and taken away everything…
原来属于我的东西的话… -你不能怪到我身上
that was important to me.. -Don’t talk to me about importance!
Because of you the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!
什么啊 你在说什么啊
What? What are you talkin’ about?
就是现在 查克皇帝在银河系边缘
Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg…
has been secretly building a weapon…
那个玩意儿 足以毁灭整个星球
with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet!
只有我有资料 可以击破这武器唯一的弱点
I alone have information that reveals this weapon’s only weakness.
而你 朋友 就是你耽误了
And you, my friend, are responsible…
for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!
You… are… a… toy!
You aren’t the real Buzz Lightyear! You’re a..
你…只是个会动的玩具 只是给小朋友玩的玩具
You’re an action figure! You are a child’s plaything!
你是个可悲又奇怪的人 我很同情你
You are a sad, strange little man; and you have my pity.
-再见了 -是吗? 走啊 疯子
-Farewell. -Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!
-“Rendezvous with Star Command.”
-老兄 -你在叫我?
-I Driver. Hey, gas dude! -You talkin’ to me?
-对 能帮我个忙吗 -比萨星球? 安弟
-Yeah, man. Can you help me? -Pizza Planet? Andy!
-你知道林荫大道在哪吗 -不知道
-Do you know where Cutting Boulevard is? -Oh. no!
I can’t show my face in that room without Buzz.
-巴斯 巴斯 快回来 -走开
-Buzz! Buzz, come back! -Go away!
巴斯 你快回来
No! Buzz, you gotta come back! I…
-I found a spaceship!
一艘太空船 巴斯
It’s a spaceship, Buzz!
老兄 快一点 这些比萨会凉掉
Come on, man, hurry up! Urn, like, the pizzas are getting cold here!
呃 林荫大道吗 -对 在哪条路上
Uh, Cutting Boulevard, huh? -Yeah, yeah. Which way?
好 你确定这个太空运输机 送完了货物之后
Now, you’re sure this space freighter will return to its port of origin…
就会回到原来太空站吗 -嗯
once it jettisons its food supply? -Uh-huh.
等到了那里以后 我们再来想个办法送你回家
And when we get there, we’ll be able to find a way to transport you home.
-走 那我们上船吧 -等等…巴斯
-Well, then, let’s climb aboard. -No, no, no, wait, Buzz! Buzz!
-我们到车后面 那里不会被人发现 -不行
-Let’s get in the back. No one will see us there. -Negative.
货舱里没有安全设备 那是载货的
There are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area.
-在机舱里比较安全 -对 但是…
-We’ll be much safer in the cockpit. -Yeah, bu..
-巴斯 那是两条向左的路和一条向右的
-Buzz! Buzz! That’s two lefts and a right, huh?
-谢谢你帮忙 谢了 -记住 孩子…
-Thanks for the directions, okay? -Yeah. And remember, kid..
在机舱比在货舱里安全 真是白♥痴♥
It’s safer in the cockpit than the cargo bay. What an idiot.
Next shuttle liftoff is scheduled for…
T-minus 30 seconds and counting.
You are clear to enter.
Welcome to Pizza Planet.
The white zone is for immediate pizza..
警长? 你在这儿呀
There you are.
入口守备很森严 我们必须想办法进去
Now, the entrance is heavily guarded. We need a way to get inside.
-好主意 胡迪
-Great idea, Woody.
I like your thinkin’.
You are clear to enter.
-欢迎来到比萨星球 -走
-Welcome to Pizza Planet. -Now!
Quickly, Sheriff! The air lock is closing.
琼斯 一共五人 你的接驳车正在发射台十二号♥
Jones, party of five, your shuttle is now boarding..
Hey, Mom, can we have some tokens?
Ow! Watch where you’re going!
… nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three,
好棒的太空船 干得好 胡迪
What a spaceport! Good work, Woody.
妈咪 我能玩黑洞吗 拜托…
Mom, can I play Black Hole? Please, please, please?
-安弟 -我们要去找一艘到十二区的太空船
-Andy! -Now, we need to find a ship that’s headed for Sector 12.
等一下 来…巴斯 往这边
Wait a minute. No, no, no, Buzz! This way.
-那边有一艘特别的船 -它有超高动力吗
-There’s a special ship. I just saw it. -You mean it has hyperdrive?
Hyperactive hyperdrive.
-And Astro, uh, turf!
-在哪里? 我没有看到… -在那里
-Where is it? I-I don’t see the- -Come on. That’s it.
好了 巴斯 准备了
All right, Buzz, get ready. And..
-And the universe explodes!
-等我一说上 我们就跳到篮子里
-Okay, Buzz, when I say go, we’re gonna jump in the basket.
-不 妈妈 如果我吃光所有比萨
-No! Hey, Mom, if I eat all my pizza,
我能得到一些外星物质吗 -我怎么会碰上这种事
can I have some alien slime? -This cannot be happening to me.
-陌生人 -外面来的
-A stranger. -From the outside.
-你们好 我是巴斯光年
-Ooh! -Greetings. I am Buzz Lightyear.
-I come in peace.
在你今天离开前 请用一片腊肠比萨补充能源
Before your space journey, re-energize yourself…
with a slice of pepperoni, now boarding at counter three.
This is an intergalactic emergency.
I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector 12.
Who’s in charge here?
The claw!
-爪子是我们的主人 -爪子会选择谁留下来谁离开
-The claw is our master. -The claw chooses who will go and who will stay.
-这太荒谬了 -过份 这什么烂机器嘛
-This is ludicrous. -Hey, bozo, you got a brain in there?
-可恶 欠扁
-Take that!
不 阿薛
Oh, no! Sid!
-Get down!
-警长 你怎么了 我…
-What’s gotten into you? I wa..
-You are the one that decided to climb into this…
爪子 它动了
Shh! The claw, it moves.
have been chosen!
再见了 我的朋友 我要去更好玩的地方了
Farewell, my friends. I go on to a better place.
巴斯光年 不可能吧
A Buzz Lightyear? No way!
巴斯 不
Buzz! No!
-He has been chosen!
-He must go. -Hey!
-不要触怒爪子 你们在干什么
-What are you doing? Stop it! Stop it, you zealots!
-放手 放手 你们这些疯子
-Do not fight the claw.
太好了 双重大奖
All right! Double prizes!
Let’s go home and… play.
警长 我看到你的家了
Sheriff, I can see your dwelling from here.
-就快到家了 -神秘之门快到了 通往极乐世界
-You’re almost home. -Nirvana is coming. The mystic portal awaits.
拜托你闭嘴 你们两个根本不懂
Will you be quiet? You guys don’t get it, do you?
只要进了阿薛家 一辈子都别想出来
Once we go into Sid’s house, we won’t be coming out.
-阿德 好乖
-Whoa, Scud! Hey, boy!
-坐下 好乖
-Sit! Good boy.
-我有东西要给你 -不要动
-Hey, I got something for you, boy. -Freeze!
-准备 咬
-Ready, set, now!
汉娜 汉娜
Hannah! Hey, Hannah!
-干嘛 -有没有看到我的包裹
-What? -Did I get my package in the mail?
-我不知道 -不知道是什么意思
-I don’t know. -What do you mean you don’t know?
-I don’t know!
-汉娜 你看珍妮 -干嘛
-Oh, no, Hannah! Look, Janie! -What? Hey!
-她病了 -她才没有
-She’s sick! -No, she’s not!
-我要马上帮她动个手术 -不
-I’ll have to perform one of my operations. -No!
-不要进阿薛的房♥间 -阿薛 把她还给我
-No, not Sid’s room. Not there. -Hey, give it back!
快 快
Bid! Bid!
-护士 我们这里有一个病患
-Oh, no, we have a sick patient here, Nurse.
-准备动手术 快点
-Prepare the O. R., stat!
Patient is… prepped.
No one’s ever attempted a double bypass…
brain transplant before.
这种手术很困难 钳子
Now for the tricky part. Pliers!
I don’t believe that man’s ever been to medical school.
医生 你成功了
Doctor, you’ve done it!
-Janie’s all better now.
-妈 阿薛弄坏我的娃娃 -她说谎 不管她说什么都不是真的
Whatever she says, it’s not true!
我们死定了 我要离开
We are gonna die. I’m outta here!