
1. 形容词用法: “tremulous”是一个形容词,用于描述人或物的特征,表示颤抖、战栗、紧张或不安。以下是该词的几种用法:

  • 颤抖的:形容人或物在微弱或不稳定的状态下产生颤抖或震动的特征。这种颤动可能是由恐惧、兴奋、紧张或寒冷引起的。例如:”Her voice was tremulous with fear”(她的声音因恐惧而颤抖)。
  • 战栗的:指一个人感到恐惧、紧张或兴奋时身体出现颤抖或震颤的特征。这种战栗可能是由情绪或情感引起的。例如:”He stood before the audience with a tremulous smile”(他站在观众面前微微颤抖着微笑)。
  • 紧张的:形容一个人在紧张、不安或不确定的情况下表现出的身体或声音上的不稳定特征。这种紧张可能是由压力、焦虑或恐惧引起的。例如:”His tremulous hands betrayed his nervousness”(他颤抖的手暴露了他的紧张)。
  • 震颤的:描述物体在振动、颤动或摇晃的状态下产生微弱或不稳定的特征。这种震颤可能是由外部力量或不稳定性引起的。例如:”The candle flame cast a tremulous light in the dark room”(蜡烛的火焰在黑暗的房间里投射出一片颤动的光)。

2. 副词用法: “tremulously”是”tremulous”的副词形式,表示以颤抖、战栗或紧张的方式进行某种动作或表达某种情感。例如:”She spoke tremulously, her voice filled with emotion”(她颤抖地说话,声音充满情感)。



  1. tremulous voice – 颤抖的声音
  2. tremulous hands – 颤抖的双手
  3. tremulous whisper – 颤抖的低语
  4. tremulous anticipation – 颤抖的期待
  5. tremulous excitement – 颤抖的兴奋
  6. tremulous fear – 颤抖的恐惧
  7. tremulous expression – 颤抖的表情
  8. tremulous laughter – 颤抖的笑声
  9. tremulous steps – 颤抖的脚步
  10. tremulous hesitation – 颤抖的犹豫
  11. tremulous sigh – 颤抖的叹息
  12. tremulous movement – 颤抖的动作
  13. tremulous lips – 颤抖的嘴唇
  14. tremulous start – 颤抖的开始
  15. tremulous gaze – 颤抖的凝视
  16. tremulous heartbeat – 颤抖的心跳
  17. tremulous anticipation – 颤抖的期待
  18. tremulous breath – 颤抖的呼吸
  19. tremulous hope – 颤抖的希望
  20. tremulous nerves – 颤抖的神经
  21. tremulous confession – 颤抖的坦白
  22. tremulous touch – 颤抖的触摸
  23. tremulous realization – 颤抖的意识
  24. tremulous vulnerability – 颤抖的脆弱
  25. tremulous doubt – 颤抖的怀疑
  26. tremulous silence – 颤抖的沉默
  27. tremulous emotion – 颤抖的情感
  28. tremulous response – 颤抖的回应
  29. tremulous feeling – 颤抖的感觉
  30. tremulous reflection – 颤抖的反思
  31. tremulous anticipation – 颤抖的期待
  32. tremulous lips – 颤抖的嘴唇
  33. tremulous start – 颤抖的开始
  34. tremulous gaze – 颤抖的凝视
  35. tremulous heartbeat – 颤抖的心跳
  36. tremulous anticipation – 颤抖的期待
  37. tremulous breath – 颤抖的呼吸
  38. tremulous hope – 颤抖的希望
  39. tremulous nerves – 颤抖的神经
  40. tremulous confession – 颤抖的坦白
  41. tremulous touch – 颤抖的触摸
  42. tremulous realization – 颤抖的意识
  43. tremulous vulnerability – 颤抖的脆弱
  44. tremulous doubt – 颤抖的怀疑
  45. tremulous silence – 颤抖的沉默
  46. tremulous emotion – 颤抖的情感
  47. tremulous response – 颤抖的回应
  48. tremulous feeling – 颤抖的感觉
  49. tremulous reflection – 颤抖的反思
  50. tremulous anticipation – 颤抖的期待



tremulous (TREM yoo lus) This adjective describes something physically trembling or quaking, particularly, though not exclusively, in response to fear.

  • When the armed mugger demanded his wallet, Chuck tremulously brought it forth from his pocket.
  • In a tremulous but clear voice, Rita spoke up to Mrs. Tipton, her second grade teacher, to protest the fact that her friend Ellie had been put into the dark cloakroom as a punishment.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
颤抖的(TREM yoo lus)这个形容词描述身体颤抖或颤抖的东西,特别是(尽管不是唯一的)对恐惧的反应。

  • 当持枪抢劫者索要他的钱包时,查克颤抖地从口袋里掏出
  • 丽塔用颤抖但清晰的声音向她的二年级老师蒂普顿夫人说话,抗议她的朋友艾莉被关进黑暗的衣帽间作为惩罚

