got a girl? Why don’t you get your girl a treat.
He doesn’t have a girlfriend.
-说是谁? -你说了
-Says who? -Says you.
How do you know if I got a girlfriend or not?
-你在说什么? -因为你告诉我了
-What are you talking about? -‘Cause you told me.
-我从没说过 -让我们看看你有什么
-I never said that. -Let’s see what you got.
-你到底在干什么? -什么?怎么了?
-What the fuck are you doing? -What? What’s up?
Why didn’t you bring a, goddamn, watches?
-对不起 我不会这么做的 -尼加会买♥♥的!
-I’m sorry, I’m not doing that. -Nigga would’ve bought one!
我告诉过你 你可以把它们放在我的保险箱里
I told you, you can keep them in my safe.
我不想你把它们卖♥♥到我的陈列室 你明白吗?
I don’t want you selling them outta my showroom, you understand me?
该死的傻瓜 我该卖♥♥他们吗 黑鬼?
Fucking dumbass, where, the fuck, am I gonna sell them, nigga?
-在街边? -这不是我的问题
-On the, goddamn, street? -That’s not my problem, man.
-哦 这不是你的问题吗? -没有
-Oh, that ain’t your fucking problem? -No.
It ain’t your fucking…
-他不喜欢这个尘土飞扬的母鸡屎… -是的 他不喜欢
-He doesn’t like shit in this dusty motherfucking… -Yes, he does.
He’s having a, fucking, ball here. What are you talking about?
他到底要买♥♥什么?该死的弗比 黑鬼?
What the fuck is he gonna buy? The goddamn Furby, nigga?
操你 好吗?
Fuck you, all right?
我要把他的屁as 妈妈 完美无瑕
I’m gonna take his ass to, motherfucking, Flawless.
-你不会带他去完美无瑕的 -我要带他去完美无瑕
-You’re not taking him to Flawless. -I’m taking him to Flawless.
