Listen to me, listen. Do you want them?
在拍卖♥♥开始前拿到去拍卖♥♥ 看看他是否在那里
Get that before the auction starts. Go to the auction, see if he’s there.
-他是个好人 你会喜欢他的 -他很兴奋
-He’s a great guy, you’ll love him. -He’s excited.
I wanna ask you a little favor.
什么 什么恩惠?
What, what favor?
I need you to jack up the bids.
什么?不 不 绝对不行
What? No, no. Absolutely not.
古伊 一点点 就在这里和那里 你出价
Gooey, a little bit, just here and there you make a bid.
I just gotta make sure we get it up to 250.
What if I win at 250?
很简单 我马上还给你
That’s easy, I’ll give it right back to you.
这不是你把我放在一个非常好的位置 你知道吗?
This is not a really nice position you put me in, you know?
-我重置了这个谢谢你 -你认为我想这么做吗?
-I reset this. Very much. -You think I wanna do this?
我搞砸了 我应该有自己的评价 但我没有时间
I fucked up, I should’ve got my own appraisal, but I didn’t have the time.
How much they appraised it for?
-200. -200?
-200. -200?
但是这些混♥蛋♥ 他们没有蛋白石专家
But these assholes, they don’t have an opal specialist.
我在AGL的人说500 只是根据照片
My guy at the AGL says 500, just based of the pictures.
听着 20%我给你中标 你得跟我做搭档
Listen, 20 % I give you for the winning bidding. You got to be a partner with me.
KG打算买♥♥它 这不是问题
KG is gonna buy it. It’s not a problem.
This guy is obsessed with the stone.
Today was supposed to be about Aaron meeting KG.
-古伊 -以示支持
-Gooey. -To show support.
That’s what today was supposed to be about.
这是支持 这是您从未知道的支持
This is support, this is support like you’ve never known.
卖♥♥给你 非常感谢 先生
Sold to you, thank you so much, sir.
女士们 先生们 我们现在继续往前走 去38号♥
We move on now, ladies and gentlemen, to lot number 38.
38号♥地段 我们有售房♥通知
Lot 38, we have a sale room notice.
I’m required to inform you all that this fine Ethiopian black opal,
呈现在这里在你们面前 你的左边 我的右边
presented here before you all, your left, my right.
Is now offered with a revised estimate of a 155 to 225 thousand US dollars.
女士们 先生们 这是一件精美的作品 一件收藏家的作品
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a fine piece, a collector’s work.
最重要的是 它的窗户在两边
And, most importantly, it is windowed on either side,
to reveal the full spectrum of its dazzling color and the pin-fire pattern within.
因此 考虑到这一点 女士们 先生们 我的同事已经做好了准备 随时待命
So, with that in mind, ladies and gentlemen, my colleagues are ready and poised on the phones.
And you all ready with your paddles.
We shall start the bidding now at twenty thousand dollars.
Twenty thousand now. Thirty thousand.
Do I have forty thousand now?
四万 绅士的出价 很高兴见到你 先生 谢谢 先生
Forty thousand, gentleman’s bid. Pleasure to see you, sir, thank you, sir.
Forty thousand now. Do I see fifty?
五万了新地方 谢谢 先生
Fifty thousand now. A new place, thank you, sir.
很高兴你回来 先生
Pleasure to have you back too, sir.
五万反对你 先生我们应该说六十吗?
Fifty thousand now against you, sir. Should we say sixty?
六万反对你 先生七万现在反对你 先生
Sixty thousand now against you, sir. Seventy thousand now against you, sir.
One hundred grand.
十万!和你一起出价 先生
One hundred thousand now! Bid with you, sir.
和一个伟大的地方 大 大胆 巨大的飞跃
And a great place. A big, bold, giant leap
一个大 大胆 巨大的跳跃在十万美元
for a big, bold, giant leaper at a hundred thousand dollars.
不再是你的了 先生这是针对你的 先生
No longer yours, sir. It’s against you, sir.
我再试一次 先生 先生 我甚至会为你破除一个增量
I’m gonna try one more, sir. I’ll even break an increment for you, sir.
先生 我可以请你考虑出价10.5万吗?
Can I ask you to consider a bid of 105 thousand, sir?
来吧 先生你确定?
Come on, sir. You sure?
Positive? No farther?
一个挑衅的点头 然后呢?
A defiant nod, then?
然后在房♥间里找110 现在是十万
Looking then for a 110 in the room. It’s a hundred thousand now.
Is there any farther bidding?
11万现在 欢迎回来 先生
110 thousand now. Welcome back, sir.
11万现在 再次反对你 先生
110 thousand now. Once again against you, sir.
Should we try 120? 120 now.
再试一次 先生试试130
Try one more, sir. Just try 130.
130 now.
Should we try 140? 140 thousand now.
来吧 先生 又涨到150了
Come on, sir, it’s up again, to 150.
在15万点再试一次 不再是你的了 先生
Try one more at a 150 thousand. No longer yours, sir.
Should we try 160? 160 now.
再次反击你 先生
Back against you again, sir.
Can we try one more to a 170? 170 now.
说180 说180 先生
Say 180. Say 180, sir.
You were okay down 175.
180 thousand dollar now.
对你还不去 先生我在找19万
Bid back against you, sir. I’m looking for a 190 thousand.
19万美元是出价 反对你 先生
190 thousand dollars is bid. Against you, sir.
You have to bid to this claim.
A 190 thousand. Confer with your adviser now.
-说真的 我们得走了 -没关系 我需要这个
-Seriously, we need to go. -It’s okay, I need this though.
We gonna move this up any higher? Any farther?
-雷克斯 认真吗? -这是给你的最后机会 先生
-Relax, serious? -It’s a last chance for you, sir.
我必须推进这个 我们有一个良好的出价在19万
I have to move this along, we have a good bid at a 190 thousand.
我在找两百人 先生
I’m looking for two hundred, sir.
You gonna move this up any higher? Any farther?
你确定吗 先生?
You sure, sir?
-最后的机会 公平的警告 -我们走
-Last chance, fair warning. -Let’s go.
所以 先生 用你19万美元来对付电♥话♥
So, with you, sir, at a 190 thousand dollars against the phones.
Against the rest of the room.
卖♥♥给你 先生 以19万美元
Sold to you, sir, at a 190 thousand dollars.
非常感谢 谢谢你 先生
Thank you so much. Thank you, sir.
Panel 172.
天哪 我真 妈的 对不起
Gooey, I’m so, goddamn, sorry.
Thank you very much.
对不起 听着 我…
I’m sorry. Listen, I…
哦 这是第49街 应该是在48街
Oh, this is 49th street. Supposed to be on 48th street.
Thank you.
-那是190万 霍华德 -是的 是暂时的
-That’s a 190 grand, Howard. -Yes, that’s temporarily.
对不起 我得告诉你我要停下来…
I’m sorry. I gotta tell you I was gonna stop…
我没告诉你会发生这种事吗 霍华德?
Didn’t I tell you that was gonna happen, Howard?
-对不起 -那现在怎么办?
-I’m sorry. -So now what?
所以 你的钱会进入我的账户 我会直接电汇给你
So, your money gonna go into my account, I’ll wire it right back to you.
-包括阿德利的20%? -当然 那是我从口袋里掏出来的
-Including Adley’s 20%? -Absolutely, that comes right out of my pocket.
-那差不多38万 霍华德 -我知道
-That is nearly 38 grand, Howard. -I know that.
所以 我需要几个星期的时间 但会做
So, I’m gonna need a couple of weeks on that. But it will be done.
-我向你保证 -好吧
-I promise you. -All right.
-阿龙 我们走 来吧! -爸爸 我有6个亲笔签名
-Aaron, let’s go, come on! -Dad, I got, like, 6 autographs.
你有签名 太好了
You got the autographs, that’s great.
Wasn’t guy like a champ?
-请不要生我的气 -进去
-Don’t be mad at me, please. -Get in.
Please don’t be mad.
拜 我能拿蛋白石吗?让我去拿蛋白石
Come on, can I get the opal? Let me get the opal.
-为什么? -因为我得卖♥♥掉
-What for? -Because I gotta sell that.
-拿去那该死的蛋白石 -是的 好的 谢谢
-Take the fucking opal. -Yes, all right, okay, thanks.
Get them going. Open the fucking door.
What’s he waiting for you for?
All right.
I know.
让他们走 然后我们再谈
Let them go and then we’ll talk.
-那是什么鬼什么? -好吧 我搞砸了
-What the fuck was that? -All right, I fucked up.
那是个错误 好吗?我知道 我承认我得…
It was a mistake, all right? I know, I admit it. I gotta…
只是打暂停一个 该死的 第二
Just hit pause for one, fucking, second.
得打电♥话♥给凯文 因为我知道他 该死的 想要它 你看到的
Gotta call Kevin, ’cause I know he, fucking, wants it, you saw.
他有175 然后一切都会合用 好吗?
He’s got the 175 and then everything will be copacetic, all right?
公斤 是我我有好消息要告诉你
KG, it’s me. I got great news for you.
没人上电♥话♥ 妈的 电♥话♥!
No one on the, fucking, phone!
-如果你给我两个 妈的… -去 滚出去
-If you just give me two, fucking… -Get, the fuck, out.
你很幸运 你周围的人 你这个混♥蛋♥
You’re lucky there are people around you, you prick.
来吧 离开这里我们走吧
Come on, get out of here. Let’s go.
嘿 妈的…
Hey, fucking…
