-She wants our house. -And she can have it.
Why are you taking Lex?
我们将走隧♥道♥ 它更好 更少的交通
We’ll take the tunnel, it’s better, less traffic.
另外 我想从公♥寓♥里拿些东西 就在那儿
Plus, I wanna grab something from the apartment, and it’s right there.
我们要到公♥寓♥去 伙计们
We gonna stop by the apartment, guys.
哦 我的上帝
Oh my God.
-爸爸有想法 -哦 太烦人了
-Daddy’s got thinks to do. -Oh, it’s so annoying.
That business.
-嗨 拉特纳先生 你好吗? -你好吗?
-Hi, Mr. Ratner, how are you? -How are you?
-后备箱里有什么吗? -我只是要上下
-Anything in the trunk? -I’m just gonna be up and down.
-如果你需要什么 请告诉我 -我得用卫生间
-If you need anything let me know. -I gotta use the bathroom.
拿着 好吗?我们到家才25分钟
Hold it in, all right? It’s just 25 minutes before we’re home.
-我等不了那么久 -别傻了
-I can’t wait that long. -Don’t be ridiculous.
Eddie go upstairs and use the bathroom.
我累了 我想睡觉 你不能去爷爷家
I’m tired, I wanna go to sleep. You couldn’t go at Grandpa’s.
You had to wait till now?
来吧 我们走我们走了
Come on, we’re going. We’re going.
Bathroom’s all fucked up because of construction,
所以 我要问一个邻居
so, I’m gonna ask a neighbor.
爸爸 我不想用邻居的浴室 我正要当狗屎
Dad, I don’t wanna use a neighbor’s bathroom, I’m taking a shit.
Have you ever seen the show Good Times?

你 实际上 会喜欢这个的 这家伙是节目中的父亲
You, actually, gonna like this. This guy was the father on the show.
-什么?我不在乎 -我给你看了
-What? I don’t care. -I showed it to you.
He was in Coming to America.
他可能在睡觉 我打赌他是个老人
He’s probably sleeping, I bet he’s an old man.
-是谁? -是霍华德 隔壁
-Who is it? -It’s Howard, next door.
I live in E.
嘿 你好吗?
Hey, how are you?
What’s up?
不幸的是 我的浴室都搞砸了
Unfortunately, my bathroom is all fucked up.
And this kid’s gotta go. Can we use yours for a minute?
不 对不起
No, sorry.
-真 妈的 白♥痴♥! -嘿 别说了
-What a, fucking, dickhead! -Hey, stop that.
He’s a, fucking, legend.
-你好? -嗨 我是你的邻居
-Hello? -Hi, I’m your neighbor.
-嘿 你好吗? -你好吗?
-Hey, how you doing? -How are you?
-我是你的邻居 我从没自我介绍过 -艾伦 你好吗?
-I’m your neighbor, I never introduced myself. -Allen, how are you?
我的浴室都搞砸了 我儿子需要用
My bathroom is all fucked up and my son needs to use.
Can he use yours for a second?
Is it number one, or number two?
-一个 -他要去一个
-One. -He’s gonna go one.
好吧?所以 你快走 好了 在后面
All right? So, you go quick. All right, on the back.
I’ll meet you in the hallway.
祝你生活愉快 我希望你找到你要找的一切
Have a nice life, I hope you find everything you’re looking for.
是的 我来了
Yeah, I’m coming.
来吧 我们走
Come on, let’s go.
Who’s the girl, living in your apartment?
What did you say?
那家伙告诉我 有一些辣妹住在你的公♥寓♥里
Yeah, that guy told me there’s some hot chick living in your apartment.
那是谁 妈妈?
Who is that, mom?
你在干什么 和那个可乐头说话?
What were you doing, talking to that coke-head?
-他在跟我说话 -我告诉你进去 然后去拿屎!
-He was talking to me. -I told you to go in there and take a shit!
-我确实拿屎了 -就是这个上电梯
-I did take a shit. -That was it. Get on the elevator.
It’s enough already!
Don’t talk about that to anybody.
-你得到你需要的吗? -是的
-Did you get what you needed? -Yeah.
在你进屋之前 把回收的垃圾放进垃圾箱
Put the recycling in the garbage, before you come in the house.
Big day.
玉兰面包店 从市中心的原
Magnolia bakery, from the downtown original.
-谢谢 -你有这些吗?美味
-Thank you. -Did you have these? Delicious.
你告诉这里的每个人非常感谢你 欢迎他们
You tell everybody here thank you so much and they are welcome.
-会的 -这些是我 霍华德·拉特纳
-Will do. -And these are on me, Howard Ratner.
What’s this? This is the catalog for today?
That’s the one.
-就停我 -谢谢
-Stops right on me. -Thank you.
什么 妈的 是这个?这是个错误
What, the fuck, is this? This is a mistake.
-那是修正 -没有
-That’s a correction. -No.
这是一个修正 但它是一个 该死的 错误
It’s a correction, but it’s a, fucking, mistake.
安妮在哪里 我想在这里谈谈
Where is Anne, I wanna speak with here.
对不起 安妮正在开会
I’m sorry, Anne is in a meeting right now.
不 把她从会议里弄出来紧急事件 我想和她谈谈
No, get her out of the meeting. It’s an emergency, I wanna speak with her.
请给她打电♥话♥ 谢谢
Call her on the phone, please. Thank you.
If you promise to keep your voice down.
-是的 -我很乐意打电♥话♥给她
-Yes. -I’m happy to call her.
老天 妈的 基♥督♥!
Jesus, fucking, Christ!
你好 安妮
Hello, Anne.
Can you ask how this 155 bullshit happened?
Did you hear that?
-好吧 -她说了什么?
-Okay. -What did she say?
I’m afraid that’s your appraisal.
我知道这是它的意思 我问谁想出了这个 该死的 数字
I know that’s what it says, I’m asking who came up with the, fucking, figure.
-奥斯卡在宝石 -奥斯卡是 该死的 错了
-Oscar in Gems. -Oscar is, fucking, wrong.
I can go on and get 6 appraisers right now,
其中5个会说 至少三千美元一克拉
5 of them would say at least three thousand dollars a carat.
-他说他可以去找6个鉴定员… -给我电♥话♥
-He is saying he can go to 6 appraisers… -Give me the phone.
Can I speak with her please?
听着 对不起 我必须把你交给你
Look, I’m sorry, but I have to hand you over.
不 那不一定 我宁愿你不
No, that wouldn’t be necessarily, I’d rather you didn’t.
-安妮 -是的
-Anne. -Yes.
This is, fucking, outrageous.
好吧 你得冷静下来 拉特纳先生
Okay, you need to calm yourself down, Mr. Ratner.
我不想冷静 这个评价是个笑话
I don’t wanna be calm. This appraisal is a, fucking, joke.
Oscar happens to be one of our most experienced gemologists.
显然 他对有色宝石一无所知
Who, clearly, knows nothing about colored stones.
为什么 妈的 我现在听说了吗?
And why, the fuck, am I hearing about it now?
我需要提醒你 你在周五晚上把蛋白石带到我们这里 在周一早上的拍卖♥♥会上?
Do I need to remind you that you brought the opal to us on a Friday night for an auction set on a Monday morning?
-我们很幸运得到评价… -我不在乎我不在乎
-We were lucky to get appraised at all… -I don’t give a fuck. I don’t care.
它需要改变 做吧
It needs to be changed. Do it.
这不是一个选择 但是…如果你喜欢 我们可以拉它
That’s not an option, but… If you like we can pull it.
拉它?不 不 我们不会拉它
Pull it? No, no. We are not gonna pull it.
Here’s what you’ll do.
You gonna make an announcement at the top of the auction.
That the correction was wrong.
-不 不 -原始估计是
-No, no. -And the original estimate stands.
我们没有更正!我们要么拉它 要么继续
We are not correcting a correction! We can either pull it or carry on as is.
-这完全取决于你 -好的 非常感谢
-It’s entirely up to you. -Okay, thank you so much.
-好吧 安妮 我也很抱歉 -你知道我一直…
-Okay, Anne, I’m sorry too. -You know I have been…
-我们在这里完成 我受够了 -是的 那太好了 我会告诉她的
-We are done here, I had enough of this. -Yes, that would be perfect, I’ll let her know.
Let who know? Me and my stuff had to work the entire weekend…
好吧 谢谢你这么多安妮 我想说 从心底 我道歉
Okay, thank you so much Anne and I wanna say from the bottom of my heart, I apologise.
-好吧 我会告诉她的 谢谢 -你明白吗?
-Okay, I’ll tell her, thank you. -You understand?
我可以向你保证 这是最后一次…
I can assure you, this is the last…
所以 她说 我们需要把插入出每个目录
So, she said that we need to take the inserts out of each catalog
在拍卖♥♥开始之前 所以 你有那些
before the auction starts, so, you have those.
如果你想 我看到盒子在那里 我可以开始这些
If you want, I saw box down there, and I can start on these.
-那是什么?你在做什么? -我只是问安妮一个问题
-What is that? What are you doing? -I just have a question for Anne.
You don’t need to call her. I just spoke with her.
哦 这是个简单的问题 别担心
Oh, it’s a simple question, don’t worry about it.
嗨 安妮 他说你告诉他…
Hi, Anne, he’s saying that you told him to…
好吧 听着 只是 妈的 把他们放回去 我一点也不在乎
Okay, listen, just, fucking, put them back in, I don’t give a shit.
-古伊! -我们在这里
-Gooey! -We’re here.
You’re sight for sore eyes.
Is he here?
公斤?他是 我还没有看到他
KG? He is… I didn’t see him yet.
Is he there? I got all these things for him to sign.
听我说 听我说你想要它们吗?
