Sinead, do you have those figures for me?
累计的利息 斯万尼先生 超过了百分之五百
The accumulative interest, Mr Sweeney, is over 500 percent.
如果你不偿还 利息当然会累积
Interest is bound to accumulate if you’re not making repayments.
That’s normal commercial practice.
你就吹吧 斯万尼 五百 你吹吧
Come off it now, Sweeney, 500? Come off it!
这是商场惯例 你要我怎么做
It’s standard normal practice. What am I supposed to do?
This is a recognised court under the authority of Dail Eireann,
and a bit of decorum is required.
直说吧 在这事上我同情拉夫特夫人
Frankly, my sympathies lie with Mrs Rafferty in this matter.
That’s very clear.
Those are extortionate interest rates to be charging.
It’s abuse of your position in the community to be charging that.
This is a republic court not an English court.
我在此命令你偿还拉夫特夫人 十先令又六便士
I hereby order you to repay Mrs Rafferty ten shillings and sixpence.
你有七天时间偿付 到下周的今天为止
You have seven days in which to do so. That is this day next week.
我还钱给她 你和我开玩笑吗
Me repay her? Are you joking me?
我才不会付钱给她 是她欠我的钱
There’s no way I’m paying money to her. She’s the one who owes me money!
我才是受害人 请坐下
I’m the aggrieved party here. Sit down, please.
You’re asking me to waive my interest.
别人欠我钱 你却觉得这是公正
I’m the one who’s owed money. And you call that justice?
-坐下 -你得到了你要的结果
-Sit down! -You got the result that you wanted.
A kangaroo court is what it is.
我付钱给她 没门 让我走
Me pay her? No way! Let me go!
你打算干什么 把我指甲拔♥出♥来♥
What are you going to do? Pull my fingernails off?
腿张开 手放头上
Spread your legs. Get your hands above your head.
别碰我 看上帝的份上
Let go of me! For God’s sake!
把他带回来 把他带回来
Bring him back here. Bring him back. Bring him back here.
Teddy O’Donovars after taking Mr Sweeney off us.
He’s taken him out the front door of the court.
Teddy O’Donovan!
泰迪·奥多诺万 马上回法庭来
Teddy O’Donovan, come back into this courthouse immediately!
泰迪·奥多诺万 我不会在这等你一整天的
Teddy O’Donovan, I’m not standing here all day for you!
泰迪·奥多诺万 回来
Teddy O’Donovan, come back here, please.
你以为你是谁 竟然干涉法庭的决定
Who the hell do you think you are to interfere with a court decision?
-莉莉 冷静一下 -回答问题
-Lily, calm down for second. -Answer the question.
You answer my question.
Do you want every merchant and businessman up against us?
You’re interfering with the court’s decision.
你要把我关进监狱吗 那谁来作战 你
Are you going to throw me in jail? Who’ll fight the war then? You?
斯万尼先生对拉夫特夫人的 所作所为是错的
What Mr Sweeney did to Mrs Rafferty was wrong.
是错的 但我需要他的钱买♥♥武器
It was wrong, but I need the mars money to buy weapons.
没武器我们不能作战 你难道要用球棍作战
We can’t fight a war without weapons. Are you gonna fight it with a hurl?
如果你藐视我们 我们还怎么维持人♥民♥的信任
How do we maintain the trust of the people if you undermine us?
We maintain their trust with weapons in our hands.
靠的是我们有人 在这个镇的四角保卫这个镇
We have men on the four corners of this town defending this town.
We took it from the British with force.
And the first judgement of this, an independent court,
you have undermined by deciding to settle it in a pub.
He provides us with money to buy weapons.
There is a consignment coming in from Glasgow in the next few weeks.
他要是关在牢里生气 我怎么付钱
Tell me how I’ll pay for that if he’s in a cell sulking.
我们应该执行法庭的判决 我自愿执行 有谁附议
We should enforce the court’s decision. I’m volunteering. Anyone else?
等等 等等 现在在打仗呢 对吧
Hold on a minute. Hold on. There’s a war on, right?
我们有一个目标 把英国人赶出爱尔兰
We have one objective, to get the British out of Ireland.
And the Sweeneys of this world give us rifles,
这可比一箱烂菜重要多了 懂不懂
more important than a box of fucking groceries. A little clarity now.
说的好 罗利 说的好
Well said, Rory boy. Well said.
Paint the town Republican green,
but underneath, we’re still the same as the English.
我们和英国佬不一样 总比涂成红色强
We’re not the same as the English. Better than painting it red.
Ah, shut up!
别激动 别激动
Easy! Take it easy.
人人公正 人人平等 拿一份宣言来看看吧
Justice and equality for all. Take a copy of the proclamation.
He’s grand. He’s grand.
-你觉得有意思吗 -非常 非常有意思
-Are you boys finding this funny? -Very, very funny.
翻翻你们的口袋 里面有多少钱
Turn out your pockets. How much money have you got in your pocket?
小心点 丹 安静 安静
Be careful there, Dan. Be quiet. Be quiet.
-有多少 -你在说什么
-How much money have you got? -What you talking about?
你就不能回答一个礼貌的问题吗 你有多少钱
Can you not answer a civil question? How much money have you got?
回答他 蒂姆 多少
Answer him, Tim. How much?
我有一个先令 行了吗
I have a shilling, alright?
奈德 你拥有多少土地
Ned, how much land do you own?
回答我 快点 你名下有哪怕一片草地吗
Answer me, come on. Have you a blade of grass to your name?
No, not a blade.
这些都是好小伙子 让我把话说完
These boys are fine. Let me finish.
听我说 你们都是穷♥人♥ 和我一样
I’m talking here. Right, you’re paupers, just like me.
看看这个国家 看有多少义勇军
Take a look at this country and see the amount of volunteers
参加了没收土地和牲口的勾当 知道为什么吗
that are involved in land seizures, cattle drives. Know why that is?
-够了 -不够
-That’s enough of that. -It’s not enough of it!
爱尔兰共和军在帮着地主 压♥迫♥你我这样的人
The IRA are backing the landlords and crushing people like you and me.
-你昨晚还和爱尔兰共和军坐在一起呢 -听我说话
-You sat down with the IRA last night. -I’m talking here!
You want madness up and down the country?
等等 两分钟前 你们都看到这一切了
Hold on. You saw it here two minutes ago.
These boys backing the local bigwig
and selling out a mother who hasn’t got a penny.
Just like yours!
泰迪 泰迪 不管你给我下什么命令我都会服从
Teddy…Teddy, I have no problem taking any order you want to give me.
I’ll jump off a cliff, if you want.
But you sure as hell better respect this court.
-丹 -这是我们的政♥府♥
-Dan. -This is our government.
I understand what you’re saying.
I will pay for the womars groceries out of my own pocket.
It’s not about that!
Right there.
We buried him in this chapel in the mountains.
And I went down and…
and I told his mother.
His mother who has cooked meals for me and her son.
我告诉她的时候 她就直盯着我看
And when I told her she…she just looked at me.
然后她进屋 穿上了鞋
And then she went in and she put on her shoes.
她出门对我说 带我去看我的孩子
And she come out and she said, Take me to my child.
我们走了六个钟头 她一句话都没说
And we walked for six hours and she didn’t say one word.
Then we got to the chapel.
And I showed her the grave.
我在坟上树了个十字架 还放了几朵花
And I’d put a…cross and some flowers on it.
她转过身来对我说 我再也不要见到你
And she turned to me and she said, I never want to see your face again.
我已经踩过线了 辛妮
I’ve crossed the line now, Sinead.
我要多陪陪你 戴米恩·奥多诺万
I want time with you, Damien O’Donovan.
I can’t feel anything.
奉圣父 圣子 圣灵之名
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
好了 泰迪
Right, Ted.
可以了 神父 谢谢
That’s all, Father. Thanks.

我要给小伙子们祝福 芬巴
I’ll give the boys a blessing, Finbar.
我主耶稣基♥督♥ 为了你们每一个人
May our Lord Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself on the cross
for each and every one of you…
may He grant you the strength and courage
to deal with the trials and tribulations that lie before you.
奉圣父 圣子 圣灵之名
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
康哥 去那儿
Congo, in there.
内德 去戴米恩右边
Ned, just on Damiers right.
芬巴 去那一头
Finbar, on the far side.
就在 对 在内德右边
Just by…Yeah, on Ned’s right.
是辅助师 弟兄们 辅助师
Auxies, lads! Auxies!
辅助师 辅助师
Auxies! Auxies!
Fall out!
Cease fire!
戴米恩 康哥
Damien. Congo.
Go down and check.
