– I’ve never stolen since. – I don’t know what you wanted.
但我知道你得到了什么 不值得任何的原谅
I know what you got… pardons that are not worth anything.
那不是原谅 是誓言
They weren’t pardons. They were paroles.
We fought for six years to earn them…
对于周遭的人 我们仍然还没毕业
those of us who were still around for the graduation.
那些誓言如今没有任何价值 不是吗
Those paroles don’t have much value today, huh?
At least they haven’t been withdrawn from circulation.
No South America?
不 只是去坎城海滩俱乐部 拜托
No, just the Beach Club at Cannes, please!
那么 我们得快点
Well, in that case, we should hurry.
That airplane up there, it probably belongs to the police.
嘿 盯着那讨厌鬼
Hey, stupide, the contact.
What’s he doing now?
-如果我不是他喜欢的类型呢 -还是打个招呼
– Suppose he’s not my type? – Wave to him anyway.
表现出你只是一个 开游艇出游的漂亮女孩
Act as if you’re a pretty girl just out for a ride.

嘿 不用那么风♥骚♥吧 我们是要摆脱它
Hey, hey, not that pretty. We want to get rid of him.
-到达海滩俱乐部还要多久 -大约十五分钟
– How much further to the Beach Club? – About 15 minutes.
到达后把船靠岸 和其它船停在一块儿
When you get there, pull closer to shore and mingle with other boats.
-然后呢 -然后我要上岸
– And then? – And then I’m getting out.
I’ll leave my clothes with you.
And I thought you hoped to be inconspicuous.
是啊 穿这个就没人认得出我了
Nobody will ever recognize me in these.
-哈啰 -我跟你提过的那个
– Hello? – The man I speak with you about…
那个问我一堆 关于珠宝的问题的人
the man who asked me the questions about the jewels…
He will wait for you at the entrance of the flower market in Nice.
He will find you.
我告诉他 你会朝上丢掷铜板
I told him you will be tossing a coin in the air.
艾奇休森 伦敦保险协会
H.H. Hughson, Lloyd’s of London.
据我所知 你认识这一带
Am I to understand you’re the man who knows everyone…
who owns the best jewelry in this vicinity?
We insure most of the important pieces.
保险 那是一种赌博 不是吗
Insurance. That’s gambling, isn’t it?
Well, shall we say betting?
是的 就称之为”赌注”
Yes, let’s just say betting…
because I have a long shot for you.
A little help in return for some of your losses.
-伯唐尼先生跟我说了 -你有兴趣吗
– So Mr. Bertani told me. – Are you interested?
这个提议听来很有意思 虽然有些不太正常
The proposition sounds intriguing, albeit a little unorthodox.
What does that mean, yes or no?
-罗比先生 -史密斯
– My dear Mr. Robie… – Smith.
抱歉 你结婚了吗
I beg your pardon. Ever been married?
没有 那跟回答有何关系
No, but what has that to do with yes or no?
It might help you to understand my problem.
我有两个太太 公会以及伦敦办公室
I have two wives… Felicity… God bless her… and the London office.
I must return worthy of both of them.
我明白了 你认为他们不会赞同
I see. And you don’t think they’d approve…
of your giving me a list of your richest clients.
老实说 你具有很高的风险
Officially, you come under the category of extremely bad risk.
回头见 休森 很高兴认识你
Well, see you later, Hughson. It’s always a pleasure…
遇到一个保险经纪人 任何人都会想要获得高额的理赔
to meet an insurance agent who enjoys paying off expensive claims.
但是 私底下 你很有希望
However, unofficially, there’s hope for you.
-我相信 -我们面对一个大好的机会
– I was sure there would be. – We’re both taking a big chance.
真的吗 如果我被抓到 你会怎样
Really? What happens to you if I’m caught?
我可能会很尴尬 甚至会被谴责
I might be embarrassed, even censured officially.
They could put me away for good.
我冒所有的风险 而你能拿回所有的珠宝
I take all the risks. You get all the jewelry back.
罗比先生 只有老实人才会这么愚蠢
It strikes me that only an honest man would be so foolish.
Thank you.
-你需要多少名单 -只要排在最顶端的那些
– How much of a list do you need? – Only the top half dozen names.
-还要别的吗 -住址 习惯 任何资料
– Anything else? – The addresses, habits… whatever.
Descriptions of the stones and settings.
-万一落入坏人手中呢 -也许已经落入了
– If it falls into the wrong hands? – Perhaps it already has.
-除非你监守自盗 -不错的主意
– Unless you’ve pulled the thefts. – Not a bad idea.
-你住在哪里 -坎城卡尔顿
– Where are you staying? – The Carlton, Cannes.
不 朋友 中午别喝太多
No, my dear fellow, not in the middle of the day.
谢谢 乔娜
Merci, Germaine.
Bring it to the table with you.
Come along.
现在这种情况下 你认为牠是在打广♥告♥吗
Under the present circumstances, do you think it pays to advertise?
He hasn’t left the villa in years.
嗯 你喜欢这地方吗
Well, how do you like the place?
非常喜欢 这里简直像是度假天堂
Immensely. It’s a kind of travel-folder heaven…
where a man dreams he’ll go when he retires.
现在 关于那份拥有珠宝的 顾客名单
Now, about that list of clients who have jewelry worth stealing…
我们为何不先享用午餐 时间还很多啊
Why don’t we enjoy our lunch first? There’s plenty of time.
I don’t want to seem impatient…
但是我必须在10天内 拿出能让检察官信服的东西
but in 10 days I have to come up with something convincing…for the examining magistrate.
It’s a very nice custom they have here in France:
基于证据不足 给予暂时的自♥由♥
Provisional liberty based upon insufficient evidence.
但是 那不可能给我太多时间
But, alas, that may not last long for me.
Bertani said you were a celebrity in the Underground Army.
I was in the Resistance.
-你杀过很多人吗 -72个
– Did you kill many people? – Seventy-two.
I know what would have pleased you, though.
Not one of them was insured.
显然你很有品味 在许多方面
You’re a man of obvious good taste in… everything.
为什么你 我是说 为什么你要
How did you… I mean, why did you…
-为什么我要偷窃 -是的
– Why did I take up stealing? – Yes.
为活的更好 拥有我付不起之物
To live better, to own things I couldn’t afford.
To acquire this good taste which you now enjoy…
and which I should be very reluctant to give up.
-你就不能撒点谎吗 -我尽量
– You were frankly dishonest? – I tried to be.
I thought you’d have some defense, some tale of hardship.
Your mother ran off when you were young.
Your father beat you or something.
不 我曾是美国马戏的空中飞人 跟着马戏团在欧洲表演
No, I was a member of an American trapeze act…in the circus that traveled in Europe.
马戏团解散后 我陷入困境 所以把好身手发挥在更有价值之处
It folded, and I was stranded, so I put my agility…
我只偷有钱人 谁也不会挨饿
I only stole from people who wouldn’t go hungry.
Your plate.
这是洛林咸派 我想你会喜欢这个
This is a quiche Lorraine. I think you’ll enjoy this.
是 我听过 看来很可口
Yes, I’ve heard of it. It looks delicious.
真美味 这点心像空气一样松软
It’s wonderful. And the pastry is as light as air.
乔娜有双灵巧的手 手艺精湛
Germaine has sensitive hands, an exceedingly light touch.
without a sound.
What an extraordinary woman.
I take it you were a sort of modern Robin Hood.
You gave away most of the proceeds of your crimes.
Kept everything myself.
我们面对现实吧 我是个不折不扣的小偷 而你也是
Let’s face it. I was an out-and-out thief, like you.
-别闹了 -不 听我说
– I say, steady, old man. – Wait a minute.
你是否曾偷过旅馆的 烟灰缸或毛巾
Did you ever take an ashtray from a hotel or a towel?
那是纪念品 他们也这么认为的
They’re souvenirs. They expect that.
你的工作有一笔花费津贴 会支付所有饮食费 对吧
You’re given an expense allowance to pay for all the meals…
那么 你会从你的津贴中扣除掉 这一顿午餐吗
Are you going to deduct the price of a lunch from your expense account?
当然 你不会 因为那很愚蠢 你同意吗
Of course you’re not. It would be stupid. Do you agree?
-是的 -你是个贼
– Yes. – You’re a thief.
只是业余的 但那会让你体谅 我们专业人士
Only an amateur, but it’ll help you to sympathize with us professionals.
-我想我不太明白 -我们这么说吧
– I don’t think I understand fully. – Let’s look at it this way.
You’re sorry you took the ashtray or towel, aren’t you?
I can’t possibly deduct every item from my expense account.
-我才没有那种美国时间 -总有一天你会做的
– I frankly couldn’t spare the time. – Someday you’ll wish you had.
每次旅馆的烟灰缸丢了 他们不会找你
Every time an ashtray is missing, they don’t come looking for you.
But let a diamond bracelet disappear in France…
and they shout, “John Robie, the Cat!”
你不必每天浪费时间 去证明自己的清白 但我却需要
You don’t have to spend every day of your life…proving your honesty, but I do.
Let’s get down to business. The list.
