我们就是靠这个为生 滚远点
We do this for a living. Stay out of the way.
拿着这个 确定这些都是8X10的照片
Take this stuff. Make sure that these are all eight by 1 0 glossies.
让开! 等一下!
Get out of the way! Wait!
转身 喔 喔
FE Turn it around. Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Pull, pull, pull! -Get him around.
冷静 冷静
Easy, easy, easy, easy!
Oh, my God! Whoa!
后退 你个坏狗!
Back him up. Bad dog!
FE Good boy, good boy.
Come on, this way. Over here, boy.
噢 慢点慢点,狗狗
Oh! Whoa! Slow down, boy.
This dog’s nuts.
We’re gonna have to shoot him.
嗨 你不能处决这条狗
Hey, you’re not gonna shoot this dog.
He’s the closest thing we have to a witness.
Oh, yeah? You think you can handle him?
You’re nuts.
Where are you goin’?
He just responds poorly to anger, that’s all.
嘿 David! – 什么?
Uh, David! -What?
David 把车停过来越靠近越好
David, bring the car around. Up as close as you can.
把后门打开 让发动机开着
Open up the back doors. And leave the engine running.
嗨 这里 Hooch
Hey, there, Hooch.
嗨 你看到了整个过程 是不是?
Hey, you saw the whole thing, didn’t ya?
好了 Amos 已经不在了,你没什么选择
Yeah, well, Amos is gone now, so… You don’t have a lot of options.
Okay? You are either gonna work with me,
or they’re gonna shoot you.
Come on. What I’m gonna do is, I’m gonna try…
I’m gonna try to make you a little more comfortable, huh?
Oh, don’t you just want to think about it?
这里 这里 看着 看着
Huh? Huh? Here. Here. Here. Watch. Watch. Watch.
Uh, how do you do this?
Let me just make ya a little more… There, there, there.
这里这里 这难道不好吗?考虑一下吧
Isn’t that nice? Think about it.
Maybe we’ll get some nice big chocolate chip cookies.
是啊 美味的巧克力饼
Yeah. Nice big box of chocolate chip cookies.
The soft kind? The kind with the 22 chips? Want a cookie?
Want a cookie?
过来 Hooch 进到车里面!
Come on, Hooch, get in the car. Come on!
Come on, boy.
You people over there, get back.
Come on!
Come on! -Move it back.
他在制♥服♥那条恶狗 离远点
He’s got it under control. Stay out of the way.
听话 Hooch过来 孩子
Come on, Hooch. Come on, boy.
Aw, God damn it!
What, you tired? Huh?
Hope so.
是的话那太糟了 现在 对着外面 对着外面
If you are, that’s just too bad. Now, look out. Look out.
Come on.
太糟了 好了 等会 等会 等我一下
Too bad, all right. Hold on. Hold on. Wait a minute.
嗨 你要到诊所你住上几天 老朋友
Hey, you’re goin’ in the clinic for a few days, pal.
对你会有好处的 来吧
It’s gonna be good for ya. Come on.
走啊 走啊 走啊
Come on! Come on. Come on.
听话!Hooch 听听话
Come on, Hooch. Come… Come on.
Come… Wait a… Whoa! Hooch!
Hooch 别这样!停下!停下!Hooch!
Hooch, no! Stop! Stop! Hooch!
Hooch! Stop! No!
我要杀了你 停下 Hooch!
I’ll kill ya. No, Hooch!
嗨 你对这只狗干了什么?
Hey, what are you doing to this dog?
哎呀 我只是带他散步! – 他在流血!
Ow. Oh! Just taking him for a walk. -Well, he’s bleeding.
天啦 他流血又多长时间了?
My God! How long has he been bleeding?
Not long enough.
You! I’ll kill ya.
嗨 我有前门你知道吗
Hey. Now, I have a front door.
我要杀了你 Hooch 我要杀了你,Hooch
I’ll shoot you, Hooch. I’ll shoot you, Hooch.
行了 你就待在这吧
Well, you stay right there.
快点把这只恶狗处理好 我好嘣了他
Fix him up so I can shoot him.
没事了 你呆在这别动
All done. You stay.
What’s your dog’s name?
Uh, dog’s name is Hooch, but…
Those wounds needed stitching.
它上次看兽医是什么时候? – 不知道
When was the last time he saw a vet? -I don’t know.
这太不负责了 这和虐待没有区别
Well, that’s neglect. And it’s borderline abuse.
它情况太恶劣了他的饮食乱七八糟 你看 如果你不能
I mean, he’s filthy, his diet is terrible, and look, if you cannot…
不 嘿 这不是我的狗
Well, no, hey, no, this is not my dog.
He belonged to an old man who lived down by the pier.
那么 我要和他说 – 你不能
-Well, then, I want to speak to him. -You can’t.
他昨晚被谋杀了 – 哦 天啊
He was murdered last night. -Oh, God.
我是Scott Turner 我是这儿的治安调查员
I’m Scott Turner, I’m the police investigator here in town…
我知道 我们去过同一家银行. Emily Carson.
I know. I mean, we use the same bank. Emily Carson.
是吗?哦 – 是的
Oh, we do? Oh. Well. -Yes. Yes.
我刚来这儿 这是个很小的城镇
I’m sorta new here, but it’s a small town.
So, it’s nice to meet you.
很抱歉对你的误解 – 这没什么
I’m sorry about this misunderstanding. -That’s quite all right.
I can’t stand seeing animals mistreated.
Can I ask you a question regarding the dog?
行 进来
Yes. Come in.
这是个好机会 我想 它是那场谋杀的目击者
There’s a good chance, I think, that he was a witness to the, uh, crime.
He may have to identify a suspect. Can he do that?
Yes. Maybe.
I mean, can I show him a photograph? Like a mug shot? And…
你对狗根本不了解 是吗?
You don’t know much about dogs, do you?
是啊 我从没养过狗
Well, no, I never had one.
小孩的时候也没有? – 没有 不可能
Not even as a kid? – No. No way.
Well, dogs don’t see in two dimensions.
我的意思是 它能够分辨声音 或者气味 但不能看清照片
I mean, he could recogniZe a voice, or a scent, but not a photo.
明白了 明白了 – 下来 Hooch 走吧!
All right. All right. -Come on, Hooch. Come on!
嗯 它不用任何治疗吗?
Uh, doesn’t he have to recoup?
不用了 它只是有点累 但是他没事
Well, no. He’s a little tired, but he’s okay.
You’re a good dog. Yes.
你的确对动物非常在行 – 是啊 我是兽医
Boy, you sure are good with animals. -Yeah. I’m a vet.
You’re buttering me up for something.
Well, I just can’t help but think that this dog is gonna be a lot better off
with someone like you, than with someone like me.
因为我不知道 – 你结婚了吗?
‘Cause I don’t know… -Are you married?
没有? – 你一个人住了?
No. -You live alone, then?
是啊 – 别♥墅♥ 还是公♥寓♥?
Yeah. -House, or an apartment?
别♥墅♥- 是吗?有女朋友吗?
House. -Yeah? You have a girlfriend?
没有 – 很不错
No. -Well, perfect.
很好?对谁很好? – 对Hooch
Perfect? Perfect for who? -Perfect for Hooch.
For Hooch… How?
当你回到家 他可以陪你
When you’re home, he’ll keep you company,
and when you’re gone, he’ll take care of your house. You’re lucky to have him.
不行 不行 我没有房♥间来养像Hooch这样的狗
Oh, no, no, no, no. I don’t have room for a dog like Hooch.
没几个人有的 我要去工作了 再见 Scott Turner
Not many people do. I gotta go work. Good-bye, Scott Turner.
What? What is it? What? What?
如果你饿了 把汉堡包解决掉 吃面包
If you’re hungry, finish the hamburgers. Eat the buns.
把面包给吃了 你也不渴
Eat the buns. If you’re not thirsty…
你不要水 不碰橙汁
You know, you’re not touching the water, the orange juice, cranapple.
What is it? What am I supposed to do? Make you a margarita?
Shut up! God!
Shut up! This has been going on for two and a half hours.
Just be quiet!
行了 行了 行了 你告诉我该怎么做
All right. All right. All right. You tell me what I’m supposed to do.
告诉我该怎样做 我该怎样做?
You tell me what I am supposed to do. What am I supposed to do?
你告诉我 怎样做你才开心?
You tell me. What am I supposed to do?
我该怎样做 Hooch?
What am I supposed to do, Hooch?
Am I supposed to stand out on the porch all night long?
给他一片安定 Turner 你自己也来一片
Give him a Valium, Turner. Take one yourself.
