I live in New York, I don’t know what’s that gonna do me, KG?
我想免费给你 我就是那个人
I wanna give you to you for free, I’m that kind of guy.
只是 我被绑进了拍卖♥♥会
Just… I’m tied into an auction.
What are talking… What auction?
拍卖♥♥会…听着 出价
The auction… Listen, make a bid.
-在拍卖♥♥会上出价 -什么时候?
-Make a bid at the auction. -When is it?
-星期一 -星期一
-It’s Monday. -Monday.
-不 让他租上几个晚上 -我不能
-Nah, let him rent it for a couple nights. -I can’t.
我一直拿着它到星期一 你星期一晚上就拿回来
I’ll just hold it till Monday, you’ll get it back Monday night.
-凯文 我讨厌让你失望 -这家伙对一切都说”不”
-Kevin, I hate letting you down. -This dude fucking says “no” to everything.
-对某事说”是” -我想 凯文
-Say “yes” to something. -I want to, Kevin.
我真爱你我感觉自己像个混♥蛋♥ 相信我
I fucking love ya. I feel like an asshole, believe me.
下来 让我 妈的 做这个老天 妈的…我拿到这个了
Come down, let me, fucking, do this. Jesus, fucking… I got this.
哥德 该死的我得做一切事情
Godd, fucking, damnit. I gotta do everything.
请停止敲门 没用的
Please, stop knocking. It’s not gonna help.
去 去
Go. Go.
-我真是 天哪 对不起 -上帝啊!
-I’m so, goddamnit, sorry. -Jesus Christ!
Get them some water. Get the cold water.
We don’t need any water, man.
去拿我的戒指 伙计 这样我就可以离开这里了
Go get my ring, man, so I can get the hell out of here.
给他拿戒指他有事可做 来吧!
Get him his fucking ring. He’s got shit to do, come on!
-哦 戒指 戒指… -他有个游戏 霍华德
-Oh, the ring, the ring… -He’s got a game, Howard.
哦 我的天 不 我把戒指留在长岛了
Oh my God, no, I left the, fucking, ring in Long Island.
什么 妈的 你是说你把它留在长岛?
What, the fuck, do you mean you left it in Long Island?
I’ll give it to Demany.
-我没时间了 -我会把它给德美尼
-I don’t have time for this. -I’ll give it to Demany.
I’ll give it to you.
听着 我不能这么做我没时间了
Listen, I can’t do this. I don’t have time for this.
你不必 我确实需要…
You don’t have to, I do need…
我知道我需要的是石头 我需要石头
I know what I need is stone. I need the stone.
-你需要石头吗? -我的戒指呢?
-You need the stone? -Where’s my ring at though?
我给你拿戒指 我拿去戴美尼
I’ll get you the ring, I’m gonna get it to Demany.
给我个忙帮我拿戒指 我一会儿见
Give me favor. Get my ring for me and I’ll see you later.
霍华德 这是胡扯打开这该死的门
Howard, this is bullshit. Open this fucking door.
我们为什么来这里?把我们赶出去 霍华德
Why did we come up here, man? Buzz us out, Howard.
我们把你赶出去 好吗?请 叫他们出来
We’ll buzz you out, all right? Please, buzz them out.
KG 原谅我所做的一切和我浪费的时间
KG, forgive everything I did and the time I wasted.
你这个混♥蛋♥ 你干的!
You fucking asshole, you fucking did this!
-你告诉他什么了? -到底在说什么 霍华德?
-What have you been telling him? -What the fuck are talking about, Howard?
这狗屎是如何工作的 我把黑格加斯带到这儿来
This how this shit works. I bring niggas here,
给你买♥♥珠宝我就是这样 该死的 付钱的
to you, to buy jewelry. That’s how I get, fucking, paid.
你很有勇气 现在跟我说话
You got a lot of nerve, talking to me right now
-你到底在说? -在惨败之后 你 该死的 造成
-The fuck you talking about? -after the fiasco you, fucking, caused.
那个黑鬼刚给你25万美元 买♥♥一个 该死的 石头 假人
That nigga just offered you a quarter of a million dollars for a, fucking, rock, dummy.
-就我一模! -当然 是你 对
-That’s all me! -Of course, it’s you, right.
-我和它无关 -那是20个…
-And I had nothing to do with it. -That’s 20 fucking grand…
你在埃塞俄比亚为那些家伙花了 对吧?
You spent for those guys in Ethiopia, right?
你把那些电♥话♥都放进去…是的 我的坏
You put all those calls in… Yeah, my bad.
操你 我的黑鬼我要把我所有的黑鬼都带到某个地方去
Fuck you, my nigga. I’m taking all my niggas somewhere.
-我屎在哪? -去搞…
-Where’s my shit at? -Get the fuck…
什么 你在做什么?离开这里!
What, the fuck, are you doing? Get out of here!
-我屎呢? -滚出去!
-Where’s my shit? -Get out of here!
-这里只有3个 妈的 手表 -我不想你在那里!
-It’s only 3, fucking, watches in here. -I don’t want you in there!
Where, the fuck, is the rest of my shit?!
-我的手表在哪里 只有3块? -我借给他们了我借给他们了
-Where are my watches at, only 3 in here? -I loaned them. I loaned them.
-你借给他们是什么意思? -这些是假劳力士
-What do you mean you loaned them? -These are fake Rolex.
尼加 那是我的屎!尼加 那些盒子太贵了!
Nigga, that’s my shit! Nigga, those boxes are mad expensive!
-你这个白♥痴♥ -好吧 那我就欠你了
-You fucking idiot. -All right, I owe you then.
-滚出去 我说! -伙计 操你!滚开我!
-Get out of here, I said! -Man, fuck you! Get the fuck off me!
-霍华德 我有布劳曼医生在1号♥线 -我妈的屎呢?
-Howard, I have Dr. Blauman on line 1. -Where the fuck is my shit?
继续 继续
Go ahead. Go ahead.
-霍华德? -嗨 医生 怎么了?
-Howard? -Hi, doctor, what’s going on?
-霍华德? -是的
-Howard? -Yes.
-该死的纸呢? -请安静
-Where’s the, goddamn, paper, man? -Please be quiet.
-一切还好吗? -纸呢 霍华德?
-Is everything okay? -Where’s the, fucking, paper, Howard?
Shut, the fuck, up!
-霍华德? -去吧去吧 对不起
-Howard? -Go ahead. Go ahead, I’m sorry.
-霍华德… -我找到什么了?
-Howard… -What do I got?
搞这狗屎 伙计
Fuck this shit, man.
I’m looking at the results from your colonoscopy.
所以 我们很好 你都很好 一切都恢复干净
So, we’re good, you’re all good, everything came back clean.
医生 都打扫一个100%?你说很好?
Doctor, all clean a 100%? You said it’s good?
-是的 我说你们都清白了 -哦 很好 很好 谢谢
-Yes, I said you’re all clean. -Oh, good, good, thank you.
-那是解脱 -霍华德 放松 这只是…
-That’s relief. -Howard, relax, this is just…
我父亲 该死的 死于它 所以…
My father, fucking, died from it, so…
是的 对不起 我不是故意吓唬你的 但是 你知道 考虑到你的头部家族史
Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. But, you know, given your head family history.
我知道 犹太人和结肠癌 那是什么?我以为我们是被选中的人
I know, Jews and colon cancer, what is that? I thought we were the chosen people.
听着 结肠癌刚刚支付了我在汉普顿的房♥子…
Look, colon cancer just paid for my house in the Hamptons…
Don’t tell me that. Where? What part of the Hamptons? How many acres?
What are you doing? You gonna kill the fish.
What the fuck?
-我的鱼!我的鱼! -干♥你♥的鱼 黑鬼!
-My fish! My fish! -Fuck your fish, nigga!
Get a glass! Get a glass!
-该死的 鱼 黑鬼! -你在做什么?
-Fuck your, goddamn, fish, nigga! -What, the fuck, are you doing?
你 妈的 混♥蛋♥!
You, fucking, asshole!
拿上另一杯再拿一杯 天哪!
Get the, fucking, another glass. Get another glass, goddamnit!
过来 我抓到你了给你 给你
Come here, I got you. Here you go, here you go.
我抓到你了 甜心
I got you, sweetheart.
约翰尼 请再拿杯来
Johnny, please get some more glasses.
他们看不见水 他们是瞎子
They can’t see the water. They’re blind.
好吧 霍华德 我挂断了
All right, Howard, I’m hanging up.
I thought I was perfectly clear.
-5:30我出门了 -我说过我会来找你的
-At 5:30 I am out the door. -I told you I was coming to you.
I’m coming to you. I have the stone. Don’t you dare leave.
-我在纽波特举♥行♥婚礼… -霍华德
-I have a wedding in Newport… -Howard.
停止 你又疯了停止
Stop. You’re being, fucking, crazy again. Stop.
听着 我没有时间说话
Listen, I got no time to talk.
我必须在50分钟后到达阿德利家 然后他们才关门
I have to be at Adley’s in 50 minutes before they close.
-我和你一起去我和你一起去 -那我得去找岳父了
-I’ll go with you. I’ll go with you. -Then I gotta get to my father-in-law.
霍华德 求你了 我真的病了 我感觉不舒服 我得下床…
Howard, please, I’m really sick. I don’t feel well. I gotta out of bed…
I see you were in a big rush to come over here?
你自己有个 该死的 冰沙!
You got yourself a, fucking, smoothie!
-我赶时间很匆忙 -我要你出去
-I was in a big rush. -I want you out.
You motherfucker!
Get out of the apartment by the end of the day.
Fuck you!
Out of my life.
You have no idea.
-你好吗 豪伊? -嘿
-How you’re doing, Howie? -Hey.
好佩萨奇 豪伊
Good Pesach, Howie.
好吧 拉里 你又是犹太人了 欢迎回来
All right, Larry, you’re Jew again, welcome back.
-好好的帕沙 -没事的
-Have a good Pascha. -It’s all right.
-嘿 霍华德 -嘿
-Hey, Howard. -Hey.
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha Olam Bore Peri Ha Adama.
Get the celery.
你知道什么有点烂 被高估了?
You know what kinda suck schmuck a little bit, overrated?
Chris Paul.
来吧 伙计 他全是NBA的
Come on, man, he’s all NBA, man.
He can’t do it alone.
That’s enough!
You don’t know anything. What are you saying?
-我说… -把大家闭嘴!
-I’m talking… -Shut up everybody!

娜塔莉 你起来了
Natalie. You’re up.
等等 你跳过了我爸爸
Wait, you skipped my dad.
Where are we?
霍华德 你为什么不读瘟疫呢?
Howard, why don’t you read the plagues?
好 妈妈 你拿希伯来语 我学英语
