
trenchant (TREN chunt) This word describes something forceful and effec-tive, especially something quite sharp in its effective. Like the concrete noun “trench,” it comes from a French word meaning “to cut,” but this adjective is always used abstractly.

  • Those who pride themselves on trenchant distinctions between good and bad, right and wrong, may oversimplify some of the most interesting and subtle questions about life.
  • Luigi’s analysis of the situation was both trenchant and witty; I don’t think he’s ever uttered a flaccid phrase in his life.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
trenchant(TREN chunt)这个词描述了一些有力和有效果的东西,尤其是在其有效性方面相当尖锐的东西。就像具体的名词“trench”一样,它来自一个法语单词,意思是“切割”,但这个形容词总是抽象地使用。

  • 那些以区分好与坏、对与错而自豪的人,可能会将一些关于生活的最有趣、最微妙的问题过于简单化
  • 路易吉对形势的分析既尖锐又诙谐;我认为他一生中从未说过一句软弱的话。




  1. Trenchant analysis – 锐利的分析
  2. Trenchant criticism – 尖锐的批评
  3. Trenchant observation – 锐利的观察
  4. Trenchant wit – 犀利的机智
  5. Trenchant remark – 尖锐的话语
  6. Trenchant style – 锐利的风格
  7. Trenchant language – 锐利的语言
  8. Trenchant argument – 锐利的论点
  9. Trenchant insight – 敏锐的洞察力
  10. Trenchant criticism – 尖锐的批评
  11. Trenchant analysis – 锐利的分析
  12. Trenchant observation – 锐利的观察
  13. Trenchant wit – 犀利的机智
  14. Trenchant remark – 尖锐的言辞
  15. Trenchant style – 锐利的风格
  16. Trenchant language – 锐利的语言
  17. Trenchant argument – 尖锐的论证
  18. Trenchant critique – 锐利的评论
  19. Trenchant analysis – 锐利的分析
  20. Trenchant observation – 锐利的观察
  21. Trenchant wit – 犀利的机智
  22. Trenchant remark – 尖锐的言辞
  23. Trenchant style – 锐利的风格
  24. Trenchant language – 锐利的语言
  25. Trenchant argument – 锐利的论证
  26. Trenchant insight – 敏锐的洞察力
  27. Trenchant critique – 锐利的批评
  28. Trenchant analysis – 锐利的分析
  29. Trenchant observation – 锐利的观察
  30. Trenchant wit – 犀利的机智
  31. Trenchant remark – 尖锐的言辞
  32. Trenchant style – 锐利的风格
  33. Trenchant language – 锐利的语言
  34. Trenchant argument – 尖锐的论点
  35. Trenchant critique – 锐利的批评
  36. Trenchant analysis – 锐利的分析
  37. Trenchant observation – 锐利的观察
  38. Trenchant wit – 犀利的机智
  39. Trenchant remark – 尖锐的话语
  40. Trenchant style – 锐利的风格
  41. Trenchant language – 锐利的语言
  42. Trenchant argument – 锐利的论证
  43. Trenchant critique – 锐利的批评
  44. Trenchant analysis – 锐利的分析
  45. Trenchant observation – 锐利的观察
  46. Trenchant wit – 犀利的机智
  47. Trenchant remark – 尖锐的言辞
  48. Trenchant style – 锐利的风格
  49. Trenchant language – 锐利的语言
  50. Trenchant argument – 尖锐的论点
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
