Well, yes, but first l’ll have to take you to a little place…
你们好调整调整 怎么样
…where you can tidy up a bit, what?
Oh, thank you so much.
We’ve been gone such a long time.
And we feel so miser
What kind of a horse is that?
I’ve never seen a horse like that before.
是的 我想你以后也见不到了
No, and never will again, l fancy.
只有唯一的一匹 它就在这了
There’s only one of him, and he’s it.
这匹马有变色的能力 有时间给你讲讲
He’s the horse of a different color you’ve heard tale about.
哈哈哈 吼吼吼 两个萌妹子
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho And a couple of tra-la-las
That’s how we laugh the day away In the merry old land of Oz
噗噗噗 啪啪啪 两个好基友
Buzz buzz buzz, chirp chirp chirp And a couple of la-di-das
That’s how the crickets crick All day
In the merry old land of Oz
We get up at 1 2 And start to work at 1
吃一小时午饭 两点完工
Take an hour for lunch And then at 2 we’re done
Jolly good fun
哈哈哈 吼吼吼 两个萌妹子
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho And a couple of tra-la-las
That’s how we laugh the day away In the merry old land of Oz
哈哈哈 吼吼吼
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho Ha ha ha ha ha
这就是我们如何欢乐的一天 哈哈哈 吼吼吼
That’s how we laugh the day away With a ha ha ha and a ho ho ho
In the merry old land of Oz
快来啊 朋友们
Come on along, folks.
看 投降吧多萝茜
Look. “Surrender Dorothy.”
额 至少她把你们忘了
Well, at least she’s forgotten about you two.
我错了 她对你们真是恨之入骨啊
Oops, my mistake. She’s still pretty mad at you.
多萝茜 谁是多萝茜
Dorothy? Who’s Dorothy?
汤姆和杰瑞又是谁 巫师会解释的 去巫师那吧
And who’s Tom and Jerry? -The Wizard will explain it. To the Wizard.
多萝茜 我想我们最好立即见巫师
Dorothy, we’d better see the Wizard right away.
哦 我想你们是对的
Oh, l think you’re right.
杰瑞 快找到汤姆跟上我
Jerry, please find Tom and follow us.
汤姆 你不能跑 你答应要保护多萝茜的
You can’t run away, Tom. You promised you’d protect Dorothy.
I am Oz, the great and powerful.
Who are you?
Halt. No one can see the great Oz.
But we’re with Dorothy.
The Witch’s Dorothy?
She’s already inside with the Wizard.
Don’t worry, now.
虽然声音很可怕 但我肯定
I know it sounds bad, but I assure you…
…the great Oz is wise and benevolent and kind.
Of course, sometimes he does get a little ticked off.
多萝茜小姐 发生了什么 你要回家了吗
What happened inside, Miss Dorothy? Are you going home?
稻草人有脑子了吗 我会长大吗
Will Scarecrow get his brain? Will l get to be big?
噢 泰菲 巫师说他什么都不会帮我们
Oh, Tuffy, the Wizard says he won’t do anything for any of us.
Not unless Dorothy brings him the Wicked Witch’s broomstick.
But to do that, she’d have to kill the Witch.
太糟糕了 太糟糕了
Oh, this is terrible, terrible.
没错 汤姆
That’s right, Tom.
You give that Wizard a piece of your mind.
噢 汤姆比我想象的还勇敢
Oh. Tom’s a lot braver than I thought.
好吧 我们去找那女巫
Okay, let’s go get that witch.
女巫城♥堡♥ 一英里 如果我是你就会掉头的
“Witches castle, one mile. I’d turn back if I were you.”
终于 那女孩自己送上门来了
At last, I’ve got that girl right where I want her.
And Tom and Jerry, too.
Take your army to the haunted forest…
把女孩和那只狗带回来 特别是那猫和老鼠
…and bring me that girl, her dog, and especially that cat and mouse.
快 飞起来 飞
Now, fly. Fly.
Well, what’s happened to you?
他们砍掉我的腿 扔到那边去了
They took my legs off and threw them over there.
They took my chest out and threw it there.
噢 你玩完了
Well, that’s you all over.
他们把你玩得挺坏的 对吧
They sure knocked the stuffings out of you, didn’t they?
他们带走了多萝茜 多多 汤姆和杰瑞
They took Dorothy and Toto and Tom and Jerry…
…and we gotta follow them.
好可爱的狗狗 不
What a nice little dog. -No!
哦 多多
Oh, Toto.
还有呢 亲爱的 真实意想不到的大礼啊
And you, my dear, what an unexpected pleasure.
你真好 在我孤独的时候来找我
It’s so kind of you to visit me in my loneliness.
现在 把红宝石鞋子给我 不然我就把你的狗扔到河里去
Now, give me those ruby slippers or your dog goes into the river.
不 求你了 鞋子你拿走吧
No, please. Take the slippers.
多好的小女孩啊 我就知道你最听话了
What a good little girl. I knew you’d listen to reason.
I should have remembered.
只要你不死 这双鞋就不会下来
Those slippers will never come off as long as you’re alive.
不过这不会困扰我 我知道该怎么做
But that’s not what’s worrying me, it’s how to do it.
这事 必须做的滴水不漏
These things must be done delicately…
…or you’ll hurt the spell.
快跑 多多 快跑 -抓住它 你这笨蛋
Run, Toto, run. -Catch him, you fool.
Do you see that?
It’s how long you’ve got to live.
它不会太长的 亲爱的
And it isn’t long, my dear.
杰瑞 想玩球吗
Wanna play ball, Jerry?
汤姆 杰瑞
Tom, Jerry.
That’s the last of them.
沙子漏完之时 就是我回来杀你之刻
I’ll come back for you just as soon as those sands run out.
哟啊哟 哟哟
Yo he ho Yo ho
And halt.
做得好 新卫兵
Excellent work, new guard.
现在还有问题吗 有
Any questions so far? -Yeah.
What does that “Yo He Ho” song mean?
I have absolutely no idea.
Let’s review what we learned today.
第一条 坏卫兵必须随时保持警惕
“Rule one: Winkie guards must keep track of their hours…
…and submit a timecard at the end of the week.”
新人 有什么问题吗
Something wrong, new guard?
好吧 接下来
Okay, then.
第二条 坏卫兵每300天放一天假
“Rule two: Winkie guards receive one personal day…every 3O0 years.
第三条 也是最重要的一条
Rule three, and this is the most important rule of all…
…”Guards must keep all water away from the Wicked Witch.
It’s her one weakness.”
Got that?
长官 我想有一对囚犯逃出来了
Sir, l think we have a couple of escaped prisoners.
嗯 果然如此
Well, how about that?
新人 你的第一天过的还挺忙
You’re having a busy first day, new guard.
I salute you.
It’s them.
噢 天哪 抓住他们
Oh, dear. Seize them.
I’m afraid this won’t look good on your personal evaluation.
你懂的 我只是个卫兵
You know, I’m just a guard…
…but l take my responsibilities very seriously.
It’s not a glamorous job…
…but a good guard always does the very best he can.
If you come along quietly…
…l’ll try to get you an extra ration of gruel.
抓住你们了 -逮捕他们 新人
Gotcha. -Arrest them, old new guard.
You better not try any of your tricks.
They won’t work twice.
Are you sure you completed basic training?
汤姆 杰瑞 是我们 -朋友 真高兴再见到你们
Tom, Jerry, it’s us. -Boy, are we glad to see you.
Toto found us and led us back here.
Where’s Dorothy?
女巫 鞋子 好痛
“Witch.” “Slippers.” “Ouch.”
她被锁到塔里了 活不了多久
She’s locked in the tower with only moments left to live.
Auntie Em.
多萝茜 你在哪
Dorothy, where are you?
我是爱玛婶婶 我们在找你
It’s Aunt Em, we’re looking for you.
爱玛婶婶 别丢下我
Oh, Auntie Em, don’t go away.
我吓死了 快回来
I’m frightened. Come back.
回来 我会给你爱玛婶婶的 亲爱的
Come back. -I’ll give you Auntie Em, my pretty.
多多会找到多萝茜的 快点