-她是美国人? -不 她是印度人
– Is she American? – No, no, she’s Indian.
她是在这里出生的 12岁才搬去了美国
She was born here. She moved there when she was 12.
She told me.
She talks to you?
Talks to me?
She tells me everything.
I’m their number one driver.
Are you serious?
Can I also come inside?
-不行 -为什么?
– It’s not allowed. – Why?
为什么? 被穆克什逮着了 我会挨骂的!
What do you mean, “why”? If Mukesh sees, he’ll scold me.
-保重! -好 你也是!
– Take care. – Yes, you too.
我真是个白♥痴♥ 那段时间刚好是斋戒月
What a fool I had been. It was Ramadan.
Of course he couldn’t eat and drink during the day.
原来头号♥司机是穆♥斯♥林♥ 而阿鹳很讨厌穆♥斯♥林♥
The number one driver was a Muslim, and the Stork hated Muslims.
夫人的名字天长地久 与日月同辉!
As long as there is a sun and a moon, madam’s name will remain!
Long live the madam!
Long live socialism!
I almost fell down.
There was the woman
I had seen on a million election posters since I was a boy.
The Great Socialist.
她出身低种姓 跟我和所有来自黑暗之地的人一样
She was a low caste, like me and everyone from the darkness.
Like a good entrepreneur,
不断往上爬 成为了我们邦的首席部长
she had pulled herself up to become chief minister of our state.
她很懂得跟富人对着干 因此她深得我们的爱戴
She knew how to stick it to the rich, and we liked her for that.
You take coal from the government mines
不用交税 这是因为有我罩着
without paying taxes because I let it happen.
我们对您的恩惠也有所表示啊 夫人
And we have shown our appreciation for that, madam.
两百万卢比太多了 我们很乐意…
Two million rupees is a little too much.We’ll be happy for some…
Son! Come here.
-您需要什么吗 夫人? -我可以去拿
– Did you need something? – I can get it.
-孩子!过来 孩子 -过来呀 王八蛋!
-Come here, son. -Come here, fucker!
Your rich employers are trying to bugger me.
-你对这有什么话要说? -司机 快滚
-What do you say to that? -Driver, get lost.
闭嘴 王八蛋!
Shut up, mother-fucker!
你们不想向政♥府♥缴税 就得给我钱
You don’t want to pay the government, pay me.
2.5 million rupees.
And I mean it!
否则就滚回老家去 当初是我 把你们从那里提拔♥出♥来♥的!
Otherwise, back to Laxmangarh, where I first found you hicks!
Why pay this small-time sister-fucker?
我们直接去德里 收买♥♥反对党的人
Let’s go straight to Delhi and pay off the opposing party.
She’s going to lose the next election.
爸 我同意 我想去德里
I agree. Papa, I want to go to Delhi.
你留在这里熟悉家族生意 这事让我和穆克什来处理
Stay here, learn the family business.Let me and Mukesh handle this.
-爸 求你了 -爸 容我说两句 抱歉
– Come on… – Papa, if I may. Sorry.
You should not have been disrespected the way you were today.
这个处境本来是可以避免的 稍等
That shouldn’t have happened. Shh! One second.
德里是个国际都市 跟纽约类似
Delhi is an international city like New York.
阿肖克 告诉她 她在这里没资格说话
Hey, Ashok. Tell her this is not a place for her to talk.
我的天啊 我就坐在你对面 你可以直接跟我说话
Oh, my God! Excuse me.I’m sitting right here. You can speak to me.
我是脊椎指压治疗师 有纽约大学的理疗博士学位
I am a doctor of chiropractic with a DPT from NYU.
那种纸张适合挂在卧室墙上装饰 卧室才是她该待的地方
Pieces of paper are good for hanging on the bedroom walls, where she belongs.
好吧 别拦着我 你猜怎么着?
Okay, you know what? No. You know what?
我和阿肖克要去德里 解决你们偷税漏税的问题
Me and Ashok are gonna go to Delhi,we’re gonna solve your tax fraud problem,
再给你寄一张明信片 你觉得怎么样?
and send you a postcard. How about that?
Where did Pinky Madam’s aggression come from?
-她根本不在乎传统 -我了解我丈夫!
– She didn’t care about traditions. – I know my husband!
他们给头号♥司机一笔奖金 让他开车送我的主人去德里
And when the number one driver got a bonus to drive my master to Delhi,
I did something I wish I did not have to tell you.
-你在干什么? -啊 你来了!
– What are you doing? – Oh, here you are!
事实上 我得开车 送阿肖克先生去德里
Actually, I gotta drive Ashok Sir to Delhi.
I gotta make the Pajero look perfect.
你搞错了 要送他们去德里的是我
You’re mistaken. I’m taking them to Delhi.
Really? To visit all the mosques there?
Get away from that.
I don’t think Mukesh Sir wants to give
Mohammad Mohammad, or whatever your name is?
a raise of 3,000 rupees.
I’ve been their driver for 20 years.
Mr. Ashok is like my own son.
他还小的时候 都是我开车送他去上学的
I drove him to school when he was a boy.
That’s a good point.
但只有真♥主♥才知道 你给我可怜的主人灌输了什么思想!
But only Allah knows what corrupt ideas you put into my poor master’s mind.
求你了 我有家人要养
Please, sir, I have a family.
Don’t we all.
What a miserable life,
不得不隐瞒自己的宗教、改名换姓 只为了当仆人挣口饭吃
having to hide his religion and name just to get a job as a servant.
我很想向他冲过去 向他道歉
I wanted to run to him and apologize.
“你开车送他们去德里吧” 请原谅我 兄弟
“You go be their driver in Delhi.”Forgive me, brother.
你绝不知道 这些神像什么时候会用得上
You never know when they’ll come in handy.
I’m going to Delhi in an air-conditioned car!
-老公 我的车门… -知道了
– Babe, my door’s… – Yeah.
-我要尿尿 -宝贝真可怜!
-I gotta pee. -Oh, no, poor baby!
-巴拉姆 你拿行李没问题吧? -没问题
– Balram, you okay with the bags? – Ji, madam.
那里有门房♥车 你该去拿一个
There’s a concierge cart over there which you should get.
把行李都拿出来 把车停好了
Take all the luggage out, and park the car properly.
是 先生
Ji, sir.
That whole area is amazing.
有几样东西太闪亮了 我想换掉
There’s a few things that are too shiny, which I wanna change.
-找个地方把行李放好 -看看阳台!
– Put the bags down somewhere. – Look at the balcony, baby!
-是天空 先生! -干吗?你想看流星?
– The sky, sir! – What? You want to see the shooting star?
把行李放在我指定的房♥间 把这地方弄干净
Put the bags in the rooms I tell you, and get this place cleaned up.
给阿肖克先生做好晚饭后 我把车子开到了地下车♥库♥
After making dinner for Mr. Ashok,I took the car down to the garage.
所有仆人都住在那里 包括司机
That’s where all the servants lived, including the drivers.
要知道 德里的马路很平缓
The thing to know about Delhi is the roads are smooth,
这里的人都不是善类 这里的警♥察♥更是黑透了
the people are bad, and the police are rotten.
主人的衣服在这里洗干净 然后会被送上楼去
The masters’ clothes get washed here and sent back up.
Toilets are here.
你的老板找你的时候 这部电♥话♥会响
This phone rings when your boss wants you.
你想祈祷的话 这里还有个庙
There’s even a temple if you wanna pray.
And here is our den of pleasures.
When we have money, we play cards here.
这个司机得了一种 叫“白癜风”的皮肤病
This driver had a skin disease called vitiligo
这让他看起来像个小丑 他的样子让我犯恶心
that made him look like a clown.It made my stomach churn.
疯狂好玩的事在这里应有尽有! 来吧!
All the crazy fun happens here! Come!
你不当心的话 会被蚊子给吃了
If you’re not careful, the mosquitos will eat you alive.
如果被它们传染了疟疾 你会好几个星期病得像一条狗
If they carry malaria, you’ll be sick as a dog for weeks.
But if it’s a dengue mosquito?
I swear on my mother, you’ll shiver all over,
and you’ll die for sure.
-被蚊子咬一口就死掉? -绝对的
– Die from a mosquito? – Definitely.
This is your room.
真不错 我跟谁同住?
Nice. But who am I sharing it with?
-你打算把你的家人带过来? -不是
– You plan on bringing your family? – No.
-你想找人滚床单? -不是
– You have plans to do some fucking? – No.
-你的小♥弟♥弟♥还好吧? -这个娘炮是谁?
– How’s your little guy? – Who’s this homo pussy?
Get going.
-检查他的袋子 -我会检查
– Check his bag. – I’m looking.
-得了 走吧! -老兄 让我们看一眼
– Come on, get! – Bro, let us have a look.
This asshole’s uniform’s nicer than yours.
-我看他的袋子就知道他没个卵用 -好了 乡下老鼠…
– Can tell by his bag he’s useless. – So, Country Mouse?
how much they paying you?
够用吧 我很满意
Enough. I’m happy.
Ah! You’re a sweet, loyal dog, eh?
我尽量往后仰 远离他的脸
I tilted my body as far as I could from his face.
If your boss wants anything?
I have it all.
Foreign wines?
Golf balls.
