That’s one! That’s, fucking, one.
Look at that.
Right out of the, fucking, gate. The man.
The man’s feeling the gem!
去 拿去 拿给他
Go, get it, get it to him.
去 去 完成它 完成它
Go. Go. Finish it. Finish it.
是的 好吧 那 妈的 它
Yes, all right, that’s, fucking, it.
这是游戏的第一枪 他 该死的 做到了 现在是3号♥了
That’s the first shot of the game. He, fucking, did it. That’s 3 now.
两加 那 该死的 反弹 那是26个中的3个!
Two plus, that, fucking, rebound. That’s 3 of the 26!
好吧 我打赌…
Okay, I bet on…
我打赌凯尔特人 特别是凯文·加内特
I bet on the Celtics, specifically, Kevin Garnett.
好吧 两个好赌注:凯尔特人赢了 加内特有9和7 所以…
Okay, 2 good bets: Celtics are winning and Garnett’s got 9 and 7, so…
你说 现在16岁 对吗?
That’s 16 right now on the way to 26 you said, right?
-华丽的一个在这里 -还没过半时间
-The gorgeous one is here. -Not even half time yet.
一天两次 我简直不敢相信
Twice in one day, I can’t believe it.
How are you? From the helicopter to here.
你好吗 宝贝?我不能把你踢出我的脑海
How are you doing, baby? I can’t kick you out of my mind.
You’re funny.
嗨 宝贝 你肯定很热
Hi, baby, you’re, definitely, hot.
什么 你对凯尔特人有钱吗?
What, you got money on the Celtics?
-让我看看 宝贝 -他要开枪吗?
-Let me see, baby. -Is he gonna shoot?
来吧 加内特 那一个会发生
Come on, Garnett, that one’s gonna happen.
哦 来吧 伙计 我是说 他错过了一枪 谁在乎呢?
Oh, come on, man, I mean, so he missed a shot, who cares?
我有一个好主意 对半场 好吗?
I have a great idea for the halftime, okay?
-那是什么? -我想让你到我的房♥间来
-What’s that? -I’d like you to come up to my room.
我雇了厨师 我在A楼 我得到了…太漂亮了
I hired the chef, I’m at penthouse A. And I got the… It’s gorgeous.
最好的意见 我的意思是 谁可以要求更多?
Best views, I mean, who can ask for more than that?
-谢谢 -我爱你 宝贝 我会在那里见到你
-Thank you. -I love you, baby, I’ll see you there.
-好的 是的 拿到了 -阁楼A 彭妮皇家
-Okay, yes, got it. -Penthouse A, The PennyRoyal.
好的 再见
Okay, bye.

-最糟的 -他就像一个卡♥通♥片
-Fucking worst. -He’s like a cartoon.
You okay?
What happened?
I gotta go.
-怎么了 你需要帮助吗? -非常感谢你的帮助
-What’s going on, you need help? -Thank you so much for your help.
This is the beauty of betting.
You know?
我 妈的 为凯尔特人拉 尼克斯的球迷
I’m, fucking, pulling for the Celtics. The Knicks fan.
If the, fucking, 12 year old version of me saw me right now,
he’s be like “what the fuck”?
大家都在说这个 该死的 大赌注
Everybody’s talking about this, fucking, big bet.
So it’s gotta be her.
他和我在一起 我们要去 妈的 找到她 把她带回来 老板
He’s with me, we’re gonna, fucking, find her and bring her back, boss.
老板 绝对的
Boss, absolutely.
I need everyone in here to lock in KG.
Look at KG!
记住:如果你想快走 -单独做
Remember this: if you wanna go quickly -do it alone,
但是如果你想走远 -你一起做!
but if you wanna go far -you do it together!
We’re like roaches. And you can’t kill us.
退出 该死的 路过 给他
Quit, fucking, passing. Give it to him.
另一个 另一个
And another, and another.
开枪开枪 开枪
And shoot. Shoot. Shoot.
妈的!妈的 医生!
Fuck that shit! Fucking Doc!
妈的 把他的节奏抛了出去 把他从比赛中带走了
Fucking, threw his rhythm off, it took him out of the game.
妈的 伙计!那是你的错!
Fuck, man! That’s your fault!
你看到另一个家伙了吗?是的 菲尔
You see that other guy? Yo, Phil.
什么 你们从波士顿来的孩子?你在波士顿有男孩吗?
What, your boys from Boston? You got some boys in Boston?
你会看到他们锁定 坚持
You’ll see them locked on, hang on.
这个混♥蛋♥ 那是你的一个男孩 那个胖子?
This fucker, is that one of your boys, that fat fuck?
Looks like you. Looks like one of your boys.
那个 该死的 反弹!就这个 还有3个!
That a, fucking, rebound! That’s it, 3 more!
Three more. Way to go!
它说什么 得分是多少?
What does it say up there, what is the score?
Are we winning?
They’re winning. They’re winning by 3 points.
妈的!他 该死的 犯规了
Fuck that shit! He, fucking, fouled.
没关系 他抓住它 他拥有它
Doesn’t matter, he grabbed it, he had it.
这计为1 我们是什么 23岁?
That counts as 1. What are we at, 23?
好吧 最后拥有我们走吧
All right, last possession. Let’s go.
很好 捡起来好吧 就是这样 就是这样
Good, pick it up. All right. That’s it. That’s it.
开枪!来吧 K 开枪 开枪!
Shoot that shit! Come on K, shoot it, shoot it!
妈的!是的!我们来 妈的 快做吧!
Holy fuck! Yeah! Let’s, fucking, do it!
Just, fucking… That’s all the gem.
That’s all the gem.
We’re at 25 now. One more!
再来一点 要么是篮板 就是篮筐
One more, fucking point, either a rebound, or a, fucking, basket.
什么 要么我们 该死的 都拿到了这个
Anything. Either one and we, fucking, got this.
好了 再来一个我们只需要一个
All right, one more. We just need one more.
-哦 我的上帝 -嗨
-Oh my God. -Hi.
快进来 一天三次
Come on in. Three times in one day.
-我知道 我知道 -难以置信
-I know, I know. -Unbelievable.
And I said that… I believe it’s you.
-你男朋友呢? -我们为什么不看比赛?
-Where’s your boyfriend? -Why don’t we watch the game?
走吧 坐在那里 让自己舒服
Go ahead, sit there, make yourself comfortable.
雷莫在哪里 我该怎么办?
Where’s the remo, what do I do?
iPad就在那儿 做你该用iPad做的事
The iPad is over there, do what you gotta do with the iPad.
我得洗个澡 好吗?我真的需要洗个澡
I gotta take a shower, okay? I really need gotta take a shower.
我得打扫一下 好吗?给自己洗
I gotta clean up, okay? To get myself washed.
那趟飞机 我一切都搞砸了
That plane ride, it got me all messed up.
所以 我希望你做的 如果门铃响了 好吗?
So what I want you to do. If that door bell rings, okay?
我有我的朋友 好吧 进来 或者我拿到食物来了 好吗?
I got my friends, okay, coming in, or I got the food coming, okay?
你只要回答 让他们进来
You just answer and let them in.
-好吧好吧 -好吗 宝贝?请
-Okay. All right. -Okay, baby? Please.
That’s it!
Thank you.
就这个 好吗?完成了 2 个
That’s it, okay? That’s 2 done.
We got that. Two.
我们现在就得赢凯尔特人要赢 我们 该死的 完成了
We just gotta win now. Celts gotta win and we’re, fucking, done.
我们完了 阿诺
We’re done, Arno.
你找到什么了?分数是多少 宝贝?
What do you got? What’s the score, baby?
-68/73 波士顿 -68 在4号♥是什么?
-68/73, Boston. -68 what in the 4th?
你想打电♥话♥ 然后取消食物
You wanna call down and just cancel the, fucking, food.
I wanna go out.
宝贝 我喜欢你参加这个游戏
Baby, I love that you’re into this game.
Push that.
Push it!
去 该死的 洞 进去 KG 进去!
Go to the, fucking, hole. Get in, KG, get in!
哦 别 妈的 错过那个!
Oh, don’t, fucking, miss that!
千万不要错过 没关系
Don’t miss that. That’s all right.
没关系 KG会拿到这个 该死的 开枪的
That’s all right. KG is gonna get this, fucking, shot.
That’s how you steal shit.
Sink that shot.
Sink it.
来吧 感受一下
Come on, feel it.
Feel it.
来吧 他有宝石
Come on, he’s got the gem.
他有宝石感觉 该死的 宝石
He’s got the gem. Feel that, fucking, gem.
Feel it.
他妈的 没事了 没事了
Fuck. It’s all right, it’s all right.
好吧 我们够了我们够了
All right. We’re up enough. We’re up enough.
This is not that big of a deal.
这 该死的 帮助密封它 但我们是好的
This, fucking, helps seal it, but we’re good.
别说话 只是 妈的 做你的狗屎 伙计
Don’t talk, just, fucking, do your shit, man.
Do your shit.
抓住这狗屎 来吧
Get this shit, come on.
I’m confident now. I’m confident.
Don’t let them shoot that.
