I guess that’s fair.
Let me get the fucking opal, man. Let me get the fuck out of here.
-这个蛋白石 -是的
-This opal. -Yeah.
-这个蛋白石对你很有价值 -当然
-This opal is very valuable for you. -Absolutely.
好吧 我做到了
Okay, I did that.
I respect you. I respect your passion.
-好吧 我一直这样 -我以为你也是个粉丝
-Okay, I always had. -I thought you were a fan too, man.
I’m a fucking huge fan.
What did you pay for this? Real shit.
What did you pay for this right here?
这不是一个公平的问题 凯文
That’s not a fair question, Kevin.
我们谈了几个月 该死的 我的时间
We’re talking months and months of, fucking, my time.
我现在做交易时 我不会把钱拿回来的
I’m not gonna take the money back, when I did a deal now.
直上 直冲我和你单声道
Straight up. Straight up me and you. Mono mono.
How much did you pay for this?
What did I pay? I paid… This is…
我告诉你 如果我回答这个问题 这是非常误导
I’m telling you, if I answer that question it’s very misleading.
-我付了十万 -所以你的钱翻了一倍
-I paid a hundred grand. -So you doubled your money.
我是这儿的笑话 好吗?我搞砸了
I’m the joker here, all right? I got fucked.
A million dollars is what I was supposed to get.
我得到一个 妈的 什么?制♥造♥65Gs?
I get a, fucking, what? Made 65 Gs?
你给了一些黑鬼 从埃塞俄比亚 十万元的东西
You gave some niggas, from Ethiopia, a hundred grand for something,
you thought was worth a million dollars?
你我看不出有什么错 霍华德?
You don’t see nothing wrong with that, Howard?
埃塞俄比亚矿工 你知道这些 该死的 伙计们制♥造♥吗?
Ethiopian miners, you know what these, fucking, guys make?
一百万是五十辈子的这些 该死的 伙计们
A hundred grand is fifty lifetimes for these, fucking, guys.
一百万美元是更多 这就是我的观点 你明白吗?
A million dollars is more, that’s my point, you understand?
你想赢1分 或者 该死的 30分 KG?
You wanna win by 1 point or, fucking, 30 points, KG?
对?我看到你在那里 当 该死的 体育场都嘘你
Right? I see you out there, when the, fucking, stadium’s all booing you.
你30岁 你还是要完全倾斜吗?
You’re 30 up, you’re still going full tilt?
Let’s see what Vegas… What is Vegas got you guys at tonight?
看一看 让我们看看
Take a look, let’s see.
Are you serious gonna put this up right here?
看看这狗屎 六人队应该赢得今晚的比赛 他们认为
Look at this shit, the Sixers are supposed to win the game tonight, they think.
我没有跟踪这些狗屎 谁在乎谁
I don’t keep a track of none of this shit. Who give a fuck.
他们认为在第7场比赛中你不会得到 妈的 18分
They think on game 7 you’re not gonna get, fucking, 18 points.
They don’t think you gonna get 8 rebounds?
These guys don’t know shit about me.
什么 他们干吗?
What, the fuck, do they do?
Doesn’t that make you wanna, fucking, kill them?
Doesn’t that make you wanna say fuck you for doubting me?
那不让你想踩上 妈的 艾尔顿·布兰德的 该死的 脖子?
Doesn’t that make you wanna step on, fucking, Elton Brand’s, fucking, neck?
来吧 KG 这和那没有什么不同
Come on, KG, this is no different than that.
这是我 好吗?我不是运动员
This is me, all right? I’m not a, fucking, athlete.
这是我的 该死的 方式 这就是我获胜的方式
This is my, fucking, way. This is how I win.
我所做的所有 该死的 艰苦的工作
All the, fucking, hard work I do.
所有 该死的 屁个家伙踢 和我付的花♥花♥公♥子♥
All the, fucking, ass kicking, and the dudes I pay.
You’re not gonna score on a big one on game 7?
操这些人 对吧?这就是你的感受 我知道你有
Fuck these people, right? That’s how you feel, I know you do.
So look…
我们 妈的 打赌吧我们打赌吧
Let’s, fucking, bet on this. Let’s bet on this shit.
我 妈的 今晚把所有的钱都押在了你身上 KG
I’m, fucking, gonna bet all this money on you tonight, KG.
你是来赢的 KG 这些混♥蛋♥不知道
You are here to win, KG, these fuckers don’t know.
他们出去了 妈的 西边你认为他们 该死的 认识你?
Them out, fucking, west. You think they, fucking, know you?
他们不认识你 他们不认识我们
They don’t know you, they don’t know us.
是关于 该死的 胜利 是关于你的
It’s about, fucking, winning, it’s about you.
我看到你的 该死的 信念
I saw your, fucking, conviction,
你的 该死的 诚实的 你的 该死的 魔法
your, fucking, honesty and your, fucking, magic.
霍华德 你 该死的 疯子 伙计
Howard, you’re, fucking, crazy, man.
KG 你明白你今晚要玩的游戏怎么样?
KG, do you even understand how, fucking, great of a game you gonna have tonight?
-我知道 -听着
-I know it. -Listen.
今晚我们是一个团队 KG
We’re a team tonight, KG.
就是 妈的 锁 这是一个 该死的 感觉 我们都有 他们不知道
That is, fucking, lock, it’s a, fucking, feeling. We both have it, they don’t know.
你和我知道 好吗?
You and I know, all right?
不错 妈的 看的也
Nice, fucking, watch too.
嘿 我跑去洗手间的时候 你介意看这个地方吗?
Hey, do you mind watching this place, while I run to the bathroom?
Thank you.
Can I leave you guys alone in here?
-去管你的生意吧 甜心 -你要陪伴吗?
-Go mind your business, sweetheart. -Do you want company?
我不这么认为 但下次也许吧
I don’t think so, but next time maybe.
嘿 嘿!我在找霍华德
Hey, hey! I’m looking for Howard.
我不知道他在哪里我很好 我们关门了
I don’t know where he is. I’m fine. We’re closed.
他给了我一个 该死的 假劳力士
He gave me a, fucking, fake Rolex.
我不知道 先生请下来
I have no idea about that, sir. Please, come down.
-瓦尔 你能开门吗? -让我跟你谈谈
-Val, can you, please, open up? -Let me talk to you about this.
-你得帮我 -对不起 我要走了
-You gotta help me. -I’m sorry I’m leaving.
This is gonna be one of the best nights of our, fucking, life.
Come on.
Where are you?
-霍华德 怎么了 怎么回事? -拿这个
-Howard, what, the fuck, is going on? -Take this.
-这是什么? -我需要你仔细听我说
-What is this? -I need you to listen to me carefully.
我把你订在刀片上 好吗?你将降落在莫赫根太阳的顶部
I booked you on a Blade, okay? You gonna land on top of the Mohegan Sun.
There’s a bet in that bag. I want you to take all of it.
全部放在袋子里 放在那个赌注上
All of it inside the bag and place it on that bet.
-袋子里多少钱? -很多
-How much is in the bag? -It’s a lot.
我不想让你考虑这个 好吗?
I don’t want you to think about that, all right?
我甚至不想让你看 直到你到达那里
I don’t even want you to look at that, until you get there,
你把它拿出来 交给出纳员 你明白吗?
and you take it out, and give it to the teller, you understand me?
好了 我知道了
Okay, I got it.
今晚我要把你干掉 你知道吗?
I’m gonna fuck the living shit out of you tonight, you know that?
I wish I could kiss you.
-你得走了 -好吧
-You gotta go. -Okay.
-你走了 -好吧 爱你 再见
-You get going. -All right, love you, bye.
谢谢你 乔
Thank you, Jo.
见到你 乔希
Good to see you, Josh.
-好吧 让我们结束这一切吧 -阿诺
-All right, let’s get this over with. -Arno.
-你永远不会相信这狗屎 -相信什么?
-You never gonna believe this shit. -Believe what?
我们即将被击中 该死的 大 KG就在这里 你看见他了 对吧?
We are about to hit so, goddamn, big. KG was just here, you saw him, right?
I gave him the gem.
He’s gonna fuck up the money line so bad tonight.
霍华德 现在钱呢?
Howard, where is the money right now?
It’s on the way right now. It’s on the way to the casino.
什么 你说的 霍华德?
What, the fuck, are you talking about, Howard?
-什么 妈的 就在这里? -那个女孩在哪?
-What, the fuck, is going on right here? -Where is that girl?
-去洗手间的女孩 -我没见过她
-The girl that went to the bathroom. -I haven’t seen her.
-她没回来? -没有
-She didn’t get back here? -No.
-你没有得到什么? -不 现在在这个房♥间里
-What are you not getting? -No, it’s in this room right now.
去找她 把她带回来!
Go get her now, bring her back!
-嘿 帅哥 打闹 -打开门!开门!
-Hey, handsome, hit the buzz. -Open the, fucking, door!
为什么 我开门是为了什么?
Why, what am I opening the door for?
-有人 妈的 把我赶出去 -我拿到了 我拿到了
-Somebody, fucking, buzz me out. -I got it, I got it.
-他们在做什么? -我们走我们走吧!
-What are they doing? -Let’s go. Let’s go!
-你在说什么? -把手从我身上拿开!
-You’re saying what? -Put your hands off me!
什么 妈的 我们在干什么?
What, the fuck, are we doing?
大约2分钟 时间就有意义了
It’s gonna make sense in about 2, fucking, minutes.
-听我说的 -我在听
-Listen to what I’m telling. -I’m listening.
You gonna do what I tell you to do.
听着 你 妈的 哥 我告诉你一件事…
Listen, you, fucking, goon, I’m telling you something…
霍华德 听我说!
Howard, listen to me!
拿上 妈的 机器 现在!
Get the, fucking, machine, now!
-闭嘴! -你在干什么?
-Shut the fuck up! -What are you doing?
等等 嘿 来吧 来吧!
Wait, hey, come on, come on!
你想和她联♥系♥吗?我会把你扔到你的头上 你听见了吗?
You want to get in touch with her? I’ll drop you on your fucking head, you hear me?
-好吧 让我起来 -你要打电♥话♥给她?
-Okay, get me up. -You gonna call her?
-我会打电♥话♥的我会打电♥话♥的请! -你现在要把那个婊♥子♥弄下来吗?
-I’ll call. I’ll call. Please! -You gonna get that bitch down here now?
Take me up!
好了 来一个 把他弄起来把他弄起来加油
