对啊 但刚刚你拿起了账单
Sure, but then you picked up the bill,
我以为你要买♥♥单 我就说了谢谢亲爱的
and I thought you wanted to pay, so I said, “Thank you, honey.”
但账单放在这很久了 -我没看到它
But it was there for such a long time… – I didn’t see it.
你没看到 -我
You didn’t see it? – I, er…
我没有 我没有看到
No, I didn’t. I didn’t see it.
或许是没注意到 毕竟我们刚吃完饭
Or I didn’t notice it. We were just having a nice dinner.
You didn’t see the bill when it got put on the table?
我没看见 卡尔
No, I didn’t, Carl.
所以服务员进来的时候 把账单放在桌子中♥央♥
So the waiter came in, and put it in the middle of the table just there.
你就正好没看见 -哦 我的天啊
And you didn’t happen to see it? – Oh, my God!
什么 我在很认真地问你 因为
What? I’m asking you seriously now, because…
What’s… What’s “wow”?
What are you doing?
不是 别 你能坐下吗 坐下
No, no, no. Just don’t… Wait. Can you sit down? Sit down.
I’m just trying to figure out what exactly I did wrong!
你认真的吗 -你冷静一下 拜托你坐下吧
Seriously? – Calm down. Please, just sit down.
你在为了钱跟我吵架 -不 那不是
You’re fighting over money! – No! That’s not what’s…
事情就是这样 -我就是在说事实
That’s literally what’s happening. – I’m just pointing out the fact that…
为什么你这么财迷心窍 -我没有
Why are you so obsessed with money? – I’m not obsessed.
你能坐下吗 求求你 我不是财迷心窍
Can you just sit down, please? I’m not obsessed with money.
我就是昨天察觉到了这点 求求你先坐下来
It was just an observation from yesterday. Can you please sit down?
不 你在干什么 -没关系
No, no, no… What are you doing? – It’s fine.
你怎么现在要买♥♥单了 这太荒谬了
Well, you can’t pay now, that’s ridiculous.
别这样 卡尔 -你在干什么
Don’t, Carl. – What are you doing?
放开 -不 我来买♥♥单
Let go. – No, no, no… I’m paying the bill.
That’s not why I said it.
抱歉 -二位对今晚的一切满意吗
Sorry. – Are we enjoying ourselves?
没错 谢谢 亚雅
Yes, thanks, yeah. Yaya…
非常谢谢您 -谢谢
Thank you very much. – Thank you.
Now I feel bad.
为什么 我确实赚得比你多啊
Why? I make more money than you.
抱歉 您的卡刷不了
Excuse me. Your card didn’t work.
请问您有别的卡吗 -能麻烦你再试试吗
Do you have another one, maybe? – Can you try it again, please?
I tried it twice.
抱歉 我们不接受这张 -刷我的吧
I’m sorry, we don’t accept that one. – Just take this one.
卡尔 等我一下 等等
Carl! Just give me a second. Just wait!
我来买♥♥单 -等一下
Let me pay. – Just wait!
没关系 你现金不够 刷我的吧
It’s fine, you don’t have enough cash. Take that.
你们可以接受这张 对吧 -对
You accept that one, yeah? – Yes.
谢谢 -非常感谢
Thank you. – Thanks so much.
Thank you.
为什么我们每次说到这个话题就这么困难 我觉得很荒唐
I do think it’s quite crazy how it’s such a hard thing to talk about.

这是一个很敏感的话题 你觉得呢
It’s such a touchy subject. Don’t you think?
是的 我觉得涉及到钱就一点也不性感
Yeah, I think it’s un-sexy to talk about money.
好吧 但为什么呢
Okay, but then why is that?
我不知道 就是感觉不性感
I don’t know, it’s just not sexy.
好吧 但你不觉得这正是因为它跟性别紧密相关吗
Well, you don’t think it’s because it’s so tied to gender roles?
该死的 餐厅的菜单上都没给你标价
Fuckin’ hell, the menu in the restaurant didn’t even have prices for you.
卡尔 这么说可不公平
That’s not fair, Carl.
我经常付钱的 -不不不 我们先把你摘出来
I’m always paying. – No, no, no, let’s take you out of it here.
And just talk about women in general.
卡尔 随便问我哪个朋友都知道 我很大方
I’m a generous person, Carl. Ask any of my friends.
没错你很大方 但
Sure you’re generous, but…

涉及到你我的时候 我不喜欢我们所处的角色
When it comes to you and me, we’re dealing with roles that I hate.
我不希望我是男性的角色 你是女性的角色
I don’t want to be the man, whilst you’re the woman,
I want us to be best friends.
我可不想睡我的好朋友 -不 我不是这个
I don’t wanna sleep with my best friend. – No, that’s not…
你没明白我说的意思 我是想说
You don’t understand what I’m trying to say. I mean…
We shouldn’t just slip into the stereotypical gender-based roles
that everyone else seems to be doing.
I want us to be equal.
Excuse me?
你要去争取 -抱歉 你说什么
You have to fight. – I’m sorry, what?
如果你爱她 你就得去努力争取她
If you love her, you have to fight for her.
我知道 因为我也曾这样
I’ve been there, I know.
如果你不去争取 你就会成为她的奴隶
If you don’t fight, you’re gonna be her slave.
亚雅 是这样的 我喜欢带你去吃晚饭 我也很愿意给你付钱
The thing is, Yaya, I like to take you for dinner. I enjoy paying for you.
But there comes a point where I do feel used.
I use you?
我现在只是在讲我的感受 但当然如果我们
Well, I’m just referring to my feelings now, but sure, if we…
不 等等 如果我们回溯到上个礼拜左右
No, no. Just wait. If we go back the last week or so,
那确实 我可能有某些时候
then, yeah, maybe there is a point…
Are you being serious?
我送你这件衬衫 我邀请你去吃晚饭
I got you this shirt. I invited you for dinner.
你住在我订的酒店 -但 你是免费拿到这件衣服的
You’re staying at my hotel. – Well, you got this shirt for free.
实际上你也没付晚饭钱 -那是因为我的卡刷不了
And actually you didn’t pay for dinner. – That’s because my card didn’t work.
大厅里有个取款机 我会还你每一分钱
There’s a cash machine in the lobby. I’ll pay you back every last cent…
It’s okay.
卡尔 我一直打算还钱给你
Carl, I always intended to pay you back.
我只是没想到 你非要今天睡觉之前拿到这笔钱
I didn’t realize you wanted the money right now before going to bed.
所以你之前是打算还我钱的 -对啊
So your intention was to pay me back? – Yes.
真的吗 -当然
Really? – Yeah.
So why did you take the 50-euro bill?
我一意识到你现金不够 就把账给结了
Once I realized you didn’t have enough cash, I paid the bill.
你没给我五十欧元 你反而把它放回钱包里了
Instead of giving me the 50-euro bill, you put it back in your purse.
怎么了亚雅 我只是在讲客观发生过的事情
What? I’m just saying what happened, Yaya.
你在干什么 别
What are you…? Don’t!
What the fuck are you doing?
Don’t fucking do that to me!
别他妈的这样对我 亚雅
Don’t… fucking do that to me, Yaya!
Don’t do that to me!
电梯下行 -别他妈的把东西塞我身上
‘Going down.’ – Don’t fucking shove things down me!
你真♥他♥妈♥幼稚 -说真的
You fucking child! – Seriously…
You’re behaving like a crazy person.
闭嘴 别做那种事情来羞辱我
Shut up! Don’t do things like that to me!
What the hell are you doing with my money?
你的钱 我的天 亚雅 这跟钱无关
Your money? Oh, my God! It’s not about money, Yaya!
It’s not about…
这他妈的根本不是钱的事 亚雅
It’s not about the fucking money, Yaya!
哦 -这是 不 这不是
Oh! – This is… No, it’s not!
你根本没理解事情的关键 这跟钱没关系
You’re not understanding the point! It’s not about the money!
我可以给你五十欧元 我可以给你一百欧元
I’ll give you that 50 euros! I’ll give you a 100 euros!
哦真的吗 -我现在是认真的
Oh, yeah? – No! I’m serious now!
这他妈的跟钱没有关系 你为什么就不懂
This is not about the fucking money! Why won’t you understand it?
Understand my point!
This is not about the money!
我的天 行吧 行吧 -我想要平等 亚雅
Oh, my God. Okay, okay. – I want it to be equal, Yaya!
我以为他可能很危险 但他刚刚看着就像
Thought he might be dangerous, but he just looked like…
Bullshit feminist.
For fuck’s…
你刚刚在干嘛 -尝试着在椅子上睡觉
What have you been doing? – Trying to sleep on a chair.
那你尝试得怎样 -我还不是回来了
How’d that go? – Well, I’m back.
What have you been doing?
我在走廊上踱来踱去 还有
I was… walking up and down the corridor and…
给你发了几条短♥信♥ -不是几条 是很多
Texting you multiple times. – Hmm, a lot…
你看到短♥信♥了 -是啊
You saw them? – Yeah.
这也太蠢了 -是啊
This is so silly. – Yeah.
I’m… so good at being…
我不知道怎么回事 我不自觉地就会这样做
I don’t know, I do it and I don’t even realize that I’m doing it.
就这样 -我爱你
Yeah… – I love you.
认真的 你能告诉我这些真是太棒了
No, but seriously, it’s amazing that you can tell me that.
Now you’re a generous person.
Ask me anything.
You sure?
