去年 理查德哈蒙德和我从威尼斯出发
Last year, Richard Hammond and I set off from Venice
on what should have been, the Perfect Road Trip.
We always had the right car for the right road.
What a machine!
我们想要阳光 就出太阳
The sun shone when we wanted it to…
Look at this now!
不想要时 就会下雨
and the rain came when we didn’t.
It was brilliant…
right up to the moment
when the French constabulary took away our driving licenses.
哦 好吧
Oh. Right.
所以今年 我们吸取教训
So this year, with the lesson learned,
we thought we do the perfect road trip, again.
而这次 我们不会再出错
And this time, we’d get it right.
Do not adjust your set.
驾驶一艘Riva Aquarama
I know this is how it began last year, on a Riva Aquarama,
the world’s best speed boat,
在威尼斯 建造于海上的最棒城市
in Venice,the world’s best city that’s built on the sea.
没错 但你去年的所见所闻
Yeah. But there are some major differences
between what you saw last year and what you’ll see this time.
-首先 他更胖了 -是哒没错
Firstly, he’s even fatter. Oh, I have. He is.
其次 我们彻底改变了线路
And secondly we have completely change the route.
哦对 今年我们不去法国 因为说实话
Oh yeah. This year we are not going to France because frankly they are,
well they are bunch of f…
相反 我们会留在意大利 上帝的私人赛车场
Instead, we shall be staying in Italy, God’s personal race track,
从威尼斯出发 途径托斯卡纳和罗马
going from Venice down through Tuscany and Rome
and along the spectacular Amalfi Coast.
And the cars we’ll be using will be even better than they were last year.
更快 更强 更吵
Faster. Harder. Louder.
We’d even arranged to finish on the glittering jet set island of Capri,
in a couple of classic Ford Capris.
Nothing could go wrong this time.
事实上 我们今年选定的道路遵照圣经
Frankly, the roads that we’ve lined up this year are biblical…
well they’re not biblical,
它们更现代 但是一样的壮观
they are more modern than that,but they are magnificent.
And the cars we have to drive on them…
So there’s a whole exciting thrilling bag of things we’ve got lined up,
but one thing we haven’t put in it…
詹姆斯梅 他没有参加
is James May. James May is not here.
Which is what really makes it perfect.
没有龟速船长 我们才能体验意大利应有的速度
You lose Captain Slow, we can go with the sort of speeds they like in Italy.
我还有件事 今年准备的特别惊喜
And I have one extra thing,one extra little piece of perfection this year…
-又来了 -在我的完美之旅中
-Now, here we go. –in my perfect road trip.
不是批评 我们在国外 但这是头一次
No critical, for the first time ever, food,we’re abroad,
ordinarily,I prety much starve or survive on crisps.
史上第一次 这次我不只要吃外国菜
This time, for the first time, not only am I going to be able to eat foreign food,
还会爱上它 因为我们要去博洛尼亚
I’m gonna love it because we are going to Bologna,
肉酱意大利面的故乡 全世界我最爱的食物
home of spaghetti bolognaise,my favorite food in the world.
博洛尼亚 我会像当地人一样爱吃它
Bologna, Bolognese, I’ll be able to eat like a local and love it.
很快 我们靠岸了
Soon, we docked the boat and we’re ready to
meet the cars we’ve chosen for the first leg of the journey.
Richard would be using the brand new 5.2 liter V10 Lamborghini Huracan,
the long awaited replacement for the Gallardo.
而我会开这台 同样新的迈凯伦650S
And I’d be using this, the equally new McLaren 650S,
which comes with a twin turbo 3.8 liter V8.
那么你也许会纳闷 为何我们都没选
Now,you’ll probably sitting there wondering why neither of ushas chosen
法拉利458 问得好 因为它绝对是一部超凡好车
to use a Ferrari 458,and that’s a good question because it is a magnificent car.
没错 但有一个致命缺陷
It is, but it has one massive flaw.
-詹姆斯梅有一辆 -没错
James May owns one. He does.
他真有 于是他完全毁了458
He does and he has completely ruined it.
Nobody would want to buy a Ferrari 458 now.
-对 -没人了
– No. – Nobody.
I do not want to drive to Bologna, in James May’s car.
是的 就像穿着他的内♥裤♥到处跑
No, it would be like going there with his underpants.
-那会毁掉旅程的 -没错
– It would ruin the experience. – Yes, worse.
考虑过这些 我们的前途一片光明
Whereas in these, our immediate future is bright.
Our immediate future is orange.
Very, very orange.
耶 哈哈
Yeah haha!
Yeah haha!What a noise!
James May thought long and hard about buying a McLaren,
but then he realized it was much quicker than the Ferrari so of course,
因此 身为龟速船长 他买♥♥了法拉利
being Captain Slow, he bought the Ferrari.
我之前说的是MP4-12C 那是他考虑买♥♥的
And that, was the old MP4-12C, that was what he was thinking of buying.
这台650S 这完全是另一种猛兽
This is the 650S, and this… this is a different animal.
This looks more aggressive than the 12C.
It has got some technology from the P1,
那些买♥♥了12C的人更烦恼的是 这款快得多
and much to be annoyance of those who did buy a 12C,this is a hell of a lot faster.
I have a bit of the control of my right foot 6♥4♥1 break horsepower.
扭矩有500 这意味着百公里加速只要2.9秒
I have 500 torques, and all that means I can go from 0 to 60, in 2.9 seconds.
The 12C was 3 seconds faster around the Top Gear test track than the Ferrari 458,
这个 哦这个
this… oh this is…
天啊 这玩意快极了
Jesus whap that’s quick.
When we talk about supercars and the hypercars,
这就是究极跑车的速度 千真万确
this is hypercar speed,it really is.
而且 就像是12C 它出人意料的舒适
And yes,like the 12C,it’s unbelievably comfortable,
it is like driving around, in a cloud.
Because all the wheels are connected electronically rather than with anti roll bars,
there’s no physical connection between them.
这就意味着一个轮子颠簸 不影响其他三个
And that means when one wheel goes over a bump, it feels it but none of the others do.
That’s why you just glide along.
于是你能开得更快 更猛 更持久
What this means is that you can go faster and harder,for longer.
Which means that pretty soon,
你得停下来 好让你的队友追上
you’ll have to stop somewhere,so your colleague can catch up.
Shut up.
什么 我啥都没说呢
What, I haven’t said anything yet.
是啊 但我知道你要说什么
Yeah, but I know what you’re going to say,
你会说你的车更快 当…
you’re gonna go on about how your car’s faster when…
It is.
你看 它能跑到325km/h
What, that’ll do 202 mph.
迈凯伦能跑到333 它马力更大 扭矩更强
The McLaren will do 207. It’s more powerful,it’s got more torque
更轻 就算不提速度 我本来也不想
it’s lighter,even discussing speed,and I wasn’t going to.
我要说 我觉得你的车不怎么好看
I was gonna say, I don’t think your car looks very nice.
这 呃 神马
No, er, what?
-它不怎么 -你不能说它不好看
– It doesn’t…you can’t say it doesn’t look very nice.
看看 那些折角 那么美
Look at it,its angles and it’s beautiful.
你看 我无奈的同意你
Look, I will concede, reluctantly,
it’s not as visually exciting as some Lamborghinis are when they first arrive.
-And should be.
不管怎么想 你的车屁♥股♥还是像真空吸尘器
Deny it that the back of your car still looks like the back of a vacuum cleaner.
It looks like something on the shelf in the electric…
是是 我不知道 我
-It does, it does. –It… I don’t know. I…
我不是说迈凯伦有多优秀 但至少比那台要好
Listen, I’m not saying that the McLaren is perfect,but it’s more perfect than that.
我要你闭嘴 因为现在很危险
I want you to stop talking now because it’s a danger,
I might agree with you a tiny bit.
-Well it is .
-And I don’t want to do that.
What I do want to do is drive a Lamborghini.
好吧 我承认迈凯伦是一辆非常好的车
All right, I will concede that the McLaren is a very good car.
但在现实中 这台更棒
But in the real world, this is better,
it’s the things you can’t see that make the difference.
迈凯伦的车体是碳纤维的 坚固 轻 很棒
The tub on the McLaren is carbon fiber, very strong, very light, very good.
但你要是撞了 准备换新车吧
But you ding it, basically you gonna need a new car.
这台的车体是碳纤维和铝合金 更容易修理
The tub in this is a blend of carbon fiber and aluminum,which is easier to repair.
内饰出类拔萃 有着优秀的设计
This interior, it’s superb, this is how proper thought put into it.
一切都在合适的位置上 毫无困惑
Things are where they should be, there’s no confusion and what’s what,
just for the sake of how it looks.
现在所有电子部件都来自奥迪 也就是说都管用
And all of the electronics now come from Audi,which means they work.
