– Yeah. – Yeah.
据说佛陀在找到 助他开悟的菩提树之前
Sir, they say Lord Buddha walked on that path
until he found the Tree of Enlightenment.
-真的? -真的
– Really? – Yes.
抱歉 我觉得你们也得敬神
Pardon me, but I think you should do the same.
-否则 据说你们会不孕不育 -不会的
– Otherwise, they say you become infertile. – No.
-好吧 我们也要这么做 -不要!
– Okay, we need to do this. – No!
怎么做的?左边、右边 然后摸一下头 快照做
What is it? Left, right, and then your head. Just do it.
每经过一棵树、一块石头、一座庙 我就让他们做敬神的动作
I gave them reactions of piety for every tree, rock, and temple we passed.
先生 您看到那边那座山吗?
Do you see that hill over there, sir?
I was like a sadhu to them.
Left, right, head.
-左边、右边、摸头 -左边、右边、摸头
– Left, right, head. – Left, right, head.
I dropped them off at Mr. Ashok’s uncle’s villa.
We called him the Buffalo.
然后我知道 我该回去见自己的家人了
Then I knew I had to face my family.
大叔好 你们都好吗?
Hi, uncle, how are you all doing?
哥 你还好吗?
How’s it going, brother?
Now he remembers his family.
自从你去了德里 就没有寄过一分钱回家
You haven’t sent money home since you went to Delhi.
哥 别生我的气 现在我不是回来了嘛?
Forgive me, brother. I’m here now.
My grandson is a very big man!
But he forces his Granny to do all his work for him.
This is the fate of an old woman in this world.
我想把他带去德里 帮他逃离这一切
I wanted to bring him to Delhi and save him from all this.
Eat the chicken.
I made it myself.
You haven’t had any like it in ages.
Ashok Sir is a vegetarian.
America made him completely lose his mind.
I’m thinking of doing the same.
What? Are you a Brahmin?
吃吧 你都瘦成这样了
Eat. You’ve gotten so thin.
要吃得壮壮的 好参加婚礼
A body should be filled out for marriage.
-谁要结婚? -你啊!
– Whose marriage? – Yours!
We found a girl for you.
到年底 你就结婚
You’ll be married by the end of the year.
我需要点时间 我没准备好结婚
I need time. I’m not ready to get married.
Not ready?
Just eat the chicken.
I don’t want to get married.
你不要再只考虑自己 开始替你家人想一想吧
Stop thinking of yourself and start thinking of the family.
-你不是阿肖克先生 -你听不懂吗?
– You’re not Ashok Sir. – Did you not understand?
Are you going to force me? I don’t want to get married!
You’re driving me insane.
Where are you going? Stop!
What happened?
-你必须继续寄钱回家 -我不会寄的
– You must keep sending money. – I won’t send it.
That’s the family’s money!
她吸你的血 把你吸得只剩一副空壳
She’s sucked the blood out of you and left you a shell.
然后她会任你死掉 就像爸爸一样
And she’ll leave you to die, like Dad.
我为什么不吃肉? 平姬为什么穿裤子?
Why don’t I eat meat? Why does Pinky wear pants?
我们为什么不生孩子? 他们唠叨个不停
Why don’t we have kids? They won’t stop.
-我觉得我们不该再回去了 先生 -或许吧
-I think we should not go back there, sir. -Maybe.
印度每建三栋楼 就有一栋建在班加罗尔
You know, one in every three buildings in India is built in Bangalore.
You know why?
-因为美国的外包生意 -多元化 先生?
– Outsourcing with the US. – Diversifying, sir?
是的 没错 你可以嘛 巴拉姆
Yeah, right. Not bad, Balram.
I’m thinking to offer financial services.
There’s so many Wall Street firms I know.
先生 我现在就可以 开车送您去班加罗尔
I can drive you to Bangalore right now, sir.
-现在? -是的 先生
– Right now? – Yes, sir.
-那得穿越整个印度 -没关系 我不需要睡觉
– It’s on the opposite side of the country. – It’s okay, sir.
-我可以通宵开车 -不了 谢谢你
-I don’t need sleep. I can drive all night. -No, thank you.
我必须先做个商业计划 要做就得做像样
I got to make a business plan first. Do it the right way.
您肯定会的 先生
You will, sir. You will.
对 我肯定会的
Yes. I will.
-阿肖克! -什么事?
– Ashoky! – Yeah?
如果阿肖克先生是真正的创业者 如果我们那天去了班加罗尔
If only Mr. Ashok was a real entrepreneur,if only we had left for Bangalore that very day,
then things would’ve turned out differently for us.
有钱人天生就有大把机遇 他们浪费得起
Rich men are born with opportunities they can waste.
But a poor man?
我们到底是要回家 还是说他想留在这里?
Feels like, “Are we gonna go back home, or does he want to stay here?”
你得跟他谈谈 表明立场
You need to talk. Put your foot down.
Yeah, but he’s not had that conversation with me.
我觉得他一直含糊其辞 因为他自己也没有想好…
I think he’s being vague because he hasn’t figured it out…
Balram! What are you doing?
-这是给你们的姜茶 夫人 -你的手
– Your ginger teas, madam? – With your hand.
What’s he doing?
平姬 这太恶心了
Pinky, this is disgusting.
你的制♥服♥脏死了 而且嘴巴里整天都有槟榔味
Your uniform is filthy and your mouth smells of that paan all day. Just?
Ugh! Just pick up this tea and leave.
-再拿个杯子过来 -是 夫人
– Bring another cup. – Yes, Madam.
After you wash your hands.
他平时不是这样的 不好意思
He’s not usually like that. I’m sorry.
不 低种姓的这些人都一样
These lower castes, na, they’re all the same.
-下次见 -再来看我
– See you soon. – Keep visiting, okay?
-跟阿肖克聊一聊 好吗? -我会的 再见
– Talk to Ashok, yeah? – I will. Bye.
-巴拉姆? -什么事 夫人?
– Balram? – Ji, madam?
Come here, please.
-过来 -夫人 我很抱歉 我下次不会了
– Come here. – Madam, I’m really sorry. I will stop.
-没事 坐吧 -我再也不嚼槟榔了
– It’s fine. Sit. Sit. – I will stop eating paan, madam.
不是 我不是想说那个…坐吧
No. That’s not what I’m?Just sit down.
I think it’s wrong the way you work for us.
你该把书念完 组建自己的家庭
You should be finishing your education, starting your own family.
Ashok Sir and you are family to me, madam.
-别说这种话 事实不是这样的 -是真的 夫人
– Don’t say that. That’s not true, Balram. – Really, madam.
不 你不可能真的相信这种事
No, you can’t possibly believe that.
Do you know what my parents do in America?
They run this shitty little bodega in Jackson Heights,
selling beer, paan, and porn.
I used to do my homework in the basement.
有天晚上 我看见我妈妈被人用枪指着脑袋
One night I saw my mom being held at gunpoint,
and she still finished working the entire night.
我跳出了那个环境 巴拉姆 你真正想做的是什么?
I got out, Balram.What is it that you want to do?
-我想服侍您和阿肖克先生 -不对
– I want to serve you and Ashok Sir. – No.
-好了 别说了 停 -真的
– Okay, stop. No. – Really, madam.
别再说这种话 这整套种姓制度完全是狗屁
Stop saying that. That’s why this caste system thing is total bullshit.
穆克什就曾经用种姓当借口 阻止阿肖克娶我
You know, Mukesh tried to stop Ashok from marrying me because of this caste thing.
Well, fuck him.
And fuck that.
-这是牙膏吗 大叔? -是 这个特别好用
– Is this toothpaste? – Yes, it’s terrific,
whiten your teeth.
-哪里可以买♥♥止痒的东西? -药店
– Where can I find something for an itch? – The medicine shop.
Five hundred!
-这些是去办公室穿的吗? -对 看看吧
– Are these for the office? – Yep, take a look.
那些两百 这是皮的 质量更好
Those are 200. This is leather, better quality.
Hundred-rupee sale!
-这个多少钱? -一百卢比大甩卖♥♥!
– How much? – A hundred rupees sale!
Pick any one.
裤子250卢比 这是很好的牌子货
And 250 for the pant.It’s a good designer pant.
我爸爸为什么从来没教过我 不要挠裆下?
Why had my father never told me not to scratch my groin?
Why had he never taught me to brush my teeth?
他为什么把我养大成人 却让我像牲口一样生活?
Why had he raised me to live like such an animal?
要是人能如此轻易地 把自己的过去吐出来就好了
If only a man could spit his past out so easily.
If you asked me to explain how one event connects to another
或者一个动机 如何增强或削弱了下一个动机
or how one motive strengthens or weakens the next,
我会跟您说 我完全不了解这些事
I’ll tell you I don’t understand these things.
我得提醒您 从这里往下 我的故事会变得阴暗很多
