I did not know your new name.
I figured you had a good reason.
你在做准备 不是吗
You prepare also, no?
那里会有许多名媛 大量的珠宝
There will be many women, rich jewels.
-我只是需要诱饵 -某些夜猫无法抗拒的东西
– Just the bait I need. – Something the Cat can’t resist?
我想 你所有手下都会到那里
I suppose all your boys will be there?
-当然 -很好
– Naturally. – That’s nice.
-哦 你就让他们忙一点吧 -再见 罗比
– Well, you keep them busy. – Good-bye, Robie.
喔 那漂亮的美国小姐是谁
Oh, who was the pretty American girl?
你会带她到我的餐馆来 是吧
You bring her to my restaurant for dinner, yes?
今晚不行 她为我俩安排了一些计划
Not tonight. She made some small plans for the two of us.
哦 真快
Well, soon.
Good night.
如果你真想看烟火 关掉灯会更好
If you really want to see fireworks…it’s better with the lights out.
我有预感 今晚你会看见
I have a feeling that tonight you’re going to see one of…
the Riviera’s most fascinating sights.
-我是说烟火 -我不怀疑
– I was talking about the fireworks. – I never doubted it.
你这样看着我的项链 我可不确定
The way you looked at my necklace, I didn’t know.
你整晚一直想谈论它 请继续
You’ve been dying to say something about it all evening. Go ahead.
Some nights a person doesn’t need to drink.
Doesn’t it make you nervous to be in the same room…
与价值数千美元的钻石 在同一个房♥间里 确无法碰触
with thousands of dollars worth of diamonds…
Like an alcoholic outside of a bar on election day.
Wouldn’t know the feeling.
好吧 你已经研究了布局
All right. You’ve studied the layout…
拟好了计划 制订了时间表
drawn your plans, worked out your timetable…
put on your dark clothes with your crepe-soled shoes…
还有你的绳索 也许你会把脸涂黑
and your rope, maybe your face blackened.
所有得意的事剎时变成了沮丧 你会怎么做
All that elation turned into frustration. What would you do?
I’d go home, get a good night’s sleep.
喔 你该怎么办 让你兴奋之物就在眼前
Oh, what would you do? The thrill is right there in front of you…
but you can’t quite get it.
The gems glistening on the other side of the window…
and someone asleep, breathing heavily.
I’d go home and get a good night’s sleep.
难道你不会用玻璃切割器 然后一拳打破
Wouldn’t you use a glass cutter, a brick…
your fist, anything to get what you wanted…
knowing it was just there waiting for you?
-喔 得了吧 -喝酒让你感觉迟钝
– Oh, forget it. – Drinking dulls your senses.
并且 如果够幸运 也该影响我的听觉
And, if I’m lucky, some of my hearing.
蓝白色的 摸来轻柔的白金
Blue-white with just hairlike touches of platinum.
你知道的 我对珠宝 政♥治♥ 赛马
You know, I have about the same interest in jewelry…
that I have in politics, horse racing, modern poetry…
or women who need weird excitement… none.
等你手中拿着这条项链 再告诉我你不是夜猫约翰罗比吧
Hold this necklace in your hand…and tell me you’re not John Robie, the Cat.
约翰 告诉我
John, tell me something.
你会去偷我们今天下午探查的 那座别♥墅♥的”案子”是吧
You’re going to rob that villa we “cased” this afternoon, aren’t you?
I suppose “rob” is archaic.
You’d say, “knock over”?
不用担心 我很会保守秘密的
Don’t worry. I’m very good at secrets.
告诉我 你躺过精神科医生的睡椅吧
Tell me, have you ever been on a psychiatrist’s couch?
别想转移话题 我知道下手的最佳时机
Don’t change the subject. I know the perfect time to do it.
Next week the Sanfords are holding their annual gala.
Everyone who counts will be there.
我会给你邀请函 那是十八世纪化妆宴会
I’ll get you an invitation. It’s an 18th century costume affair.
那里将会有价值成千上万 世界上最珍贵的珠宝
There will be thousands upon thousands of dollars’ worth…
我会取得所有信息 我们将一起完成这任务 你说呢
I’ll get all the information. We’ll do it together. What do you say?
My only comment would be highly censurable.
放弃吧 约翰 承认你的身份
Give up, John. Admit who you are.
即使光线昏暗 我仍然能说出 你的眼睛在瞧什么
Even in this light, I can tell where your eyes are looking.
看吧 约翰 看着它
Look, John. Hold them.
the only thing in the world you can’t resist.
Then tell me you don’t know what I’m talking about.
它能提拱你一个更好的豪华生活 以及一切东西
Ever had a better offer in your whole life? One with everything?
I’ve never had a crazier one.
Just as long as you’re satisfied.
你跟我一样清楚的知道 这条项链是赝品
You know as well as I do, this necklace is imitation.
哦 但我不是
Well, I’m not.
-把它们还给我 -你指的是什么 法兰茜
– Give them back to me. – What did you have in mind?
把它们还给我 我妈的珠宝
Give them back to me! Mother’s jewels!
I don’t have them.
现在 告诉我 等等
Now, tell me… Wait a minute.
只有一个地方需要查 很明显的就是这里
There’s only one place to look, and that’s obviously here!
Help yourself.
你见过法兰茜了 她告诉你发生什么事了吗
Did you see Francie? Did she tell you what happened?
是的 她正在楼下搜我的房♥间
Yes. She’s downstairs, searching my room.
这没道理啊 她说她知道我的珠宝在哪里
That doesn’t make sense. She said she knew where my jewelry was.
她搞错了 能让我查一下你的房♥间吗
She was wrong. May I look into your bedroom?
你觉得这样好吗 我们还是叫警♥察♥和旅馆经理来吧
If it’ll do any good. Should we call the police and the hotel manager?
即使你没发现任何东西 我也一样愉快
I’d be just as happy if you didn’t find anything.
刚入手时是很兴奋 它们被偷了则更令人兴奋
It was exciting at first. Now it’s more exciting to have them stolen.
我是该这么做 真是胡涂
I’d be crazy to take this attitude if I did.
为什么法兰茜怀疑你 伯恩斯先生
Why on earth did Francie suspect you, Mr. Burns…
a simple woodcutter from Oregon?
我可不这么想 史蒂芬太太
I’m anything but that, Mrs. Stevens.
My real name is John Robie.
我曾经是个珠宝窃贼 在好几年前
I used to be a jewel thief, several years ago.
What a wonderful surprise!
不知怎么 我不觉得惊”喜”
Somehow, I can’t get worked up over it.
-你把珠宝放在哪里 -那边的珠宝盒里
– Where did you keep the stuff? – In the case over there.
-当心留下指纹 -我不会的
– Watch out for fingerprints. – There won’t be any.
-他把所有的都偷了 -所有的
– Did they get everything? – Everything.
Francie must have known about you all along.
她是猜的 你一定睡得很熟
She guessed today. You must sleep soundly.
I do.
He came down through the air shaft.
如果你不是来自奥勒岗的伯恩斯 你为何不称自己为
If you’re not Mr. Burns from Oregon…
不准碰任何东西 你休想湮灭证据
Don’t touch anything. You’re not going to cover up any clues.
There aren’t any clues to cover up. He came down the air shaft…
他从通风口下来 偷了珠宝后原路离开
took the stones and went away the same way.
You know how he got in here as well as I do.
-在我房♥间找到什么了吗 -当然啰
– Find anything in my room? – I certainly did.
-没有你母亲的东西 -不 你早就交给同伙了
– Nothing of your mother’s. – You gave those to your accomplice.
我发现来自美国的伯恩斯先生 每件衣服都是法国货
I did find that the clothes of Mr. Burns…the American, all had French labels in them.
Listen to what it says about us…
妈 他不叫伯恩斯 他是恶名昭彰的珠宝窃贼夜猫
His name isn’t Burns. He’s a notorious jewel thief, the Cat.
那他现在在这里干什么 如果他已经拿到该拿的了
And what’s he doing here now, lamb, if he already’s got the junk?
Returning to the scene of his crime.
Since when is love a crime?
他的名字是罗比 在我看来 他是个真正的男人
His name is Robie, and, for my money, he’s a real man…
not one of those milksops you generally take up with.
-妈 你到现在还 -到现在还
– Mother, after all… – After all, my foot.
Why do you think we moved so many times?
你父亲是骗子 但挺可爱的
Your father was a swindler, dear, but a loveable one.
-这个人每点都比他强多了 -谢谢你 夫人
This one’s a bigger operator on every level.
哦 如果他没有任何常识 我知道
Well, if she doesn’t have any common sense, I do.
噢 闭嘴 被偷的不过是一些 我瞧不上眼的东西
Oh, shut up. They were my baubles that were stolen.
我都不在意 你担心什么 它们保了险的
If I don’t care, why should you? They’re insured.
The big question is, where do we go from here?
To jail.
Never heard of him.
妈妈 你的书拿反了
Mother, the book you’re reading is upside down.
我们或许身在法国 但我是美国人
We may be in France, but I’m still an American.
任何人都是清白的 直到他被证明有罪
A man is innocent until he’s proved guilty.
-证明 -这并不难
– Proved! – That won’t be hard.
妈 他把我们俩当傻瓜耍 你是知道的
Mother, he played us both for fools, and you know it.
他是一个下流 无♥耻♥的窃贼 他是从妳那里偷了什么
He’s a low, worthless thief. Just what did he steal from you?
喔 妈妈
Oh, Mother!
坐下 让我告诉你一些生活的道理 以及约翰罗比的事
Sit down while I tell you something about life and John Robie.
坐下 在我揍你之前
