掩护你的手下 下去
Don’t let ’em close it.
Don’t let ’em close it!
把他们淹死 快
快 潜 潜
Two, three, four, five. Shut it.
2 3 4 5…
Let’s go. Go! Get down! Go!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
快 下去 下去 快
Get off him, get off him! Don’t move,
don’t move! Get back, get back!
退后 退后 别动 别动
Just drop it! Drop it!
Get ’em outta here! Get ’em outta here!
– Did they hit you? – I’m okay, sir.
– 怎样 – 不妨事 上尉
Stern team, go! Bow team, go!
船尾组 搜 船首组 搜
I’m outta clips, sir. You go ahead.
我没子弹了 大副 你先上
– Rabbit! – All right, get ’em outta here.
– 兔子 – 好了 押他们出去
Get ’em outta here! Let’s go! Get down!
Down, down, down, down! Get down!
跟我来 把他们带出去 蹲下 蹲下
All right, who’s the captain? Huh? Who’s the captain?
好了 谁是船长 谁是船长
Kapitan? How about you, ugly? You the captain, huh?
船长 混♥蛋♥ 你是不是船长
Trigger, if anybody moves,
you shoot ’em right here in the forehead, understand?
特里格 谁动杀谁 明不明白
Yes, sir! All right.
是 少校
贺殊 找到了
Get down, down!
出来 蹲下
– Down there! – Down, down!
– 蹲在这 – 蹲下
Rabbit, check the bilge for a scuttling charge.
Give me your weapon!
兔子 检查舱底有没有埋炸♥药♥ 缴械
– Move, sailor, move! – Aye, sir!
– 快点 快点 – 是的
Goddamn it, stay there.
– Hirsch, I think we got the code books!
– That ink’s running. Dry it.
– 贺殊 我们得到密♥码♥册 – 泰莱 墨水正在溶化 快点抹干
It’s water soluble. Yeah,
use the blankets, use the blankets.
是水溶性墨水 用毯子
Nothing but pipes and valves,
Mr. Emmett.
没有炸♥药♥ 安密长官
Bow compartment secure.
Bunch of Marys.
How you doing? You’re number ten.
There you go.
你好 你现在是10号♥了
You having a good night? Uh-huh.
Ain’t gonna be none too happy you lost his boat.
你们丢掉潜艇 元首可不高兴
Lucky number eleven, let’s go!
It’s your first time looking at a black man,
ain’t it?
初次见到黑人 是不是
Get used to it.
Let’s go! Get over here!
走 过来
All right, hurry it up.
It’s gonna be sunup in an hour.
快 还有一个钟头就日出
– Fuse is burning, sir.
– All right, she’s burning! Let’s get this raft loaded!
– 少校 点了导火线 – 快爆♥炸♥了 搬货上橡皮艇
Let’s move!

Sir, we got all the prisoners transferred to the S-33.
Very well.

Hey, Andy.
[Coonan] Make sure you got everything! Get it in the raft!
注意别落下东西全部放进去 一定要保护好 走吧
Get everything belowdecks. Let’s go!
Everybody, belowdecks! Get down!
快回舱去 有敌袭击
Chief, take her down! Aye, sir!
大副 潜下去
– Let’s go, Hirsch! – The Enigma!
– 贺殊 走 – 密♥码♥机
Trigger! Grab hold!
特里格 抓住
Trigger! Attaboy!
好了 特里格
– Got it! – Help me! Help me! Oh, no! No!
– 拿到了 – 救命
– We gotta get outta here!
– There’s still men in the water.
– 我们要走了 – 水上还有人
Let’s go! Chief,
there’s still men in the water.
走吧 还有人在水里呢
Andy! Andy!
Go! Dive!
快 快
Take her down! Take her down!
Tyler, let’s go!
泰莱 我们走吧
– Chief, you find those vents?
– Everything’s in German!
– 大副 找到水柜控制没有? – 上面全是德文
Rabbit, get to the torpedo room.
Where’s the goddamn 1 MC? Trigger, get on the helm!
兔子 到鱼雷室 通话机呢?
– Mazzola, take the planes! – Aye, sir.
– 特里格 你掌舵 – 收到
马苏拉 你操作平衡翼
Wentz, what about these? I don’t know.
– 尹兹 这是什么 – 不知道 没有标识
There’s no label! Okay,
those are the aft ballast tanks vents!
These are the midship vents,
and these are the main induction valves.
中舱阀 主通气阀
– Make sure they’re shut.
– Tank, I need speed!
– 全都关上 – 坦克 加速推进
Get the screws turning.
– The lights are on, so there’s got to be some power left.
– I can’t read this!
– 指示灯亮了 电池还有电 – 我看不懂
Rabbit, find out how many fish we’ve got in the tubes!
Figure out how to launch ’em!
兔子 数数几枚鱼雷 设法发射 快
Go! I can’t read this!
Go help Tank, Hirsch. Go, Hirsch!
Find the Christmas tree.
贺殊 去帮帮坦克
We’ve gotta make sure we don’t have any holes in the boat!
找控制板 确定所有舱盖关好
“Klar, klar, klar.” Wentz,
what the hell is “klar”?
卡拉 卡拉是什么意思
“Klar” means “clear.” All compartments secure.
卡拉指安全 所有舱盖关好
– White for green?
– No holes in the ship! Dive the boat! White for green.
– 白灯即是绿灯 – 是 舱盖关好 潜下去 大副
Opening ballast vents!
Opening midship valves!
开启注水阀 开启中舱阀
Opening midship vents!
This is forward trim, aft trim.
These are auxiliaries.
这是前均衡控制 后均衡控制
Main motor. Auxiliary, auxiliary.
主发动机 辅助发动机
This is in meters. Everything’s in meters.
Passing 15 meters.
Recommend shutting main vents!
– Make it so! Wentz, get in the sound room!
– Yes, sir!
– 好 尹兹 操作声纳 报告情况 – 好的
Make depth 20 meters. Depth 20 meters, aye.
– 潜至20米 – 是
– Chief, take the dive! – I have the dive.
– 大副 监督下潜 – 正在监督下潜
At 20 meters. Bow planes at zero.
Control your depth with the stern planes.
20米 船首下衡翼零度 用尾翼控制深度
Bow planes at zero. Controlling down with the stern planes.
首翼零度 用尾翼控制
Oh, shit. All ahead full, sir!
见鬼 上尉 全速前进
Batteries are flat and draining fast!
Mr. Tyler, I hear the S-33 breaking up. Wait.
泰莱长官 我听到S33爆♥炸♥
I hold a submerged U-boat, 0-1-0.
等一等 10度有德国潜艇
Real close. Less than 1,000 yards.
好接近 在1000码内
Goddamn resupply sub. What’s our heading?
Two-eight-zero, sir!
补给艇 本艇方向 280度
All right, right full rudder! Steady on 0-1-0!
满舵右转 按10度前航
Aye, sir! Right full rudder. Steady on course 0-1-0.
是 满舵右转 按10度前航
Tank, starboard back full. Rabbit, get back to me.
坦克 右车急倒转 兔子 答话
Starboard back full. Aye, sir.
右引擎急倒车 是 上尉
– Watch your depth. She’ll squat. – Rabbit!
– 注意深度 防止艇尾下垂 – 兔子
We got four fish. Tubes are flooded,
but I can’t open the doors until I’m equalized.
有四枚鱼雷 我要平衡…
I can’t find the valve! Wentz, help Rabbit!
鱼雷♥管♥水压 但找不到平衡阀 尹兹 帮兔子手
Enemy submarine close aboard. Torpedo in the water.
Torpedo in the water!
All right, belay that. Wentz, stay where you are!
你不用帮兔子 尹兹 留下
Hirsch, hotfoot it to the torpedo room!
贺殊 到鱼雷室去
Helm, mark your head every ten degrees. Aye, sir.
方向舵 每10度报告方向
– Now passing 3-2-0. – Turn, baby, turn. Turn!
– 是 320度 – 转弯吧 听话转弯啦
Equalizing valves. Holy shit! What’s what?
This is crazy. I can’t equalize the tubes!
平衡阀 什么鬼阀啊离谱 我平衡不到鱼雷♥管♥压力
– What do you need?
– Equalizing valves! Equalizing valves! Valve?
– 找什么 – 平衡阀
– Gyro? No, drainage.
– Drainage. No.
– 回转仪 不是 – 排水阀 不是
Now passing 0-0-0.
Swing, you bastard, swing.
转快点 杂种
Chief, stand by in case we have to flood forward trim.
大副 前衡水舱可能需要注水
Impulse? Differential… Pressure differential?
– 压缩气阀 – 不是
– Turn ’em! – Yes, turn ’em! Which way?
