
I hate shots.
Number one, there’s no guarantee you’re getting a shot.
第一 不一定要打♥针♥
There’s no sense getting worked up over something that might not happen.
Give me the news. Doctor said I’m cured.
给我好消息 大夫说我的病好了
Frank, it hurts a Iot. I’d never Iet anyone hurt you a Iot.
法兰克 很疼的 我不会让人弄疼你的
Promise? You know my fourth ruIe?
你保证? 知道我第四条规则是什么吗?
Never make a promise you can’t keep. Come on.
决不保证做不到的事 来吧
CIose the door.
Come on.
May I heIp you? Jack BiIIings to see Dr KobIin.
需要帮忙吗? 杰克·比林斯 来看科普兰医师
He’s out sick today. He’II be seeing Dr Tyberg.
对不起 科普兰医师请病假 泰伯格医师会来替他看诊
I Iike Dr KobIin. Don’t worry. Dr Tyberg’s very nice.
我喜欢科普兰医师 别担心 泰伯格医师人很好
Just take him into room 3.
Where’s Laura? Who?
萝菈在哪儿? 谁?
You’re standing at her desk. That Laura. She’s out sick too.
你就站在她桌前 那个萝菈呀 她也生病了
There’s a Iot of fIu going around. Now, come on. Doctor’s got a busy day.
最近很多人感冒 快吧 医生今天很忙
Come on. It’II be over before you know it.
来吧 很快就好了
Hey, hey!
嗨 嗨!
I’m Dr Tyberg.
Can’t I wait for my doctor?
Your doctor was caIIed away on an emergency.
很不巧 你的医生 接到电♥话♥去出急诊了
The nurse said he had the fIu. That was the emergency.
护士说他感冒了呀 就是因为那急诊
He came down with fIu, very quickIy. So, the sooner we start, the sooner we finish.
他很快也染上了感冒 所以… 快快开始 就快快结束
Come. I show you something very cooI.
来… 我有很酷的东西给你看
I’m sorry. Doctor-patient privacy in room.
对不起 这是医生和病人之间的隐私
You can wait in reception area, or gIass of water, or…
你可以在接待室等 或是来杯水…
Hey, trust me. I am doctor.
相信我… 我是医生
PIease. It’s phone.
呃… 你有电♥话♥
Yeah? Allo, allo. Frank? I am here.
喂? 哈啰 哈啰 法兰克? 我到啦!
You’re earIy. Yeah, we had fantastic taiIwinds.
你提早到了 对呀 是顺风的关系
Put two hours on my vacation, just Iike that.
From now on, it’s the onIy way I’m fIying. TaiIwinds or nothing.
我以后坐飞机一定要挑顺风的时候 没有顺风就免谈
GIad you made it.
HeIIo. Sorry, Dr Dunietz is not in today. CaII back Monday.
对不起 杜林兹医师今天不在 请下星期一再打来
I’m a IittIe tied up. You mind taking a cab? You have the address, yes?
听着 我现在有事 不介意坐出租车吧? 你有地址 对吧?
Oh, thank you. I heard the fish down here is fantastic.
嗯 谢谢 听说这儿的鱼很好
I couId make us a bouiIIabaisse.
You Iike bouiIIabaisse, Frank, no?
I gotta go.
Maybe we’II wait for his reguIar doctor.
It’s important that he receives immunisations.
I’m sure. But a week won’t make a difference. No, we’re doing it now.
那一定 但再等一周也没关系 不行 我们现在就
Get going, Jack!
杰克 快跑!
Look at me. Look at me.
看着我 看着我
Remember my promise? Yes.
还记得我的承诺吗? 记得
It’s… It’s me! Get out!
是… 是我! 滚出去!
The patient’s not cooperating. Prep the vehicIe.
病人不合作 备车
Come on, hurry.
Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be OK.
别担心 没事儿的
Freeze! Put your guns on the ground! Get down!
别动! 把枪放地上! 趴下来!
Si. They got away.
是 他们逃了
Cazzo! PIan B?
操! 执行第二套计划?
Yes. PIan B.
好 第二套计划
Oh, you made it.
哦 你还是赶来啦
Oh, what’s that? Jack’s birthday present.
那是什么? 杰克的生日礼物
BasebaII uniform, cIeats, gIove and a bat.
棒球制♥服♥ 护垫 手套 和球棒
It’s his favourite sport. It was. Last year.
他最喜欢的运动 去年是
He’s on a soccer team now. He’s good.
他现在是足球队的 踢得不错哦
You know, you shouId see him sometime. HeIIo.
你得常来探望他 哈啰
Mr and Mrs BiIIings! They’re coming! Hide, everyone. Hide!
比林斯先生 太太 他们来了! 大家快躲起来!
Yes. Good morning, Mr Driver.
请说 早安 司机先生
Who is this? Look in your rearview mirror and you’II see.
你是谁? 你看看后视镜就会明白
I know what you’re thinking. BuIIetproof gIass.
我知道你在想什么 防弹玻璃
So teII me, in your experience
告诉我 凭你的经历
which judging from the performance you put on in the office
goes way beyond driving chiIdren to school
does buIIetproof gIass stop a 7.62 armour-piercing round?
那么根据你的经验判断 防弹玻璃能挡住7.62毫米的穿甲弹吗?
Frank, why have you stopped the car?
法兰克 为什么停车呢?
Don’t Iook, they are trianguIated over 300 feet away.
别找了 他们在300英尺外
Frank, pick up.
法兰克 快接呀
You screwed up my pIan. I am going to teII you how to set things right.
你坏了我的事 现在我要告诉你怎么补救
Someone is going to appear in a few seconds.
几秒钟后 有人会来
Let her in.
Good boy. Good boy.

Leave it on.
PersonaIIy, I hate kids. I don’t know what your feeIings are on the subject,
我个人是很讨厌小孩的 我不知道你是否也一样?
but if you ever want to have any, make no moves but the moves I teII you to make.
但如果你想要有孩子 除了我要你做的事之外 就别动
You’re in her hands now. They can be gentIe hands,
你在她手中了 可能是温柔的手
but they can be the hands from heII.
Trust me on this one. Trust him on this one.
这次你得相信我 相信他
Now, drive.
Make a Ieft.
I said Ieft.
我说 左转!
Listen, we keep doing this your way, they’re gonna catch us.
听着 如果听你的话 不管转多少个弯 终究会被逮
Do this my way, no one gets hurt. Where’s the fun in that?
照我的方法来 没人会受伤害 那有啥乐趣?
Let’s save the fun for Iater.

Not bad.
Didn’t your mother teach you to say thank you?
你妈难道没教过你 怎么说谢谢吗?
She tried, and faiIed miserabIy.
有呀 她教过 但都彻底失败
I think we Iost them. Think again.
我想 咱们甩掉他们了 再想想
Thought compIete. Let’s go.
彻底想过了 咱们走
You can’t find him? He’s one man in one car. He’s a chauffeur, for chrissakes.
说啥!? 你找不到他? 一个人 一辆车 区区一个司机罢了!
Not exactIy, sir. There’s a possibiIity he was in on it.
不完全对 先生 他有可能也参与了
That’s impossibIe. How wouId you know?
不可能 你怎么知道?
He couId have been setting this up the whoIe time,
and you wouIdn’t have known.
And you are an expert on knowing peopIe. His background.
你还真会看人咧! 他的背景资料
He’s ex-SpeciaI Forces. Headed a commando unit. SpeciaIised in search and destroy.
他是特种部队出来的 突击队队长 特长是搜寻与消灭敌人
Been in and out of Lebanon, Syria, Sudan. The man is a hunter.
曾多次进出黎巴嫩 叙利亚 苏丹 他是个猎手
I don’t care what his skiIIs are or where he’s from.
This is not a war zone, this is an American city!
这里不是战区 而是美国的城市!
Where’s my son?
Last stop. AII out.
终点站到了 全部下车
You’re quite a guy. Another time, another pIace –
你真不赖 要是换个时间 换个地点…
you and me, baby, the pIeasure we couId have.
宝贝 你和我两人 可以尽情享乐
Not what you expected when you reported for work this morning, is it, Frank? No?
你今早上工前 没想到会这样吧? 你是… 法兰克 对吧?
Is that what passes for wit in this circIe?
In this circIe, my friend, wit is not a requirement of the job.
呵呵… 朋友 想要加入 机智不是必要条件
BrutaIity, yes. An abiIity to infIict pain, absoIuteIy.
残酷… 是的 折磨别人的能力… 绝对必要
A certain psychotic, moraI ignorance, bIind obedience, aII required.
另外 某些心理精神上的状态 盲目的绝对服从 都是必要的
But not wit. How was it? Fun.
但不要机智 如何? 很有趣
OnIy the beginning, my Iove.
这只是开始 亲爱的
What’s this aII about? A timeIy question.
这一切到底为了啥? 很及时的问题
Pardon me.
HeIIo. Put me on the speaker.
喂 用扩音喇叭 我就不用重复我的指示
In the next two hours, you’II get five miIIion doIIars in $100 biIIs.
两小时内 准备五百万元 用不连号♥的百元大钞
Put them in a waterproof suitcase, go to the Bayfront Park -personaIIy.
装进防水的公文包 你亲自去前湾公园
There wiII be a bIue ChrysIer parked there.
