对 别拐弯抹角的了 我很有钱
Yes, let’s not beat around the bush. I’m very rich.
你有多有钱 -哦 我非常
How rich are you? – Oh, I’m so…
我他妈的是个富翁 我刚把公♥司♥卖♥♥了
I’m so fucking rich! I just sold my company.
是的 我没醉 我说过 我不舒服
Yeah, I’m not drunk! I told you, I’m not feeling well.
Do you have problem with that?
Can’t you respect that?
晚上好 先生 -晚上好
Good evening, sir. – Good evening.
晚上好 女士 -晚上好
Good evening, madam. – Good evening.
你还在那儿吗 宝拉
Are you still there, Paula?
托马斯 -怎么了
Thomas? – What is it?
我只是想问问 你什么时候能主持船长晚宴
I just want to ask you when you’re able to hold the Captain’s Dinner?
Oh, for fuck’s sake…
我现在不能主持船长晚宴 -不 托马斯 我在问你
I can’t do the Captain’s Dinner now! – No, I’m asking you a question, Thomas.
你什么时候才能穿上制♥服♥ 下来迎接宾客
When are you able to put on your uniform and be there for the guests?
哦 好的 天气怎么样
Oh… Okay. Well, what’s the forecast?
天气很好 托马斯 关键是你什么时候才能过去
The weather’s fine, Thomas. It’s about when you can do it.
Any day but Thursday.
星期 星期四可以 -不 托马斯
Thurs… Thursday’s good. – No. Thomas.
星期四不行 -啊
Thursday’s bad. – Huh?
有一片低压区正在靠近 星期四不行
We have a low-pressure zone moving in. Any day but Thursday.
好啊 那就周四吧 -好吧 托马斯 听我说
Yes, Thursday! Okay! – Okay, Thomas, listen.
I’ll come back and talk to you about this later.
宝拉 他们每天都要吃饭的
Paula! Every day, they eat dinner.
And they’re going to eat dinner Thursday as well. Right?
给我来最贵的香槟 再来三个玻璃杯
Your most expensive champagne, and three glasses.
那是你男朋友吗 -是的
Is this your boyfriends? – Yeah.
兄弟们 你们得对这两个女孩好一点啊
Guys, you take care of these girls now!
她们太好了 既大方又体贴
They’re really, really nice girls! Generous. Caring.
You treat them right, you know!
You think they want some champagne?
可以 五个 来五个玻璃杯
Okay, five glasses! Five glasses.
宝贝我爱你 -我知道 我知道
I love you, baby! – Yeah, yeah…
Dance with me!
我跳得很烂的 -可我想跳怎么办
I’m terrible at dancing. – What if I go?
来嘛 一起跳吧 -不不不
Come on, dance with me! – No, no…
跳嘛 随便跳跳
Come on! Just a little bit.
不 我 我不 -来跳嘛 别害羞了
No, I’m… I’m so… – Come on. Don’t be shy!
不 -为什么不 我也在跳呀
No… – Why? I’m dancing.
还是不了 我从没跳过舞 -来嘛来嘛 一起跳呀
No… I never dance. – Come on, dance with me.
我还是不跳了 -为什么不跳
I just don’t. – Why not?
我不喜欢 -好吧
I don’t like it. – Okay.
我觉得有点尴尬 -行吧行吧 随便你
I feel embarrassed. – Alright, it’s okay. Whatever…
卡尔 你吃醋了吗
Carl? Are you jealous?
嗨 卡尔
Hey! Carl?
谁是卡尔 -什么
Who’s Carl? – What?
你就是卡尔啊 -不不不 我只是个穷光蛋
You’re not Carl? – No, no. I’m the pool guy.

非常抱歉闯入您的宅邸 我只是想来拿个工具
Sorry about coming into the mansion, I just needed to get some tools.

Over here…
It’s very inappropriate.
如果我 嗯
What if my, er…
…husband comes home?
Where is your husband?
He really shouldn’t be leaving such a beautiful girl on her own.
Because it’s very dangerous around here.
他得工作 -噢
He’s working. – Oh…
眼里只有工作 -是吗
Always working… – Is he?
是啊 太热了 你说呢
Yeah. It’s hot, huh?
是啊 我也很热 -你应该把衣服脱掉
Yeah, I’m very hot. – You should take that off.
是吗 -是呀 噢
Yeah? – Yeah. Ooh.

是这样的 你也知道 你丈夫付给我很多钱
The thing is, your husband pays me a lot of money, you see.
所以 我更得尽心尽力工作
So, I do have to just make sure I’m doing my job properly.
明白吗 -那你得好好检查管道
Okay? – You check the pipes.
没错啊 有没有
Yeah, is there any…
…is there any down here that need to be…
需要疏通的 或者说 有没有其他的毛病
…unblocked, or… is everything okay?
You’re sure you’re the right guy for the job?
那当然了 我简直技艺高超
I am, I am. I’m very qualified.
嗯 那得让我确认一下
Hmm… Let me see.
Do you know what people regret on their deathbed?
Can you turn the phone?
不知道 -不知道
No. – No?
他们会后悔自己花太多时间工作了 十个人里有七个是这样
That they were working too much, seven out of ten people regret
throwing away their lives on stupid and pointless jobs.
请问您想喝点什么吗 -再来点香槟 谢谢
Can I get you anything to drink? – More champagne, please.
我也不知道 我的人生就这样了 这也不是我能决定的
I don’t know, I was just born into this life. It was not my fault.
事已至此 我只能想 为什么呢 为什么呢
And when this happened, I… I just felt like, “Why? Why?”
人生真是太不公平了 -是啊
Life is so unfair. – Yeah.
We are all equal.
你说得很对 -所有人都是平等的
That is so true. – Everyone’s equal.
Is there anything you wish for?
什么 -你有什么 想要的东西吗
Sorry? – Is there anything you… wish for?
哦 哦 我不知道
Well… Well, I don’t know.
女士 您人真好 但我确实没什么想要的
That’s so sweet of you, madam, but I’m perfectly fine.
但是 如果今天是你生命中的最后一天
But, but, but, but if today was your last day alive…
嗯 你会想要什么呢 -我不知道
…hmm… what would you wish for? – I have no idea.
你今天游泳了吗 -没有 今天没有
Have you been for a swim today? – No, not today.
Why don’t you go for a swim right now?
我就是这个意思 你得及时行乐
Because this is exactly what I’m talking about.
女士 您真的太好了 但是现在是我的工作时间
That’s so kind of you, madam, but unfortunately we’re not allowed
我们工作时不能下水 所以
to go for a swim during working hours, so…
I want all the staff to go for a swim!
I want you all to go for a swim!
I really feel that I’ve had one of these moments.
嗯 可是今天可能真的不行
Yeah, well, today might be a little bit problematic…
Cos today we have the Captain’s Dinner.
谁在意什么船长晚宴 游个泳而已 最多半小时
Who cares about the Captain’s Dinner? This will only take half an hour.
来吧 现在就下水
Come on, now.
你们工作太辛苦了 来吧
You work too hard, come on.
嗯 好吧 那我试试 -谢谢
Yeah, well, let me see what I can do. – Merci!
不不不 回来 快回来
No, no, no! Come back! Come back, please.
快过来 我有更好的计划
Please come back. I have a better idea.
请坐 -好吧
Sit down. – Okay.
Let’s reverse roles.
什么 -就是改变身份
Sorry? – Just change roles.
你舒舒服服地待在这个按♥摩♥浴缸里 我去联♥系♥船长
You… chillax in the jacuzzi, and I’ll get the captain.
哦 这个嘛
Oh… well…
来吧 你就在这享受美好时光吧 像我刚刚一样
Come on! Just be in the moment, like I was. Please!
可是 -来吧 来吧 我知道你愿意的
Yeah, but… – Come, come, I know you want to.
来吧 -我确实愿意 但
Come on! – Yes, I do but…
但这样会出事的 如果我..
But there might be a problem for me, if I…
Now I have to be the authority.
嗯 可是 我还穿着制♥服♥ -好了 闭嘴 别说了
Yeah, well, I have my clothes on… – Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Shut up! Now!
我命令你 现在就下去享受
I command you, enjoy the moment!
现在 -请
N-now? – Please.
不 -不
No. – No?
不 -什么
No. – What?
你在拒绝我 -不是 我没有
You say “no” to me? – No. No!
所以你同意了 -对 哦不
So it’s “yes”? – Yes… No.
到底同不同意 -我的意思是
“Yes” or “no”? – I’m saying…
不好意思 我还是不
Sorry, I’m saying, n…
I’m saying…
好吧 -你同意了 哈哈
Yes. – Yes! Ha-ha!
别担心 迪米特里会买♥♥下那艘游艇的
Don’t worry. Dimitrios will buy the yacht.
