– $35,000. – Oh, too bad.
You should find a more happy business.
著名的珠宝窃贼 人称”夜猫”
The famous jewel thief, the Cat’s loose again, they say.
那么 妈妈 你会是下一个目标
Well, Mother, you’re next.
I’m insured.
我去拿泳裤 我们大厅见
I’ll get my bathing trunks. Meet you in the lobby.
我再办点事 几分钟后下去
I’ll just slip into something and be down in a few minutes.
不是要什么 做什么
Weren’t we what? Going to what?
-我们昨晚说好要上 -上
– Last night we discussed going up… – Up?
-上 上 上缆车 -我甚至不知道”缆车”怎么拼呢
– Up the funicular railway. – I can’t even spell funicular.
-今天下午你在做什么 -我去找一位房♥地♥产♥经纪人
– What are you doing this afternoon? – I went to a real estate agent.
He gave me a list of furnished villas for rent.
喔 你计划长♥期♥渡假吗
You plan that long a vacation?
I might even retire here.
It says that some of the villas aren’t in very good repair.
Quite a few of the roofs need careful examination.
再见 休森 别让窃案坏了你一天
Good-bye, Hughson. Don’t let the robbery spoil your day.
不过是钱罢了 且还不是你的钱呢
It’s only money and not even yours at that.
Should I ask the social director to introduce us?
不 我只是在想从哪边走出去比较好
No. I was just wondering which was the best way out of here.
哦 通常是走中庭这边
Well, the Mediterranean used to be this way.
嗯 我是个赌徒 我们试试看这边
Well, I’m a gambler. Let’s try that.
There’s a message for you.
Thank you.
You performed a very beautiful robbery last night.
-直说吧 -你太了不起了
– Strictly routine. – You’re marvelous.
Last night you steal a small fortune…
and today you lie on the beach with an American beauty.
That’s why one needs a small fortune.
Is this your next victim?
这么说吧 她是个可利用的朋友
Well, let’s just say she’s a useful friend.
你知道的 你那些在餐厅工作的 反抗军老朋友
You know, your old friends of the Resistance…
在你昨天走了之后 他们用各种难听的名字叫警♥察♥
they called the police all sorts of terrible names…when they had to let you go yesterday
在花市向警♥察♥通风报信 难道不是差劲的行为
Would it be bad manners to ask who tipped off the police…at the flower market?
他们不会对警♥察♥说任何事 你知道的
They’d never say anything to the police. You know that.
Somebody did.
如果你在干下一票时被捕 他们会非常高兴的
Still they would be very happy…if you were caught during your next job.
It’s nice to know I have friends.
Perhaps it would be better if you were caught.
“真可惜 差点就杀死夜猫了”
They say what a pity if they must kill the Cat.
They will do all they can to avoid the prison.
哦 现在可真绝了 警♥察♥要逮我入狱
Well, now isn’t that amazing? The police want me in jail.
我的老友希望我死 而”猫”要赶我出城
My old friends want me dead. The Cat wants me out of town.
Seems the sky is about to fall in on me.
你不认为待在这里 而不去了解
Then, don’t you think it’s foolish to remain here…
without knowing what will happen to you?
但是 如果你和我待在南美 你会知道将发生什么事
But if you were in South America with me…you will know exactly what will happen.
You make it sound dangerous either way.
被爱杀死会是美好的 不是吗
It would be so much nicer to be killed by love, no?
抱歉 我耳朵好像浸水了
Pardon me while I get the water out of my ear.
约翰 你知道 伯唐尼他们是什么样的人
John, you know what sort of men they are at Bertani’s.
你再犯案 他们会对你不利的
Another robbery and they will do something to you.
噢 我该回去了
Well, I better get back.
她哪点比得上我 除了钱以外
But what has she got more than me, except money?
And you are getting plenty of that.
丹妮尔 你是个女孩 她是个女人
Danielle, you are just a girl. She is a woman.
当你能买♥♥便宜新车时 何必还挑部老的
Why do you want to buy an old car…if you can get a new one cheaper?
新车性能好 又耐用
It will run better and last longer.
It looks as if my old car just drove off.
不 没有 只是变成水陆两用罢了
No, it hasn’t. It’s just turned amphibious.
I thought I’d come out and see what the big attraction was…
and possibly even rate an introduction.
噢 你还没有告诉我你的名字
You didn’t tell me your name.
-丹妮尔弗萨 -弗萨小姐 这是史蒂芬小姐
– Danielle Foussard. – Miss Foussard, Miss Stevens.
We only met a couple of minutes ago.
That’s warm, friendly France for you.
我正在请教租用滑水板的事情 要不要我教你如何滑水
I was asking about renting water skis.Would you like me to teach you how to water-ski?
谢谢 但我是滑水冠军 在佛罗里达的萨拉索塔海滩
Thank you, but I was women’s champion at Sarasota, Florida.
It was just an idea.
Are you sure you were talking about water skis?
It looked as though you were conjugating some irregular verbs.
对她说些赞美的话吧 丹妮尔
Say something nice to her, Danielle.
She looks a lot older up close.
对一个幼儿来说 二十岁以上的看起来都很老
To a mere child, anything over 20 might seem old.
你很愉快啊 伯恩斯先生
Enjoying yourself, Mr. Burns?
喔 这里真好 阳光普照
It’s very nice out here. You know, the sun and all.
对我来说太热了 我们旅馆见
It’s too much for me. I’ll see you at the hotel.
-我跟你走 -你还没告诉我
– I’ll come with you. – You didn’t finish telling me…
为什么法国女人 比起美国女人更有魅力
why French women are more seductive than American women.
You know what I’d like to tell you.
Wait a minute!
是 呃
Yeah. Well.
鸡尾酒会如何 六点你行吗
What about cocktails? 6:00 suit you?
-我们路上再来谈 -去哪
– We can talk about that on the way. – To where?
To rent you a villa.
史蒂芬小姐 说到别♥墅♥ 那是我个人的事情
Picking out a villa is… It’s a personal thing.
我有车 一篮午餐 鸡肉和啤酒
I have my car and a basket lunch with chicken and beer.
你将会迷路 到一个语言不通的陌生地方
You’ll get lost. A stranger who doesn’t know the language.
I was going to hire an English-speaking chauffeur.
我得说 你的提议很慷慨
I must say your terms are generous.
-慷慨到我无法拒绝 -这是我一贯作风
– Too generous to refuse. – My terms usually are.
-你的车在哪里 -就在那边
– Where’s your car? – It’s right there.
我想我不能拒绝你的好意 走吧
I can’t seem to get out of this gracefully, so let’s go.
我等你谈昨晚那个吻 已经等了一整天
I’ve been waiting all day for you to mention that kiss…I gave you last night.
在奥勒岗老家 我们会说你是固执的女孩
Back home in Oregon, we’d call you a headstrong girl.
奥勒岗的哪里 耍赖镇吗
Where in Oregon, the Rogue River?
I’ve lived in 27 different towns and cities.
为什么 有人追你吗
Why, somebody chasing you?
-男孩们 -你现在可以不用逃了
– Boys. – You can stop running now.
我10岁时父亲过世 他们在我家土地上发现石油
When I was ten my father died, and they discovered oil on our land.
自那时起 我开始旅行
That’s when I really started to travel.
-你是说男孩的父亲在追你 -是的
– The boys’ fathers chased you? – Yes.
但是我有微妙的感觉 他们看上的是我的钱
But I had the funny feeling all they wanted…
我现在想 在奥勒岗老家 我们得说你是富有又任性的女孩
On second thought, back home in Oregon…
-你真的相信吗 -我已经证明了
– Do you honestly believe that? – I’ve proved it.
-你是个特别的女孩 -那是好是坏
– You’re a singular girl. – Is that good or bad?
是好 十分好 你知道你要什么
It’s good. It’s quite good. You know what you want.
你出了门 没有人能阻止你追求目标
You go out after it, and nothing stops you from getting it.
You make it sound corny.
You’re a jackpot of admirable character traits.
I already knew that.
你做事迅速 不浪费时间
You do things with dispatch. No wasted preliminaries.
我不仅喜欢昨晚的吻 更对其背后的效率感到敬畏
Not only did I enjoy that kiss last night…I was awed by the efficiency behind it.
I’m a great believer in getting down to essentials.
是呀 邀请我吃早餐 计划游泳 当我的驾驶
Inviting me for breakfast, planning a swim, this drive.
史蒂芬小姐 我得说 你真是罕见的女孩
I must say you are a girl in a million.
这是例行的恭维 但我接受
That’s a routine compliment, but I’ll accept it.
May I ask you a personal question?
I’ve been hoping you would.
你对我这么好 是期望得到什么
What do you expect to get out of being so nice to me?
Probably a lot more than you’re willing to offer.
I know.
You’re here in Europe to buy a husband.
那个男人 我想是无价的
The man I want doesn’t have a price.
哦 那我被剔除了
Well, that eliminates me.
你说得对 给我一个知道自己想法的女人
You’re right. Give me a woman who knows her own mind.
没有人能给你这样的女人 你得自己去追
No one would give you a woman like that. You have to capture her.
-有特别的方法吗 -是的
– Any particular method? – Yes.
但是说出来就没用了 除非你自己去发现
But it’s no good unless you discover it yourself.
