
toady 英 [ˈtəʊdi] 美 [ˈtoʊdi]



  • Rivals grumble that Tata’s current respectability masks a past spent toadying up to politicians in the years before and after India’s independence in 1947.
  • We still haven’t seen the whole report! The attorney general is a toady!


[noun] a person who treats sb more important with special kindness or respect in order to gain their favour or help
[名词] 谄媚者,马屁精




另外,toady也可以用作动词表示“拍马、奉承、谄媚”,常用形式为“toady to somebody”。


He was too proud to toady, too keen not to strictly observe the plane he occupied when there were those present who did not appreciate him, but, in situations like the present, where he could shine as a gentleman and be received without equivocation as a friend and equal among men of known ability, he was most delighted.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


出自2004年英美合拍古装历史剧情片《名利场》(Vanity Fair),改编自威廉·梅克比斯·萨克莱(William Makepeace Thackeray)的同名小说。







英语单词 toad 指的是蟾蜍,为什么它的衍生词 toady 指的却是“谄媚者”呢?原来,古时候人们普遍相信蟾蜍有毒,所以一些江湖朗中往往会叫手下人吃下一只蟾蜍,然后把毒物从他的身体中驱除出去,从而展现自己的高超医术。

很明显,敢于为主人吃蟾蜍的人是为了拍马屁而什么事都会做的人。因此人们就用 toad-eater 来称呼这样的谄媚者。后来, toad-eater 被缩写为 toady 。这就是 toady (谄媚者)一词的来源。

  • toad: [təʊd] n. 蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆,讨厌的人
  • toady: [‘təʊdɪ] n. 谄媚者,拍须溜马的人 v. 谄媚,拍马屁


toady (TOW dee) This noun is no accidental twin of the amphibian crea-ture the toad. A toady is an obvious flatterer, the term for which comes from the graphic noun “toadeater,” occasionally heard today.

The original toadeaters literally ate or seemed to eat poisonous toads in sideshows, a move designed to allow the audience to see that their partner could expel the creature from their system.

Tim was initially disappointed when his company transferred him to a small town, but he solaced himself with the thought of no longer working with a bunch of toadies.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
toady(TOW dee)这个名词不是两栖动物蟾蜍的双胞胎。癞蛤蟆是一个明显的马屁精,这个词来自图形名词“癞蛤”,今天偶尔会听到。


Toady 这个词指的是一种奉承、谄媚的人,通常为了获取他人的好感或支持。以下是50个包含“toady”这个词的短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Toady to authority – 奉承权威
  2. Toady to superiors – 巴结上司
  3. Toady for favors – 讨好以获取好处
  4. Political toady – 政客的马屁精
  5. Corporate toady – 企业马屁精
  6. Celebrity toady – 名人追随者
  7. Toady behavior – 奉承的行为
  8. Professional toady – 职业马屁精
  9. Toady attitude – 巴结的态度
  10. Toadyish behavior – 马屁精的行为
  11. Toady culture – 奉承文化
  12. Toady tactics – 巴结策略
  13. Media toady – 媒体马屁精
  14. Social toady – 社交场合中的马屁精
  15. Toady personality – 奉承的个性
  16. Toady motives – 巴结的动机
  17. Toady friend – 奉承的朋友
  18. Toady tendencies – 巴结的倾向
  19. Toady traits – 奉承的特点
  20. Toady behavior – 奉承的行为
  21. Toady network – 巴结网络
  22. Toady compliments – 奉承的赞美
  23. Toady gestures – 巴结的姿态
  24. Toady interactions – 奉承的互动
  25. Toady language – 巴结的言辞
  26. Toady habits – 奉承的习惯
  27. Toady inclinations – 巴结的倾向
  28. Toady actions – 奉承的行动
  29. Toady mindset – 巴结的心态
  30. Toady strategies – 奉承的策略
  31. Toady alliances – 巴结的联盟
  32. Toady associations – 奉承的交往
  33. Toady affiliations – 巴结的关系
  34. Toady collaborations – 奉承的合作
  35. Toady connections – 巴结的联系
  36. Toady liaisons – 奉承的联络
  37. Toady friendships – 巴结的友谊
  38. Toady partnerships – 奉承的伙伴关系
  39. Toady rapport – 巴结的融洽关系
  40. Toady interactions – 奉承的互动
  41. Toady behavior – 巴结的行为
  42. Toady flattery – 奉承的恭维
  43. Toady sycophancy – 巴结的谄媚
  44. Toady obedience – 奉承的顺从
  45. Toady loyalty – 巴结的忠诚
  46. Toady manipulation – 奉承的操纵
  47. Toady insincerity – 巴结的虚伪
  48. Toady servility – 奉承的卑屈
  49. Toady submission – 巴结的屈从
  50. Toady adulation – 奉承的谄媚


  • sycophant: a person who praises important or powerful people too much and in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get sth from them
  • crawler: a person who tries to get sb’s favour by praising them, doing what will please them, etc.
  • flatterer: a person who lavishes praise, often insincerely; a sycophant
