Good personal hygiene won’t stab me in my sleep.
无犯罪记录 不会偷东西
Good criminal record won’t steal anything.
-包括女友 -特别是女友
– Including girlfriends. – Especially girlfriends.
-你有女朋友 -当然
– You got a girlfriend? – I do.
-你呢 -没 没有
– You? – No, not a chance.
You’re a techie?
-沙士其 法比纳 怎么样了 -服务器马上上线了 里奥
– Sharsky, Fassbiner, where we at? – Server’s almost online, Leo.
It works up and running.
漂亮 我就想听这个
Beautiful; that’s what I like to hear.
-那是沙士其 那是斯巴斯提克 -你好伙计
– That’s Sharsky, that’s Spastik, – Hey, dude.
My i.t. gurus.
欢迎来到我的帝国 活计 真实的世界网站
Welcome to my empire, Bro.
我办的 你一定听过
That’s me, I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
-我没听过 -那糟糕了
– No, I haven’t. – Well, that sucks.
-是什么网站 -听着
– What is all this for? – See, look…
其实挺俗气的 我想成为少年百万富翁
Call me Gross, I wanna be a baby billionaire.
Kitten calendars.
从这起家的 现在看看我
It’s where it started. Look at me now.
人要有梦想 伙计
Got our dreams, bro.
里奥 有个坏消息从上海传来
Leo, we got some bad news in Shanghai.
发在网上 快 快 添料
Post it, baby. go, go, go! ftj, ftj!
-真清楚 -添料是什么意思
– It’s clean. – What’s ftj?
-给飞机加燃料 -添料 添料
– Fuel the jet, fuel the jet. – Ftj, Ftj.
-就是这 看见了吗 -半个上海啊
– This is it. Did you see that? – Wow. okay, this half of shanghai
Gets rigged when china says gas leak.
Don’t believe the hype, bro.
Just like the alien robots in LA two years ago that everyone covered up.
是啊 我看到了那些机器人
Yeah, I saw these robots and they did this, like,
到处放火 他们从天而降
Firing thing and they came down and twisted this woman
-杀了个女人 -我看是假造的
– And she was like– – Looks fake to me.
兄弟 不是假造的 网络是真实的
Dude, it’s not fake. the internet’s pure true.
-视频不会骗人 -看起来就像假造的
– Video doesn’t lie. – It looks fake.
没 我亲眼所见 那些机器人像这样
No, man, I’ve seen them. They are like these, uh, robots…
听着 听着 那都是假的 谁都可以用电脑伪造
Look, look, look, it’s fake. Anybody can do on any computer, okay?
And I wasn’t, uh… there.
So I can’t comment or speculate.
-不 -评论和推测
– Oh, no. – “Comment and speculate”?
We’re supposed to go habitate?
不 听着 别被蒙在鼓里 伙计
No, listen, okay. Don’t be sucking the sack, bro.
-什么鼓 -骗人的鼓啊
– Whose sack? – Look, the ball sack.
-你从火星来的吗 伙计 -主流媒体的鼓
– Dude, what kind of tool are you? – Mainstream media sack.
They’re lying to us, alright.
-那些是外星人 -好吧
– It’s aliens, man. – Okay, okay.
Follow me.
里奥 不好了 我们动手晚了
Uh-oh. uh, Leo. bad news, we just got scooped.
The video’s already up on geoboard.
Damn… no!
我们有一个主要竞争对手 很阴险
Robo-warrior is a main competition, our conspiracy step.
这他妈是我的主意 他偷了
Effing was my effing idea. He stole it.
他访问我的网站 疯狂抄袭稿件
He’s been looking to my site and thieving hits for ever!
还有 我看过你的档案
By the way, I read your file.
我穷 你也穷 我们一起致富 如何
I’ll poor, you’ll poor… we’re gonna fix that, alright?
You work for me, now.
I work for you now?
难以置信 我上大学的第一天
That’s incredible. It’s first day of college,
I got a career, a dinky internet firm,
With a boss who is made up of just pure champion stuff.
你在嘲笑我毕生的心血 塞缪尔 是吗
You’re mocking my life’s work, Samuel? huh?
我警告你 活计
That’s your one warning patrolling, Dude.
别惹我 不然我盗了你的帐户
Don’t make me that fast…. ’cause I’ll do it.
管♥理♥员♥ 这房♥间我住不惯
Hey alright, listen. It’s getting a little intense in my room.
-能调换吗 -看你这张脸 312
– can I switch now? – oh, Sad face, 3-12.
不退不换 别老皱着眉头了
No switching, no treating. Let’s turn that upside-down, okay?
Oh, here we go.
It’s just like Hogwarts.
这里男女混住吗 男女混住
Is this co-ed? This is a co-ed dorm.
Do you guys want to meet my roommates?
-好啊 -他们可都是些大人物
– Yeah. – ‘Cause they’re real swell guys.
-她是里奥 -我们是他的父母
– Here is Leo. – We’re the witwicky.
-我是里奥 -我是朱迪
– I’m Leo. – I’m Judy.
你儿子很棒 真的很棒
Hey, you have a great son. You really do.
Oh, well aren’t you the sweetest thing?
他真的很乖 老妈
He’s real sweet, ma.
顺便问下 你手里拿的什么
What is that in your hand, by the way?
Oh, I got this at the bake sale for the environment
That those boys were having.
你知道 留辫子的白人
You know, you don’t often see white boys
With the dreadlocks.
-妈妈 -这可是百分之百的夏威夷
– Mom. – Yeah, it’s a 100 percent pure hawaiian
-绿色环保产品 -朱迪 把那个扔了吧
– Green for the environment. – Jud–can you please drop it?
是啊 他们在里面加了大♥麻♥
Yeah, then they baked it with reefer in it.
-不可能 -给我
– No, it’s canna– hey! – Please give me.
今天我作主 想吃什么都可以
Hey! It’s my cheap day. I can eat whatever I want.
上帝啊 我要疯了 赶紧管管她 老爸
Please god, I’m gonna freak out. Please do something right now, Dad.
-管管她 -好吧 好吧
– Please do something right now. – Okay, okay.
别挡路 你这野小子
Out of my way, you wild hair!
I can eat all the freaking brownies I want!
不好意思 各位
Sorry, fellas.
不好意思 别客气
I’m sorry and you’re welcome.
We call it the hot freshmen 55.
沙士其修改了住宿分配系统 调来全部美女
Sharsky hacked campus house and stacked the dorm with pretty beddies.
上帝啊 是她
Oh, my god. It’s her.
她来了 她在看我 她在看我
She’s coming. She sees me, She sees me.
She’s tight for me on one on my to-do list.
你可不许抢 听见了吗
Do not bird-dog my credit, you hear me?
Pretty girls.
告诉你 我儿子住在这个房♥间
Hey, you. My son lives in this dorm.
You should go make friends with him,
-他很坏 -幸亏她不是我妈
– He’s bad. – Bless she ain’t my mama.
And he recently had his cherry popped.
He didn’t know I was in the house.
I heard it all.
There he is!
Oh, will you give him my closet?
Hey, and his car is a talking robot!
不 那只是个 导航仪
No, like a… like a gps, all-star.
-知道了 -导航仪
– Okay. – All-star.
Frisbee. whoo!
不 老爸
No, dad.
老爸 你不能让她满学校的乱跑
Dad, you’re just gonna let her run around school.
Are you alright?
Give me.
Are you crazy?
朱迪 朱迪 放下 放下
Judy, Judy. Just–Just put it. Just put it.
You gotta control your mother.
I wasn’t doing this.
教授 只要给我A 做什么都行
Hey, professor. I’d do anything for an A.
没问题 美人
Alright, Grace…
看来我们得上车去了 我们走
Looks like we got some snacks in the car. Let’s go.
Did you get the booties?
是的 爸爸 我拿到了
Yes, dad, I got the booties!
-好吧 好吧 -上帝啊 我大头冲下了
– Alright, Alright. – Oh my god, I’m upside-down!
黑狮射线 我是黑狮探戈
Black lion in x-trait. This is black lion in tango.
B14区 有人入侵
Breach in B-14.
快走 快 快
Go, go, go, go, go!
The shard is gone.
Take him down!
-开火 -卧倒
– Open fire. – Get down!
The first frat party’s the game change of boys,
现在是猎妞时间 准备好参加聚会吧
