-我把窗户关起来 -我们会闷死的
-I’ll close the window. -We’ll suffocate.
-我们只需要当作它们不存在 -好吧
-Wejust have to pretend they don’t exist. -All right.
-晚安 -晚安 小小妈妈
-Good night. -Good night, little mother.
-马克 -嗯
-Mark? -Hmm?
-它们的确存在 -不 没有
-They do exist. -No, they don’t.
哦 它们确实存在
Oh! They do.
-我有一个主意 -嗯
-Mm. I have an idea. -Hmm?
-睡得好吗 -很好
-Sleep well? -Very well.
-我做了一个不切实际的梦 -告诉我最糟的部分
-I had a dreamy dream. -Tell me the worst.
我梦见你给我们建造了最美丽的 华勒士风格的房♥子
I dreamt you built us the most beautiful little Wallace-designed house.
And I built us the most beautiful little triplets.
All we need right now is a population explosion.
Oh, you did not need the mosquito net?
We managed without.
No breakfast?
Religious reasons.
We’ve gotta get out of this place.
This self-denial’s killing me.
I’m sorry you were not able to sample our restaurant last night.
我们也很遗憾 这是因为宗教的原因
Oh, so are we. It was religious reasons.
Particularly when we have to charge you an all-inclusive price.
-你看一下吧 -请你再说一遍
-As you see. -Beg your pardon?
在旺季 我们的价格总是包括了晚餐和早餐的
High season, our price includes dinner and breakfast always.
谢谢 我想警官正在外头等你呢
Thank you. I think the inspector is waiting for you outside, monsieur.
-警官 -是关于消防车这些东西的费用吧
-Inspector? -Concerning the expenses for the pumpers and such like.
-额 -希望能再见到你
-Ah. Ah. -We will see you again, I hope.
-呃 -谢谢
-Ah. -Ah, merci.
What’s French for
“我不相信你 你一毛也得不到”
“I don’t believe a word you’re saying and you’re not gonna get a penny”?
-是的 先生 -是的 先生
-Oui, monsieur. -Oui, monsieur.
-三万多法郎 -好的
-Plus trente mille francs. -Oui, monsieur.
Et cinq mille plus deux mille cinq cents plus deux mille cinq cents.
Plus deux mille cinq cents. C’est tout.
-就是这样 -就是这样
-C’est tout? -C’est tout.
嗯 还有一千法郎的税收
Um, et mille francs taxe.
-税 -税
-Tax? -Taxe.
-什么的税 -什么税 督查先生
-Tax on what? -Quelle taxe, Monsieur I’Inspecteur?
每两千五百法郎收四十法郎的税 夫人
Taxe sur quarante deux mille cinq cents francs, madame.
-一千法郎 -一千法郎
-Mille francs? -Mille francs.
Mais pourquoi mille francs sur quarante deux mille cinq cents?
-一千法郎交的是税 -为什么要交一千法郎的税
-Mille taxe. -Mais pourquoi mille francs?
-夫人你怎么还不理解 -这简直是公然的抢劫
-Mille francs de taxe, madame! -This is literally highway robbery.
我的意思是 这实在是公然的抢劫
I mean, this is literally highway robbery!
-不要发脾气 -我没有发脾气
-Don’t lose your temper. -I’m not losing my temper!
Et mille francs pour le service.
Dispose of the wreck.
-Nous le feron levez… -Dans la mettre ou?
-哪里 -可能在其他某个地方
-Where? -Oh, quelque place or autre…
来吧 小乔
Come on, Jo.
你以为我聋了吗 我听得到你
All right! Think I’m deaf? I can hear you!
你疯了 你是疯子
Oh, look!
Well, we disposed of it.
Tu sais qui va me payer moi?
你肯定会认为保险公♥司♥来 是不是
Parce que à compter à l’assurance, vous savez?
Les assurances sont jamais pressées ça.
我有个伙计被烧伤了 都两年了 保险公♥司♥屁也没放
J’ai un gars qui a brûlé, il y a deux ans, toujours pas été remboursé.
想想看 我们总不能就这么便宜处理了吧
Alors un gars comme ça, on va pas lui faire un cadeau.
而且这么危险 他们的人都死到哪里去了
Et en plus c’est dangereux ce qu’ils ont fait. Ils ont plus quelqu’un quoi?
哎 你们可知道这够受的
Eh, ça, vous savez, ça suffit à peine.
C’est impossible d’être si mal à croire!
Non non!
Bon j’espère ça me range comme ça, mais…
This is the life.
我必须告诉你 他让我感到失望 非常失望
He let me down, I must tell you, quite disgracefully…
so I’m looking for an architect.
My husband’s an architect.
就是说你把房♥子撞塌的同时 也会把房♥子搭起来
So, you put up buildings as well as knocking them down.
-Corporation bus— -Oh, he doesn’t have a minute to spare.
Eh, what about now?
He has a minute to spare.
很好 我们来谈一谈
Ah, good, good, good, good. We must talk, huh?
不 我必须告诉你 我急需帮助
No, I must tell you, I’m in a corner.
-共♥党♥ -你还好吧 亲爱的
-Communists! -Are you all right, honey?
Oh, yes.
嘿 尚蒂伊到了 旅行指南里有这个地名吗
Hey, Chantilly. Isn’t that in the guidebook?
-可能刚刚才有 -我们在这里停一会儿吧
-It could just be. -Do let’s stop.
I don’t want Ruthie to be late for her lunch today.
是的 这里离大路远
Oh, yes. Well, it’s off the main road.
豪伊 在我们到达希腊之前 我最好提醒你
Howie, I may as well warn you before we get to Greece…
that the Acropolis is off the main road.
Okay. Okay. This is a democratic trip.
在这样一个古老的地方 闲逛还真是不错
Really great to dawdle through an old place like that, huh?
乔安娜 我必须要感谢你
Joanna, I have to thank you.
我以为你不喜欢乔安娜 爸爸
I thought you didn’t like Joanna, Daddy.
哦 露西
Oh, Ruthie.
Of course I likeJoanna.
Well, then why did Mommy say she was a suburban English nobody?
Uh, I think it may be very important…
to the future of our quadripartite relationship…
uh, to get that particular remark into very clear context.
I think it might be best for the future of our quadripartite relationship…
我想眼下的事实是 我们之间已经没有以后了…
if we accepted the fact, here and now, that it has no future whatsoever.
马克 请不要那么草率
Mark, please don’t be too hasty.
我们结束了 霍华德
We’re through, Howard. We’re through.
嘿 那些东西是花了很久才理好的
Hey, those things took a lot of arranging.
你听我说 想像一下乔安娜是怎么想的
Now, you listen to me. Try and imagine how Joanna feels.
I can see how Joanna feels.
She’s gonna feel that the whole trip has been loused up because of her.
霍华德 你是个最自鸣得意的…
Howard, you’re the most complacent son of a…
-想骂我你就骂吧 -我是想骂你
-Abuse me if you want to— -I want to.
你想控制乔安娜 忽略她的存在
You’re gonna dominate that girl right out of existence.
我想打烂你的脸 豪伊
I’m gonna smash your face in, Howie.
请允许我这样说 这不是成人应有的态度
Well, that isn’t a very adult attitude, if I may say so.
马库斯 别这样 那是留声机
Marcus, please, that’s the phonograph.
Mark, please.
走吧 亲爱的
Come on, Joanna darling. Come on, sweetheart.
你还没有问过乔安娜 她是否想在此时
You haven’t thought to askJoanna if she wants to abandon the expedition…
-放弃旅行 -来吧 宝贝
-at this point, now have you? -Come on, baby.
请允许我说 这是一个很有启迪的用法
Well, that, if I may say so, is a very revealing usage.
Calling her “baby” at this point shows you’re prepared to do her thinking…
and her deciding for her.
我很郑重地警告你 马库斯
Now, I warn you solemnly, Marcus…
you’re denying Joanna the right to be her own paradoxical self.
霍华德 你是世上脑袋最不开窍的人
Howard, you’re the largest pocket of untapped natural gas known to man.
They haven’t even opened yet.
-是关于什么的 -谁知道
-What is it about? -Who knows?
What do people have rows about today?
金钱 性
Uh, money, sex.
性 金钱 他想要 她却不想
Sex, money. He wants. She doesn’t want.
是她想要 他却不想
She wants. He doesn’t want.
He thinks that the counter’s all in the wrong place.
柜台和陈列柜 真好笑
The counter and display cases. Very funny.
是的 那就是你要的婚姻
Yeah, that’s marriage for you.
-那是他们的婚姻 -那就是婚姻 句号♥
-That’s marriage for them. -Ah, that’s marriage, full stop.
我可以不喜欢霍华德和凯茜 他们是我的朋友
I’m allowed not to like Howard and Cathy. They’re my friends.
You never intended to enjoy the trip.
You were jealous of Cathy before we ever set out.
Well, it’s not my idea ofbliss to be cooped up in a car…