Clear. Your tongue is fit to frighten the French. Another fever, Mr. Silver.
很明显 你的舌苔可以吓跑法国人… 西尔维先生 这又是一个热病
Shocking. There.
令人震惊 看到没?
There. That come to spoiling Bibles. It wasn’t my idea.
你看 那就是毁了圣经的下场 不是我的主意
That’s what come to being arrant asses, not knowing honest air from poison.
Camping in a swamp.
You’ve got malaria, Dick. Take this medicine.
你得了疟疾 迪克 把这药吃了
Oh, come on, lad, take it.
别磨蹭了 年轻人 快吃
That’s it. Off you go.
行了 你可以退下了
Well, that’s done for the day, I believe.
好了 今天的职责完成了
You see, Jim, as I’m a mutineer’s doctor as a part of the bargain…
看见没有 吉姆 现在我是反叛者的医生 在履行和叛军的协议…
…I make it a point not to lose a man for King George’s gallows.
And now, I’d wish to have a talk with this boy, please.
现在 我想跟这个孩子说几句
No, no, my God. Oh, shut up, George.
不行不行 以上帝的名义 噢 闭嘴 乔治
Hawkins, give your word of honor as a young gentleman not to slip your cable?
霍金斯 你是个君子 能不能发誓不逃跑?
Oh, just a darmy minute. Aye. Aye, sir.
噢 他们一溜烟就跑了 是的 我发誓 先生
All right, doctor, you just step outside the palisade.
好了 医生 你跨过那个栅栏
I’ll bring the boy down. You can yarn through the spars.
我把他带过去 你们可以隔着栅栏说话
Silver, you’re playing… No, by thunder!
西尔维 你开什么玩笑… 你们给我闭嘴 看在上帝的份上!
You bloody damn fools.
You think we’re going to break the treaty the very day we go hunting treasure?
Break it when the time comes.
Come along, Jim.
我们出去 吉姆
Easy, lad. They can round on us in an instant.
走慢点 孩子 否则他们会一下子扑过来
Boy’ll tell you how I saved his life and were deposed for it too.
这孩子可以告诉你 我怎样救了他的命 还差点因此被废黜
Steering mighty close to the wind with these cutthroats.
和这帮杀人不眨眼的人在一起 随时都要小心谨慎
You won’t think it amiss, mayhap, to speak a good word for me when the time comes.
希望有朝一日您能替我美言几句 相信这个请求 您不会觉得唐突吧?
Why, John, you’re not afraid.
奇怪了 约翰 你也有胆怯的时候?
Doctor, you know I’m no coward…
医生 你知道我不是一介懦夫…
…but I’ll confess I have the shakes upon me for the gallows.
…但是我得承认 一想到要上绞刑架 我还是禁不住发抖
That’s a long stretch, is that.
And I’ll step aside now.
好了 我到一边去
So, Jim, here you are.
唔 吉姆 说什么好呢?
As you have brewed, so shall you drink, my boy.
孩子 自己酿下的苦酒 还得自己喝下去
When Captain Smollet was well, you dared not have ran off.
斯莫莱特船长没事的时候 你不敢逃跑
When he was wounded, by George, it was downright cowardly.
他被乔治开枪打伤了 你就像懦夫一样逃走了
Doctor, you might spare me.
医生 请求你能宽恕我
I’ve blamed myself enough.
I’m as good as dead anyway. I’d be dead by now if it weren’t for Silver.
我现在生不如死 要不是西尔维 我早死了
I’m not afraid to die.
And I guess I deserve it.
But if they should come to torture me…
Torture? Jim, Jim, we can’t have this Whip over and we’ll run for it.
折磨?吉姆 我们不会让他们那么对你的 你跳过来 我们逃吧
Doctor, I passed my word. Yes, I know, I know.
医生 我已经许过诺言了 是的 我懂 我懂
But I gave my word. Yes, so you did, Jim.
一言既出驷马难追啊 是的 你已经答应他了 吉姆
But never mind all that I’ll take it on my own shoulders.
但你不必介怀 我来替你承担
Now, jump. One jump and you’re out We’ll run like antelopes. Hmm?
现在跳过来 你纵身一跳 我们像羚羊一样迅速溜走 好吗?
You wouldn’t do it yourself.
Very well. You’re a brave lad But why should they want to talk to you?
好吧 你是个勇敢的孩子 不过他们为何要跟你讲和?
Because they know I know where the ship is.
因为他们明白 只有我知道船的下落
The ship? Yeah. The Hispaniola.
船? 是啊 伊斯帕尼奥拉号♥
I cut her cable, part by luck, part by risking.
我割断了它的缆绳 一半儿靠运气 一半儿靠冒险
I got her beached in the North Inlet, safe and sound.
我把它开到了北湾 它完好无损地停在那呢
The ship.
Jim, well done.
吉姆 干得漂亮
At every step, it’s you that saves our lives.
每次关键时刻 都是你救了大家!
You don’t imagine we’re going to let you lose yours.
Let me give you some advice.
I shouldn’t be in too much hurry to find that treasure.
I’ll do what’s possible, which that ain’t.
尽人事 听天命
Doctor, I can only save my life and the boy’s by seeking that treasure.
医生 只有找到宝藏 才是保全我和这孩子性命的唯一办法
You may lay to that. Very well.
你要明白这点 很好
But look for squalls when you find it.
当你找到时 可能会有更大的意外在等着你
Now, you said either too much or too little.
我不明白你是有所暗示 还是有所遮掩
Too much by far.
目前为止 我已经暗示得够多了
Now, you keep that boy close beside you.
另外 你要随时把这孩子带着身边
If you need any help, halloo.
如果需要什么帮忙 大声喊就是了
Good day to you, Mr. Silver.
祝一切顺利 西尔维先生
Bye, Jim. Goodbye.
再会 吉姆 再会
God keep you.
Come along, lad. We’re going on a treasure hunt.
年轻人 来吧 我们去寻宝!
Aah! Just you keep close alongside of old Long John.
I’ve seen the doctor signal you to run and I’ve seen you say no.
我看见医生打手势让你逃跑 也看见你拒绝了
That’s one to you, Jim.
吉姆 你是个君子
South southeast, for Spy-glass Hill.
东南偏南 向望远镜山挺进!
Silver. He can’t have found the treasure.
西尔维 他不是找到宝藏了吧
No, he didn’t do that. This here’s only Spy-glass Hill.
不 这不可能 这才刚到望远镜山
What sort of way is that for bones to lie?
It ain’t in nature.
I have a notion.
Spy-glass Hill, tall tree the point north and north northeast.
望远镜山 高大的树 指向东北偏北
Here, Jim, just you take a bearing there along the line of them bones.
来 吉姆 顺着这骨头架子测一下方位就知道了
North northeast. They point north.
东北偏北 骨头指向北方
I thought so.
This here’s a pointer.
By thunder, that Flint were a cold bastard.
上帝啊 弗林特真是个冷血的杂种
Him and six was alone here.
He killed them, every man.
And this one he hauled here and laid out with a compass for a bearing.
然后把这个人拖到这里摆放 当做指示方位的罗盘
Shiver my timbers.
Six they were and six are we.
当时他们是六个 现在我们也是六个
Great guns, if Flint were living now this’ll be a hot spot for you and me.
好家伙 如果弗林特还活着 此地就是你我的葬身之地
Clear there, stow this talk. Flint’s dead.
离开这里 收起那些胡言乱语 弗林特已经死了
Fetch a course for the doubloons The point north to north northeast.
找一条路搬金币才是正事!方位向北 东北偏北!
Come on, lad.
跟上 孩子
George, rig a line, aloft with you.
乔治 排成一条线走 我们跟着你
There you go, lad.
跟上去 孩子
Get into that line now.
All right, lad.
就这样 孩子
Clamp on to that part.
Jim, I can manage.
吉姆 我可以办到
I told you, you can make it with me.
告诉你 有我在 你就能办到
Off you go.
Good lad.
Heave away.
I don’t feel sharp.
Thinking of Flint, it were, has done me.
一想到弗林特 我就什么都吃不下
Thinking at all has done you, Tom Morgan.
想到什么你吃得下了 汤姆·摩根?
You can praise your stars Flint’s dead.
He died bad, Flint did.
He was an ugly devil too. Blue in the face.
他死得像个恶鬼 脸色铁青铁青的
That’s how the rum took him. Right, he did. And all around him.
那都是朗姆酒害的 没错 他的脸总是铁青的
Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum
哟嗬嗬嗬哟嗬嗬 再来一瓶朗姆酒!
It’s Flint, by thunder.
上帝啊 是弗林特!
Flint as ever it was.
Holy spirit… Now, hold fast now.
神啊 镇静!
That might’ve come about that someone’s larking about.
Someone that’s flesh and blood too,you may lay to that.
But you know,that sounded mighty like Flint to me.
Darby McGraw.
Darby McGraw.
Fetch aft the rum, Darby.
达比 快拿朗姆酒来
Darby McGraw.
They were his last words. His last words on this Earth.
这是他临死前说的 千真万确 弗林特死前就是这么说的
But one man of his crew alive, what went to sea with 75.