
他的年少是几番沧桑 几番血泪
他的乡愁是浩荡之江 滚滚之水

他的伤痕是不敢思忆 不堪回首
他的割舍是午夜梦回 茫然失落

什么叫中国 我曾经没有把握
如今我才知道 他在我胸口跳动
什么叫中国 我现在真有把握
是父亲毕生的守候 我与生俱来的光荣

English #1 – China in my Heart

I haven’t ever walked the long road my father has trekked
His youth was filled with vicissitudes of life, blood and tears
I haven’t ever seen the land my father used to see
His nostalgia is so surging like a great river
So I can only peep at my father’s eyes
To feel his vicissitudes of fortune in the deepest of his sight…

I haven’t ever gotten the same scar as my father’s
His scar makes him afraid of the past unbearable to recall
I haven’t ever undergone the same struggle as my father has
His parting is a frustrating dream in the middle of the night
So I can only wait for the moment my father is visibly moved
To feel his tangling love and hatred when he’s most tranced…

What China means, I used to wonder
Till now I’ve learnt, she’s beating in my chest
What China means, now I know really well
She’s what my father’s been lifelong awaiting, my innate glory

By Isaiah Siegfried Chen
