Just listen to me, please. I spoke…
我和德芒谈过了 记得德尼吗?
I spoke to Demany, remember Demany?
他是我的一个商业朋友 他给了我……
He’s a business friend of mine. He gave me the, fucking…
够了 霍华德!够了!
That’s enough, Howard! That’s fucking enough!
Why are you being so thickheaded?
操你的人 吸我的鸡♥巴♥!把他扔进水里 该死的 水!
Fuck you man, suck my dick! Throw him in the, fucking, water!
Where, the fuck, are my glasses?
我知道这是一个400美元的袋子 我给你250
I know this is a 400 dollar bag. I’ll give you 250.
-霍华德 -忘了霍华德吧…
-Howard. -Forget about Howard…
-霍华德 贾斯汀… -我感觉不舒服
-Howard, Justin is… -I’m not feeling good.
-你没事吧 你怎么了? -我不会工作
-Are you okay, what wrong with you? -I won’t work.
-送大家回家 -好吧 亲爱的
-Send everybody home. -All right, sweetie.
嘿 很抱歉打扰你
Hey, sorry to bother you.
What is it?
I just wanted to see how the auction went.
太可怕了 我不想谈这个
Terrible, I don’t wanna talk about it.
好 达米安和约瑟夫带来了这套惊人的汗衣
Okay. Well, Damien and Joseph brought this amazing sweat suit,
that I think it would look so nice on you. Do you wanna see it?
Just leave me alone, please.
来吧 霍华德
Come on, Howard.
-别看我 -哦 我的上帝 霍华德
-Don’t look at me. -Oh my God, Howard.
-别看我 -你到底怎么了?
-Don’t look at me. -What the fuck happened to you?
Don’t look at me, please.
我不知道我是否能去 我不知道 每个人都是…
I don’t know if I’m gonna make it. I don’t know. Everybody is…
-它永远不会走对 -我知道
-It’s not ever going right. -I know.
I’m so sad.
I’m so fucked up.
是的 我也很沮丧
Yeah, I’m really upset too.
我很抱歉 如果这与我有任何 但我发誓 我真的什么也没做
I’m sorry if this has anything to do with me, but I swear, I really didn’t do anything.
不过我希望你对我好一点 你对我做的事不好
I wish you were nicer to me though. It was not nice what you did to me.
我试过了 但是真的很难
I tried, but it’s really hard.
I don’t know what to do.
我没有地方可去 我哪儿也拿不去
I don’t have any place to go. I don’t have anywhere to get.
But you do.
真的 霍华德?你是我的家 你可以来找我
Like, really, Howard? You’re my home, you could come to me.
我分不出去 我打不上…
I can’t make it out. I can’t make it…
What I am I supposed to do?
Everything I do is not going right.
我不知道该怎么办 我 真的 不知道了
I don’t know what to do. I, really, don’t know anymore.
Shit, I really don’t…
I gotta figure this out.
I really do.
我有东西 如果你想的话 但你不能取笑我
I got something, if you want. But you can’t make fun of me.
太蠢了我不知道 我拿到了 我想它会让你感觉好些
It’s so stupid. I don’t know. I got it, I thought it would make you feel better.
看 解开我的裙子
Look, unzip my skirt.
不是这样的 只是解开我的裙子
Not like that, just unzip my skirt.
It says “Howie”.
What did you do? Why would you do that?
You don’t like it?
-我不值得 -是的 你是的
-I do, I’m not worth it. -Yes, you are.
-我不值得 -你值得
-I’m not worth it. -You are worth it.
-看豪伊 我真为你疯狂 -我不值得这样
-Look. Howie, I’m so crazy about you. -I don’t deserve this.
是的 你同意 我爱你
Yes, you do. I love you.
-你现在甚至不能和我一起被埋了 -没事的
-You can’t even get buried with me now. -It’s okay.
哦 这个 妈的 伙计!
Oh, this, fucking, guy!
不要让他进来 明白我吗?
Do not let him in, understand me?
别理他别理他 乔伊
Just ignore him. Ignore him, Joey.
来 让我们来打扫一下
Here, let’s get you cleaned.
没坏 对吧?你不觉得它坏了 对吧?
It’s not broken, right? You don’t think it’s broken, right?
这太疯狂了 你不能在这里 看起来像这样
This is crazy, you can’t be out here, looking like this.
Help me answer that.
嗨 我是丽兹 我和凯文一起工作 其实我在找霍华德
Hi, this is Liz, I work with Kevin. I’m actually, looking for a Howard.
This is Howard.
嗨 是的 我从德曼收到关于宝石的消息
Hi, yes, I got your message from Demany about the gem.
We’re at the bank right now.
-他要吗? -是的 凯文还是有兴趣的
-Does he want it? -Yes, Kevin still interested.
We can actually…
就像我们讨论过的 对吧?还是175 对吧?
It’s like we discussed, right? It’s still 175, right?
-现金 -是的 是的 是现金
-In cash. -Yes, yes in cash.
就像我说的 我们现在在银行
Like I said, we’re at the bank right now.
凯文 是的 我告诉过你
Kevin, yes, I told you.
-霍华德 我得走了 -好吧
-Howard, I gotta go. -Okay.
再见 我很快就会见到你
I’ll see you soon, goodbye.
See? I told you.
阿诺 听着 没有废话
Arno. Listen, no bullshit.
Kevin Garnett is coming to my office right now,
用175万美元现金 好吗?
with a 175 thousand dollars cash, all right?
You said I got till Monday? Today is still Monday.
我不知道你是否听到这个 但是 阿诺 这是真的
I don’t know if you’re hearing this, but, Arno, this is real.
凯文真的在路上了 他就在银行
Kevin’s really on the way, he was just at the bank.
来拿你的钱 伙计
Come get your money, buddy.
I need the Celtic ring back.
-星期五怎么了? -我知道 我知道
-What happened to Friday? -I know, I know.
-星期一 豪伊 -我知道我们说什么了
-It’s Monday, Howie. -I know what we said.
-短短一个星期 佩萨奇… -你的脸怎么了?
-It was a short week, Pesach… -What happened to your face?
车祸 好吗?
Car accident, okay?
-听我说 -你需要什么?
-So listen to me. -What do you need?
I need the Celtic ring. I’m gonna give you the Knicks ring.
你知道那对我意味着什么 请换掉他们
You know what that means to me, swap them out, please.
You’ve had this Knicks ring forever.
I just need the Celtic ring back.
-不 不 -你想做什么?
-No, No. -What do you wanna do?
-我现在拥有那个戒指 -我知道 我知道你知道
-I own that ring right now. -I know, I know you do.
我会交换你的2环 但我要把15%的维他
I’ll swap you the 2 rings, but I’m gonna put a 15% vig on this one.
如果你星期五♥不♥在这里 那又会是一回事了
And if you’re not here by Friday, it’s gonna be the same thing all over again.
-你不会有第三枚戒指的 -你不用担心
-You’re not gonna have a third ring. -You don’t have to worry about it.
我会做16% 我很抱歉我搞砸了你
I’ll make it 16%, I’m sorry I fucked you up.
Howie, what’s going on? Are you okay?
I’m very good. Everything’s going good.
I promise you.
嘿 他来了!KG 你今晚没有比赛吗?
Hey, there he is! KG, don’t you got a game tonight?
I got your chip right here. Game night.
-我们真的得走了 -你一定是丽兹
-We really gotta go. -You must be Liz.
是的 我们绝对要快一点
Yeah, we gonna make it quick, absolutely.
朱莉娅 我们来找这些家伙一些强力
Julia, let’s get these guys some Powerades.
Powerades? Water? Anything else?
没事的 我没事 没关系 是的 我很好
It’s fine. I’m okay. That’s okay. Yeah, I’m good.
霍华德 让我再来一点 好吗?
Howard, let me get a second with you, okay?
凯文 我们需要在波士顿 不超过5分钟
Kevin, we need to be in Boston, no more than 5 minutes.
Give me 2 seconds.
凯文 我们一定不到一小时就到波士顿了
Kevin, we gotta be in Boston in less than an hour.
What’s up with you man? What the fuck is going on?
自从我遇见你 你就一直让我四处奔波
Ever since I met you, you’ve been giving me the rid around with everything.
What do you mean?
我觉得 你 该死的 我的情绪 你只是在玩我在某一点
I feel like, you’re, fucking, with my emotions, you’re just playing with me at some point.
自从我来到这里 这一直没有直截了当
This hasn’t been straight since I came here.
-你明白吗? -你为什么这么说?
-You understand? -Why are you saying that?
只有一件事 你知道 我回来 我把它带回来
Just one thing, you know, I came back over here, I brought it back.
霍华德 我把它带回来了 我不必把它带回来 你明白吗?
Howard, I brought it back, I didn’t have to bring it back, you understand?
我出现在拍卖♥♥会上 有人要反对我
I showed up at the auction, you had somebody to bid against me.
所有这些 该死的 游戏 就像 什么 妈的 你在做男人吗?
All these, fucking, games, like, what, the fuck, are you doing man?
Like, you don’t think I noticed? You think I know none of this?
太复杂了 KG看到这张脸了吗?
It’s complicated, KG. You see this face?
Do you see it?
Here’s the 165 thousand right there, cash.
我给你看 因为这并不容易
I’m showing you, because this wasn’t easy.
百分之六是德美的 我已经把那个拿走了
Six percent goes to Demany. I’ve already taken that out.
