All right, come one, get him up. Get him up. Come on.
听着 听我说
Listen, listen to me.
振作起来 好吗?
Pull yourself together, all right?
I want you to make that call. You hear me?
Come on.
给我一个 妈的 第二个 请
Give me a, fucking, second. Please.
打电♥话♥后 你有足够的时间
You’ll have plenty of time, after you make the call.
My heart.
Call this girl up. I want her back here now.
She’s at Mohegan Sun.
来吧 我们走
Come on, let’s go.
Put her on speaker.
There you go.
This motherfucker. Real Bruce Wayne.
Come on.
-我不能对不起 – 的家伙 我简直不敢相信
-I can’t. I’m sorry. -Fucking guy, I can’t believe.
对不起 我真的是 对不起
I’m sorry, I really am. I am sorry.
Fuck this!
You’re a moron.
Fuck it.
这不值得 伙计 把这狗屎收起来
It’s not worth it man, put this shit away.
-你在干什么? -把我们赶出去!
-What are you doing? -Buzz us out!
What are you doing? What am I buzzing?
-你为什么… -就叫我吧 妈的 出去的!
-Why are you… -Just buzz me, the fuck, out!
-看 该死的 游戏? -把我 干 出去!
-Watch the, fucking, game? -Buzz me, the fuck, out!
-你会对结果感到满意的 -把我赶出去!
-You’ll be happy with the results. -Buzz me out!
我现在告诉你 在我把你的头穿过 该死的 玻璃之前
I’m telling you now, before I put your head through the, fucking, glass
好吧 我把你叫出去 我把你叫出去
All right, I’ll buzz you out. I’ll buzz you out.
Close that door, man. Close it.
妈的 把我赶出去!
Fuck, buzz me out!
What are you doing?
打开 该死的 门!
Open the, fucking, door!
霍华德 开门
Howard, open the door.
I’m sorry.
I’m not buzzing you out.
阿诺 六人甚至不该在那里
Arno, the Sixers shouldn’t even be there.
不 她在莫赫根太阳体育博♥彩♥公♥司♥
No, she’s at the Mohegan Sun sports book.
莫赫根太阳体育书 马上到那边去!
Mohegan Sun sports book. Get over there now!
你知道她 妈的 看起来像 去找她!
You know what she, fucking, looks like, go find her!
霍华德 开门!
Howard, open the door!
-我知道你很不高兴 阿诺 -当然 我很沮丧!
-I know you’re upset, Arno. -Of course, I’m upset!
我试着 该死的 让这一切为你工作
I’m trying to, fucking, make this all work for you.
NBA不希望六人队获胜 没有钱 你明白吗?
The NBA doesn’t want the Sixers to win, there’s no money in that, you understand?
引用者知道这一点 他们想要星星…
The refs know that. They want stars…
把我们 妈的 出去的 霍华德马上!
Buzz us, the fuck, out of here, Howard. Right now!
Open the door! Open it now!
这是 该死的 防弹 你只会伤害自己
This is, fucking, bulletproof, you only gonna hurt yourself.
-那行不通 -我告诉你打开它!
-That doesn’t work. -I’m telling you to open it!
阿诺 我会躲闪的 你会被杀的
Arno, I’d duck, you’re gonna get killed.
听我说 谢谢 我在和阿诺说话
Listen to me. Thank you… I’m talking to Arno.
-够了!足够! -你得打开这门 妈的 门
-Enough of you! Enough! -You gotta open this, fucking, door.
Listen to me.
You realize all he’s gotta do is get the opening tip,
-他得弄到… -这叫 该死的…
-he’s gotta get the, fucking… -buzz this, fucking…
我们会得到的 你知道这家伙会得到多少篮板吗 阿诺?
We gonna get, you know how many rebounds this guy’s gonna get, Arno?
Who is that? Who are you talking to?
Who’d you call? Who did you call?
打开 妈的 门 迪克!
Open the, fucking, door, dick!
-是吗? -是的 是我
-Yeah? -Yeah, it’s me.
快点 因为…
Make it quick, ’cause…
-康德打电♥话♥来 办公室 有个 该死的 漏水 -什么漏水?
-ConEd called, the office, there’s a, fucking, leak. -What leak?
皮诺克有煤气泄漏因此 他们正在疏散整个街区
There’s a gas leak on Pinoak. So they are evacuating the whole block.
-慢点 好吗? -那把孩子们弄出去 好吗?
-Just slow down, okay? -So get the kids out of there, all right?
-你和孩子们去艾米家 -他们为什么要给办公室打电♥话♥
-You and the kids go to Amy’s. -Well, why would they call the office
-待在艾米家 -而不是…
-Stay at Amy’s. -and not the…
我不知道他们为什么打电♥话♥给我 好吗?
I don’t know why they called, me, all right?
这没有任何意义 霍华德
That’s not making any sense, Howard.
I’m not here to argue with you!
迪娜 把孩子们从房♥子里弄出来 我很害怕 好吗?
Dinah, get the kids out of the house, I’m frightened, okay?
-你吓到我了 -出去 去艾米家
-You’re freaking me out. -Just get out, go to Amy’s.
不要离开那里 直到我回家
And do not leave there, until I get home.
-你答应我?呆在房♥子里 -好吧
-You promise me? Stay at the house. -Okay.
-好吗? -你会在那里见我们吗?
-Okay? -You’ll meet us there?
是的 好的 谢谢谢谢
Yes. All right, thank you. Thank you.
打开 该死的 门!
Open the, fucking, door!
去年 我赚了1.25亿美元
Last year, I made a 125 million dollars.
I don’t even know what to do with my money anymore.
我没有人可以和它一起度过 没有人再享受我的生活了 这太可怕了
I got nobody to spend it with, nobody to enjoy my life with anymore, it’s horrible.
今天是大日子 我感谢你
Today is the big day to be, I thank you.
我们到那里时 你想和我喝一杯吗?
You wanna have a drink with me when we get there?
-嘿 -嘿
-Hey. -Hey.
好吧 所以我赌凯尔特人 帕莱 三向
Okay, so I’m betting on the Celtics, parlay, three-way,
钱 我不知道 再加上…在这里 你只是…
money, I don’t know, plus… Have here, you just…
So you wanna parlay, three-way…
一定要把你放进去 好吗?
Make sure that one you put in it’s exactly that, okay?
我会的 你有多想吗?
I will, how much you want on it?
好吧 我不太确定 你不得不
Okay, I’m not really sure, You just gonna have to.
好 乍得?
Okay. Chad?
好吧 给我一分钟我只需要找我的主管
Okay, just give me a minute. I just have to get my supervisor
-算上这个 好吗? -好吧
-count this, okay? -Okay.
-我们快到了 -一秒钟
-We’re almost there. -One second.
加油 我们走吧
Come on. Let’s go.
I’m feeling this.
来自卑尔根县 5号♥
From Bergen County, Number 5.
This is it.
Kevin Garnett!
嗨 告诉我
Hi, tell me.
好吧 听着 听着说啊 大声说出整张票
Okay, listen, listen. Say it. Say the whole ticket out loud.
我要你说得很大 给我一点
I want you to say it really loud. Give me a second.
我想听听 好吗?坚持 坚持
I want some people to hear it, all right? Hang on. Hang on.
Say the whole ticket. Go ahead.
我在三向赌注上下注了155分 加内特的得分加上他的篮板
I put 155 on the three-way bet. Garnett’s points plus his rebounds.
Celtics money line with the Celtics to win the opening tip.
好的 只要看一下整张票阅读整张票
Right, just read the whole ticket. Read the whole ticket.
好吧 上面写着…
Okay, so it says here…
-你玩得开心吗? -是的
-You’re having a good time? -Yes.
100万 229万
1 million 229 thousand.
Did you fucking hear that number?
够了 你不必再说了
That’s enough. You don’t have to say anymore.
The bet’s in.
-好吗? -干掉你!
-Okay? -Fuck you!
I’m taking you to the, fucking, the Ritz-Carlton in the Grand Cayman.
好吧?和 该死的 按♥摩♥浴缸
All right? With the, fucking, jacuzzi.
-好吧帮我抢那个纹身 -好的 我爱你
-All right. Rob that tattoo for me. -Okay, I love you.
好了 我们开始吧
Okay, here we go.
我们抓住这个小费 我们做生意 孩子们 好吗?
We grab this tip, and we’re in business, boys, all right?
把那个箱子庞起来 宝贝!就是这样
Pound that chest, baby! This is it.
We gotta get this. This is right out of the gate.
Right out of the gate.
Come on.
拿到小费 我们去拿 妈的 小费
Get that tip, let’s go get that, fucking, tip.
Get that tip.
Let’s go.
Get that! Yes! Yes!
妈的 如果他不明白的话 我们就会被搞砸了
Fuck, we would’ve been fucked, if he didn’t get that.
那是 该死的 是整个最大的部分 该死的 就在那里
That was the, fucking, biggest part of the whole, goddamn, parlay right there.
That was huge.
I knew he was gonna win that.
好了 就到这个地了
All right, that’s it.
就这个!那是 妈的 一个
